Freelance Marketplace Statistics


Freelance Marketplace Statistics: Essential Trends and Figures in 2023

Welcome to the freelance revolution! With the rise of the gig economy, more people than ever are turning to freelancing for its flexibility and income potential. In today’s professional world, freelancing stands as a formidable force, reshaping the traditional notions of employment and career paths. As the global workforce undergoes a transformative shift towards flexibility and independence, it becomes imperative to delve into the intricate nuances of the freelancing ecosystem by becoming aware of the crucial freelance marketplace statistics.

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But what is the current state of the freelance market? How is it changing, and what does this mean for you? Let’s dive into some freelance marketplace statistics to find out.

Key Takeaways

  • The freelance industry has seen rapid growth, with an estimated global workforce of 1.56 billion and projected to be the majority in the US by 2027.
  • Freelancers can earn competitive wages across a range of industries and platforms, with web/mobile development, marketing & legal earning $28 per hour on average.
  • The gig economy is experiencing significant growth due to increased demand for flexible work & access to specialized skillsets worldwide.

1. The Current State of Freelance Work

freelance marketplaces

The freelance industry, also known as the freelance economy, has seen dramatic changes in recent years. A global surge in the number of freelancers, coupled with significant shifts in earnings and the rise of the gig economy, has revolutionized the world of work. The freelance workforce now spans the globe, with millions embracing the flexibility and income potential that comes with it.

Digital platforms have erased geographical boundaries, providing freelancers with broader opportunities.

1.1 Why Freelance Marketplace Statistics and Trends Matter

Beyond the sheer magnitude of freelancers, understanding the statistics and trends that underpin this ecosystem is paramount. It is not merely about numbers but about decoding the intricate patterns that shape the trajectory of freelancing. The importance lies in foreseeing the evolution of work structures, identifying emerging opportunities, and comprehending the challenges that both freelancers and businesses face in this paradigm shift.

1.2 Global Surge in Freelance Workers

The latest freelancing statistics reveal a consistent growth in the freelance workforce. With an estimated 1.57 billion individuals worldwide engaging in freelance work, the gig economy is truly on the rise. The number of freelancers is expected to keep increasing, with countries like:

leading the way as freelancing hotspots.

1.3 Earnings Snapshot: How Much Do Freelancers Make?

The earnings perspective is also promising. Freelancers often command higher hourly wages compared to traditional employment, with their earning potential varying based on factors like location, skillset, and experience.

average annual earnings of freelancers


For instance, the average freelancer in the fields of web/mobile development, marketing, and legal can earn an average of $28 per hour, with top-tier professionals commanding even higher rates.

2. The Rise of the Gig Economy

Alongside the growth in the number of freelancers, the gig economy is also experiencing rapid expansion. The global freelance platforms market, which includes key players such as Upwork, Fiverr, CloudDevs, and Toptal, is expected to reach $9.19 billion by 2027, reflecting a compound annual growth rate of 16.5% from 2023 to 2030.

These platforms have transformed the way work is done, offering freelancers a variety of opportunities to connect with clients and businesses across the globe.

The paradigm shift toward freelance work, as highlighted in a 2019 study by and the Freelancers Union, underscores a significant trend in the U.S. workforce. Approximately 57 million Americans, constituting around 36 percent of the workforce, were engaged in freelancing, resulting in an impressive $1.4 trillion in earnings. This transformation presents a valuable opportunity for businesses seeking to optimize their workforce.

Rather than competing with resource-rich large corporations, small businesses can leverage freelancers to access top-tier talent without straining their budgets. A recent LinkedIn survey revealed that 70 percent of small businesses have enlisted freelancers, with half of these hires occurring within the past three months. Moreover, 81 percent of these businesses express intentions to bring on more freelancers in the near future.

3. Importance of understanding freelance marketplace statistics and trends

Staying updated with the latest freelance market statistics and trends is key to succeeding in this industry. These insights offer an overview of the current freelance market and help anticipate future trends. With the gig economy continuously evolving, understanding these trends enables individuals to make well-informed career decisions, recognize high-demand markets, and establish competitive rates.

3.1 Explore the current number of freelancers globally

percentage of freelancers worldwide


How many freelancers are there in the world? The freelance workforce spans across various regions and countries; it is a global phenomenon. With an estimated 1.56 billion freelancers worldwide, freelancers make up approximately 46.7% of the global workforce. The industries attracting the highest number of freelancers include professional services, creative services, and computer programming.

