Android Q & A


What is the difference between Serializable and Parcelable in Android?

In Android development, there are often situations where the app needs to pass data objects between different components, such as activities, fragments, services, or broadcasts. To do this, the data objects need to be converted into a format that can be transferred and reconstructed across different processes. This process is called serialization and deserialization. There are two main ways to implement serialization and deserialization in Android: using the Serializable interface or using the Parcelable interface.


The Serializable interface is a standard Java interface that indicates that an object can be serialized and deserialized using the default mechanism provided by the Java platform. The Serializable interface does not have any methods, but it acts as a marker that tells the system that the object can be converted into a stream of bytes and vice versa. To use the Serializable interface, the object and its fields need to implement the Serializable interface, and the object needs to have a default constructor. The advantage of using the Serializable interface is that it is simple and easy to use, as it does not require any extra code or logic. However, the disadvantage of using the Serializable interface is that it is slow and inefficient, as it uses reflection to access the object’s fields and creates a lot of temporary objects and garbage.


The Parcelable interface is an Android-specific interface that indicates that an object can be serialized and deserialized using a custom mechanism optimized for Android. The Parcelable interface has two methods: writeToParcel() and describeContents(). The writeToParcel() method is used to write the object’s data to a Parcel object, which is a container for a message that can be sent and received across processes. The describeContents() method is used to provide information about the object’s contents, such as whether it contains file descriptors or not. To use the Parcelable interface, the object and its fields need to implement the Parcelable interface, and the object needs to have a static field called CREATOR, which is a Parcelable.Creator object that can create instances of the object from a Parcel. The advantage of using the Parcelable interface is that it is fast and efficient, as it avoids reflection and garbage creation and uses a cached pool of Parcel objects. However, the disadvantage of using the Parcelable interface is that it is complex and tedious, as it requires a lot of boilerplate code and logic.


The difference between Serializable and Parcelable in Android is important for developers, as it affects the app’s performance and functionality. The Serializable interface is a standard Java interface that uses the default serialization and deserialization mechanism, which is simple and easy to use, but slow and inefficient. The Parcelable interface is an Android-specific interface that uses a custom serialization and deserialization mechanism, which is fast and efficient, but complex and tedious. Both interfaces can be used to pass data objects between different components, but developers need to choose the best one for their app’s requirements and user expectations.

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