Android Q & A


How do I handle screen orientation changes in Android?

Screen orientation changes are one of the common scenarios that Android developers need to handle in their apps. Screen orientation changes occur when the user rotates the device from portrait to landscape mode, or vice versa. This can affect the app’s layout, state, and functionality. Therefore, developers need to ensure that their apps can adapt to different screen orientations and provide a consistent and smooth user experience.


There are two main ways to handle screen orientation changes in Android: using the manifest file or using the onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() methods.


Using the manifest file: The manifest file is an XML file that defines the app’s components, permissions, features, and other settings. One of the settings that can be specified in the manifest file is the android:screenOrientation attribute, which determines the screen orientation for each activity. The possible values for this attribute are:


– portrait: The activity is locked in portrait mode.

landscape: The activity is locked in landscape mode.

sensor: The activity follows the device’s sensor and changes orientation accordingly.

user: The activity follows the user’s preference and changes orientation accordingly.

unspecified: The activity inherits the orientation from its parent or the system default.


By using the android:screenOrientation attribute, developers can control the screen orientation for each activity and prevent unwanted orientation changes. However, this approach also has some drawbacks, such as:


  • It limits the user’s choice and flexibility to use the app in different orientations.
  • It may cause inconsistency and confusion if different activities have different orientations.
  • It may not work well with devices that have different aspect ratios or orientations, such as tablets or foldable phones.


Using the onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() methods: The onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() methods are part of the activity lifecycle, which defines how an activity is created, started, resumed, paused, stopped, and destroyed. The onSaveInstanceState() method is called before the activity is destroyed, such as when the screen orientation changes. The onRestoreInstanceState() method is called after the activity is recreated, such as when the screen orientation changes back. These methods allow developers to save and restore the activity’s state, such as the values of the views, the user input, the network requests, and other data.


By using the onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() methods, developers can handle screen orientation changes without losing the activity’s state and functionality. However, this approach also has some challenges, such as:


  • It requires extra code and logic to save and restore the state correctly and efficiently.
  • It may cause memory leaks or performance issues if the state is too large or complex.
  • It may not work well with dynamic or asynchronous data, such as data from databases, web services, or sensors.


Handling screen orientation changes in Android is an important and common task for developers, as it affects the app’s layout, state, and functionality. There are two main ways to handle screen orientation changes in Android: using the manifest file or using the onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() methods. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, and developers need to choose the best one for their app’s requirements and user expectations.

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