3.2 The trajectory towards freelancers becoming the U.S. majority workforce

The freelance workforce is expanding not only globally but also significantly in the United States. It is anticipated that by 2027, freelancers will account for 50.9 percent of the total U.S. workforce, amounting to 86.5 million individuals. This shift towards freelance work is driven by factors such as the growing demand for job flexibility, the opportunity for additional income, and changing demographics and work attitudes.

4. Current Freelance Landscape: 2023 Statistics

A glimpse into the 2023 freelance landscape reveals the robustness and vitality of the gig economy. The freelance market is projected to experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.3% from 2021 to 2027. In the United Kingdom, there are currently 4.2 million independent workers who contribute approximately £162 billion to the overall UK economy.

However, the situation varies across countries, with some countries like Germany seeing a decrease in the number of freelancers since 2009.

5. Demographics of the Freelancing Industry

The freelancing industry is diverse, mirroring the range of services it provides. Freelancers span across a wide range of age groups, genders, and educational backgrounds. This diversity is reflective of the inclusive nature of the freelance industry, where the focus is more on skills and expertise rather than age or gender.

5.1 Age Dynamics within the Freelance Community

The freelance community exhibits a wide age range. Freelancers range from young professionals starting their careers to seasoned experts seeking a change of pace. Although the average age of freelancers differs by region, younger generations are increasingly embracing freelance work.

In Asia, 82% of freelance workers are 35 years old or younger. This shows a significant trend of younger individuals engaging in freelance work in the region.

5.2 Gender Distribution Among Freelancers

The gender distribution among freelancers also varies, with some industries seeing a more balanced representation than others. In Europe, the gender distribution among male freelancers is 65% men and 35% women. However, in the highly-skilled freelance sector, the gender distribution is more balanced, with a nearly equal representation of men and women.

5.3 Educational Background of Freelancers

With 51% of freelancers holding postgraduate degrees, the educational background of freelancers is indeed impressive. This high level of education among freelancers is a testament to the specialized skills and expertise they bring to the table as skilled workers.

6. Freelance Platforms: Market Analysis and User Behavior

Freelance platforms have changed how freelancers engage with potential clients in the freelance platform market. These platforms offer a range of services and features that benefit both freelancers and businesses.

Understanding the workings and user behavior on these platforms can offer useful insights for both current and budding freelancers.

6.1 Dominant Players in the Global Freelance Platforms Market

Leading platforms such as CloudDevs, Upwork, and Fiverr play a pivotal role in the global freelance marketplace. These platforms have millions of registered users worldwide and offer a diverse range of services, making them an ideal choice for freelancers looking to connect with potential clients.

6.2 Freelancer Usage Patterns on Platforms

Freelancers use these platforms for various purposes, such as finding work, building their portfolios, and establishing long-term relationships with clients. The ability to manage multiple projects and clients simultaneously makes these platforms an excellent choice for freelancers looking to expand their client base.

6.3 Business Adoption of Freelance Talent

The adoption of freelance talent is not just limited to freelancers. Businesses, too, are recognizing the benefits of hiring freelance talent. Some of these benefits include:

  • Access to a global talent pool
  • Cost-effective solutions
  • Flexibility in hiring for specific projects or tasks
  • Ability to tap into specialized skills and expertise

Businesses are increasingly turning to more freelancers to meet their needs.

7. Freelance Revenue Trends

Revenue trends in the freelance industry indicate a promising environment for freelancers. From the growth trajectory of freelancer earnings to the impact of remote work on freelance income, the revenue trends paint a promising picture of the future of freelancing.

freelance workers in the US


7.1 Growth Trajectory of Freelancer Earnings

Freelancer earnings have seen a consistent upward trajectory over the last five years. In fact, a significant 75% of US freelancers have reported an increase in their income compared to their previous salaried roles.



7.2 Project-Based Income Versus Hourly Rates

Freelancers have the flexibility to choose between project-based income and hourly rates. Project-based income offers the advantage of predictable income and potentially higher earning potential.

On the other hand, hourly rates offer a more transparent billing method and can be a better option for freelancers who prefer to charge based on the amount of time they spend on a project.

7.3 Impact of Remote Work on Freelance Income

The rise of remote work has significantly influenced the income of freelancers. Remote work policies have led to cost savings for freelancers, particularly in terms of commuting expenses, which has positively affected their net income.

