Mobile App Developer Rates


Mobile App Developer Hourly Rates: Influential Cost Factors

According to ZipRecruiter, in the United States mobile app developers typically charge an average hourly rate of approximately $53. However, this figure can fluctuate within a range of $40 to $61 per hour. These rates aren’t uniform across the country; they differ based on geographic location and the level of experience. Generally, senior developers residing in areas with a high cost of living tend to command higher rates compared to their counterparts elsewhere.

In today’s digital age, where smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, mobile applications have emerged as powerful tools for businesses and individuals alike. Whether it’s for enhancing productivity, connecting with customers, or entertaining users, the demand for mobile apps continues to soar. 

However, one of the critical questions that arise during the app development journey is about the cost, particularly the hourly rates of mobile app developers.

Understanding the hourly rates of mobile app developers can be quite complex, as it depends on various factors such as location, experience, expertise, project complexity, and technological requirements. In this blog post, we’ll delve into these factors to provide a comprehensive understanding of what to expect when it comes to mobile app developers’ hourly rates.

1. The Average Hourly Rates for Mobile App Developers 

When comparing the hourly rates for mobile app developers across different platforms such as ZipRecruiter,, and Glassdoor, distinct trends emerge. For junior developers, rates are relatively consistent across the platforms, indicating a standard entry-level rate. Mid-level developers see a slight variation, with offering slightly higher rates compared to ZipRecruiter and Glassdoor. 

However, the most significant differences arise for senior developers, where Glassdoor tends to list higher rates compared to ZipRecruiter and These variations underscore the importance of conducting thorough research and considering multiple sources when determining the appropriate hourly rate for mobile app development services.

2. Influential Factors Shaping Mobile App Developer Hourly Rates

  1. Experience Level: Mobile app developers with more years of experience typically command higher annual salaries. Experienced developers often possess a deeper understanding of programming languages, frameworks, and best practices, which allows them to take on more complex projects and responsibilities.
  2. Geographic Location: Salaries for mobile app developers can vary significantly depending on the region or country. Developers working in tech hubs such as Silicon Valley or New York City tend to earn higher salaries due to the higher cost of living and demand for tech talent in these areas.
  3. Specialized Skills and Expertise: Developers with specialized skills in emerging technologies or niche areas such as machine learning, augmented reality, or blockchain often earn higher salaries. These developers are in high demand as businesses seek to integrate advanced features into their mobile apps.
  4. Company Size and Industry: The size and industry of the employing company can also influence mobile app developer salaries. Larger companies or those in industries such as finance, healthcare, or gaming may offer higher salaries to attract top talent, while startups or smaller companies may offer competitive salaries with additional perks or equity incentives.
  5. Education and Certification: A developer’s level of education, such as a bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science or a related field, can impact their salary. Additionally, obtaining relevant certifications in mobile app development platforms or programming languages may increase earning potential.
  6. Demand and Market Trends: Market demand for mobile app developers and prevailing industry trends can influence salary rates. For example, as the demand for mobile apps continues to grow, developers with skills in popular platforms like iOS and Android may see higher salaries. Similarly, staying updated on emerging technologies and industry trends can help developers remain competitive in the job market and negotiate higher salaries.

3. Hourly Rate Variations for Mobile App Developers Across Regions

Region Hourly Rate (USD)
North America $80 – $250
South America $30 – $100
Western Europe $60 – $200
Eastern Europe $40 – $120
Australia $70 – $150 
Asia $30 – $80
Africa $20 – $60

When comparing hourly rate ranges for mobile app developers across different regions, several trends emerge. North America and Western Europe tend to have the highest hourly rates, reflecting the higher cost of living and demand for skilled developers in these regions. South America, Eastern Europe, and Australia offer competitive rates, making them attractive options for businesses seeking quality development at relatively lower costs. 

Meanwhile, Asia and Africa generally provide more affordable rates, appealing to companies with budget constraints or those looking to outsource development projects. While hourly rates vary across regions, it’s essential to consider factors beyond cost, such as expertise, quality, and communication, when selecting a mobile app developer for a project.

According to when examining mobile app developer salaries across different regions in the United States, several patterns emerge. Washington, Massachusetts, and New York stand out with the highest average salaries, reflecting the concentration of tech hubs and higher living costs in cities like Seattle, Boston, and New York City. 

Meanwhile, states like North Carolina, Arizona, and Georgia offer slightly lower average salaries but still provide competitive compensation for mobile app developers. California, despite being home to Silicon Valley and numerous tech giants, surprisingly falls lower in the ranking, suggesting a broader distribution of talent and job opportunities across the state. Overall, while salary variations exist among different regions, the demand for mobile app developers remains strong across the United States, with opportunities available in various locations.

4. Comparing Hourly Rates: Mobile App Developers vs. Other Technology Roles

Technology Hourly Rate (USD)
Android Developer $49
iOS Developer $57
Flutter Developer $51
FullStack Developer $47
Frontend Developer $47
Backend Developer $46

Hourly rates for different technology roles in mobile app development vary based on specialization. iOS developers command the highest rate, followed closely by Android and Flutter developers, reflecting demand for expertise in respective platforms. FullStack developers offer versatility at a slightly lower rate, while frontend and backend developers round out the list, highlighting their essential roles in crafting interfaces and managing server logic. These rates reflect the demand for specialized skills in mobile app development technologies and the value placed on expertise in specific platforms and frameworks.


Understanding mobile app developers’ hourly rates requires consideration of various factors such as location, experience, project complexity, and technological requirements. While rates may vary widely based on these factors, it’s essential to prioritize quality, expertise, and value proposition when selecting a developer for your mobile app project. By carefully assessing your requirements, negotiating effectively, and partnering with the right developer, you can ensure the successful development and launch of your mobile app within your budget constraints.

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Full Stack Systems Analyst with a strong focus on Flutter development. Over 5 years of expertise in Flutter, creating mobile applications with a user-centric approach.