8. Freelancing as a Viable Career Path

Freelancing extends beyond being a side job or a temporary gig. It constitutes a feasible and fulfilling career path offering flexibility, autonomy, and the chance to work on projects matching one’s passion and expertise.

8.1 Transitioning to Full-Time Freelancing

Switching from a conventional job to full-time freelancing is a considerable move requiring careful planning and preparation. With the right approach and mindset, transitioning to full-time freelancing can open up a world of opportunities.

8.2 Balancing Work Life as an Independent Contractor

The flexibility that comes with freelancing also brings with it the challenge of balancing work life. From managing multiple clients and projects to maintaining a healthy work-life balance, freelancers need to be adept at juggling various responsibilities.

8.3 Freelancing Post-Economic Downturn

Despite economic downturns, freelancing has proven to be a resilient career path. Businesses seeking cost-effective solutions during economic downturns are increasingly turning to freelancers, driving the growth of the gig economy.

9. Skills and Opportunities in Freelancing

Freelancing provides a wealth of opportunities for those ready to learn and adapt. As the demand for certain skills grows, freelancers have the opportunity to expand their skill sets and take on new challenges.

9.1 In-Demand Skills for Freelancers in 2023

The demand for skills in the freelance market is constantly evolving. In 2023, skills such as web development, graphic design, and digital marketing are in high demand among freelancers.

9.2 Emerging Niches and Specializations

As the freelance market evolves, new niches and specializations emerge. These emerging niches offer new opportunities for freelancers to expand their skill sets and increase their marketability.

9.3 Tech Dominance: The Reign of Development-Related Skills

Within the realm of freelancing, certain skills stand out as indispensable. We emphasize the dominance of development-related skills, where the intersection of technology and creativity takes center stage. From blockchain expertise to proficiency in languages like Python and Java, we dissect the skill set that positions freelancers at the forefront of innovation. By understanding these in-demand skills, freelancers can strategically align themselves with the evolving needs of businesses, ensuring relevance and success in the dynamic freelance marketplace.

9.4 Freelancers’ Role in Innovation and E-commerce

Freelancers play a crucial role in driving innovation and e-commerce. As businesses increasingly rely on their expertise and creativity, freelancers find themselves at the forefront of technological advancements and e-commerce trends.

10. Geographic Insights: Freelance Work Across Continents

Freelance Marketplace Statistics latam

The freelance workforce spreads globally, with freelancers operating from various continents. This global distribution of freelancers presents unique opportunities and challenges in different regions.

10.1 Freelancing Hotspots: The LATAMs and Beyond

Latin America is fast becoming a freelancing hotspot especially when hiring tech talents. Countries like Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina are experiencing rapid growth in the gig economy, making them attractive destinations for freelancers. 

Learn more about the cost of hiring freelancers on our exclusive rates guides below:

10.2 Freelance Workforce in Developed vs. Developing Nations

While the freelance workforce is growing globally, the rate of growth and the nature of freelancing vary between developed and developing nations. Factors like economic conditions, access to technology, and labor market regulations play a significant role in shaping the freelance landscape in these regions.

11. Major Global Tech Talent Platforms: Prominent Tech Talent Platforms Shaping the Future of Freelancing

In the ever-evolving landscape of tech freelancing, a myriad of platforms have risen to prominence, connecting skilled professionals with businesses in need. Here, we present a curated list of major global tech talent platforms that stand out as leaders in this dynamic domain.

1. CloudDevs: Transformative Tech Collaboration with LATAM Developers

CloudDevs has carved its niche as the go-to platform for pre-vetted tech freelancers hand-picked from Latin America. The platform offers a spectrum of skilled professionals across a plethora of development technologies. Known for its seamless project management and highly vetted senior talent, CloudDevs stands as a cornerstone for businesses seeking excellence in development projects.

With a rapidly expanding user base, CloudDevs is undoubtedly the largest developer marketplace in the LATAMs. The platform’s ability to match businesses with top-tier development talent within 24 hours has propelled its rise, making it a pivotal player in the tech freelancing ecosystem.

2. Toptal: Elite Tech Talent on Demand

Toptal has established itself as the go-to platform for accessing elite tech talent on demand. Renowned for its rigorous screening process, Toptal ensures that only the top 3% of applicants make it onto the platform, providing businesses with access to a curated pool of exceptional freelancers across various tech domains.

Toptal’s commitment to quality has fueled its growth, capturing a substantial market size in the elite tech talent sector. As businesses increasingly seek top-tier freelance talent for critical projects, Toptal remains a frontrunner in catering to these specialized needs.

3. Fiverr: Diverse Tech Expertise, Micro-Services Style

Fiverr has redefined the freelancing landscape with its micro-services approach, enabling businesses to access diverse tech expertise at a granular level. From short-term tasks to comprehensive projects, Fiverr offers a marketplace where tech freelancers showcase their skills, providing businesses with a vast array of options.

Fiverr’s unique model has contributed to its widespread adoption, showcasing a significant growth rate and capturing a substantial market share in the realm of diverse tech freelancing. The platform’s versatility appeals to businesses of all sizes, fostering a dynamic and collaborative ecosystem.

4. Upwork: The Pinnacle of Freelance Collaboration

Upwork stands as a pioneer in the freelance industry, connecting businesses with tech freelancers across the globe. With a user-friendly interface and a vast pool of talent, Upwork facilitates seamless collaboration, making it a preferred choice for businesses seeking tech expertise on a flexible basis.

Upwork’s long-standing presence in the freelancing arena has contributed to its steady growth and significant market size capture. The platform’s ability to adapt to evolving industry demands and maintain a diverse talent pool reinforces its position as a leading tech talent platform.

5. Elevating Developer Hiring focuses on elevating the process of hiring developers by utilizing data-driven insights to match businesses with the most suitable candidates. With an emphasis on transparency and efficiency, streamlines the hiring process, ensuring that businesses find the right tech talent for their projects.’s innovative approach to developer hiring has garnered attention, leading to notable growth rates and a substantial market presence. The platform’s commitment to leveraging data for informed decision-making has positioned it as a key player in the tech talent acquisition space.

6. Turing: Global Talent, Local Impact

Turing takes a unique approach by connecting businesses with global tech talent but ensuring a local impact. The platform focuses on providing businesses with access to top-tier developers from around the world while ensuring seamless collaboration and communication, transcending geographical boundaries.

Turing’s distinctive model has contributed to its growth, capturing a notable share in the market. The platform’s commitment to both global talent accessibility and localized impact sets it apart in the tech talent landscape.

7. 99Designs: Creativity meets Tech

While renowned for its emphasis on design, 99Designs also plays a significant role in the intersection of creativity and technology. The platform connects businesses with tech freelancers who bring innovative solutions to the forefront, showcasing the synergy between creative design and technical expertise.

99Designs’ unique approach has led to notable growth, capturing a considerable share in the market where creativity and tech converge. The platform’s ability to facilitate collaborations that blend design and technology sets it apart in the evolving landscape of tech talent platforms.

These major global tech talent platforms collectively shape the trajectory of the freelance tech industry, each contributing its unique strengths and approaches to meet the diverse needs of businesses and freelancers alike.


The freelance landscape is evolving rapidly, with a steady increase in the number of freelancers, the emergence of new niches and specializations, and the rise of the gig economy. The growth of the freelance workforce is driven by factors such as the flexibility of freelance work, access to a global market, and the potential for higher earnings.

As we move forward, the role of freelancers in driving innovation and e-commerce is likely to increase. With the right skills and a flexible approach, freelancing can offer a rewarding and fulfilling career path. Whether you’re a freelancer looking to expand your skill set or a business seeking to tap into the freelance talent pool, the future of freelancing looks promising.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the success rate of freelancing?

Studies have shown that the majority of freelancers are successful, with 80% reportedly achieving job satisfaction and financial stability. Leaders of freelance platforms and marketplaces report 55% being highly or moderately satisfied this year.

What is the future of freelancing statistics?

The freelancing industry is on the rise, with 71% of employees in the US planning to become freelancers by 2023 and an estimated 90.1 million freelancers working across the USA by 2028. Google is even home to more freelancers than permanent employees. This trend indicates that freelancing is increasingly becoming a viable career choice.

What is the freelance trend in 2023?

Freelance jobs in 2023 are expected to be high-paying and in demand, with clients from all over the world. Freelancers will need to possess strong technical and soft skills to stay competitive.

What is the average rate for freelancers?

On average, freelancers charge $28 per hour for their services, as reported in the 2022 Payoneer Global Freelancer Income Report.

What is the freelance industry?

The Freelance Economy is a labor market consisting of self-employed workers offering services in exchange for an agreed-upon payment, rather than permanent positions. It allows individuals to provide services without having to report to an office daily at a specific time.

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