Hire Senior BigCommerce Developers within 24 Hours

CloudDevs is your gateway to a vast network of over 8000+ skilled BigCommerce developers hailing from Latam.

Distinguished by our innovative approach, we identify handpicked developers who are not only proficient but also dedicated to propelling your software development aspirations. With unwavering commitment, our developers become instrumental in driving your business aspirations forward.

Our meticulous process for selecting BigCommerce developers involves a thorough evaluation of their technical acumen, English language fluency, and alignment with your cultural preferences. This ensures the discovery of the ideal candidate tailored to your project’s needs. 

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How to Hire BigCommerce Developers
through CloudDevs?

3 easy steps to hire BigCommerce developers in 24 hours

Step 1
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Step 2
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Step 3
Start Trial
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1. What is BigCommerce?

BigCommerce functions as an e-commerce solution allowing business owners to establish and sell items in digital stores. Online shops can be created and managed remotely via web browsers and internet connections, eliminating the need for external hosting. The platform offers customizable templates for creating store layouts to market both physical and digital products, along with various tools for brand promotion. While catering primarily to users with limited web design experience, BigCommerce also serves advanced users and developers seeking HTML and CSS customization for their online stores. Known for its user-friendly interface, BigCommerce is suitable for creating websites without prior experience and is an ideal choice for running online shops while bypassing hosting challenges.
BigCommerce offers a comprehensive toolkit for a seamless start, requiring only a monthly subscription fee for software access. No developer background or coding expertise is necessary. With an array of customizable templates, you can shape your store whether you’re selling physical or digital goods. Additionally, you’ll find effective marketing tools to enhance your online visibility.

2. Benefits of using BigCommerce

BigCommerce serves as an inclusive solution suitable for individuals without technical expertise. This implies that individuals with varying levels of tech knowledge can utilize the platform. Similar to website builders like Wix, Shopify, and Squarespace, it functions as an online store creator. Entrepreneurs brimming with ideas but lacking technical proficiency often find value in this popular option. Nevertheless, it offers flexibility, enabling those familiar with HTML to incorporate more advanced functionalities.
Some of the other benefits of BigCommerce include;
  • User-Friendly Interface: BigCommerce provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of setting up and managing an online store.
  • No Coding Required: You do not need coding knowledge to use BigCommerce. It is designed for non-technical users, making it accessible to a wide range of individuals.
  • Customizable Templates: Choose from a variety of customizable templates to create a unique and visually appealing online store that aligns with your brand.
  • Scalability: BigCommerce offers the scalability to grow as your business expands. It can accommodate both small and large stores.
  • Mobile-Responsive: The platform ensures that your store looks and functions well on mobile devices, which is crucial for reaching a broader audience.
  • Integrated Marketing Tools: BigCommerce includes built-in marketing tools to help you enhance your online presence, drive traffic, and increase sales.
These benefits make BigCommerce a powerful platform for creating and managing successful online stores.

3. What is BigCommerce used for?

BigCommerce is used as an e-commerce platform to create, manage, and operate online stores. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and features that enable businesses to build their digital storefronts, list products, manage inventory, process payments, and facilitate customer interactions. BigCommerce is utilized by individuals, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and even larger enterprises to establish an online presence, sell products and services, and grow their e-commerce operations. It caters to a wide range of industries and business models, offering customizable templates, marketing tools, and integrations to support various e-commerce needs.

4. Features of BigCommerce

Exploring the essence of BigCommerce, it offers customers a user-friendly online shopping encounter enriched with an extensive array of top-tier attributes and utilities.

4.1 Seamlessly Blend Online and Offline

BigCommerce stands out by seamlessly connecting with more POS systems than any other platform. This integration harmoniously merges both digital and in-person transactions. Whether overseeing a bustling store or pursuing individual sales, BigCommerce facilitates efficient inventory tracking and management.

4.2 Shipping Choices

BigCommerce extends a variety of shipping options to its customers. You gain access to real-time quotes, offer free shipping, and can print labels. Streamlined shipping practices like order tracking, store pickup, and next-day delivery lead to satisfied customers. Overcoming delivery challenges becomes easier with BigCommerce’s tools, including integration with third-party providers.
Presently, BigCommerce empowers users with comprehensive delivery solutions via its all-in-one service. Download the free BigCommerce Shopping app to access discounts from USPS, DHL, and FedEx.

4.3 Recover Abandoned Carts

Promptly recapture the attention of shoppers who leave items in their online cart by sending automated emails. Personalized greetings and promo codes enhance effectiveness. This tool can recover around 12 to 15% of customers, with tailored emails being six times more impactful.
Note that Abandoned Cart Recovery is accessible in the Plus plan, though it’s not available with the most budget-friendly plans.

4.4 Expand with Apps

To enhance your site, choose from over 600 apps in the BigCommerce app store. Unlike competitors, BigCommerce boasts an exclusive app store due to its extensive in-house features. You don’t need additional frameworks like Shopify, resulting in lower monthly third-party fees.

5. Is BigCommerce a SAAS platform?

BigCommerce stands as a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform, offering a hosted solution tailored to e-commerce businesses. This entails utilizing BigCommerce’s servers and subscribing to their software on a monthly or yearly basis, as opposed to possessing the software and self-hosting on your server. Distinguished as a prominent SaaS e-commerce platform for mid-market and enterprise brands, BigCommerce brings forth the advantages inherent to multi-tenant SaaS models: user-friendliness, robust performance, and ongoing enhancements. Notably, it features platform-wide APIs that empower businesses to personalize their websites and seamlessly integrate with external applications.
Although BigCommerce incorporates certain features aligning with the “software as a service” (SaaS) model, it does not strictly fall under the category of pure SaaS platforms. Consequently, certain elements of the platform necessitate technical proficiency for maintenance and customization, as they aren’t entirely managed by BigCommerce. If you’re less at ease with these aspects, it might be worthwhile to explore a genuine SaaS platform for your e-commerce requirements.

6. What technology does BigCommerce use?

BigCommerce harnesses the renowned capabilities of the widely-used WordPress platform, embracing an array of diverse technologies. At its core lies WordPress, an open-source content management system (CMS) that empowers countless websites globally. The synergy between BigCommerce and WordPress underpins a powerful foundation for e-commerce ventures, offering a seamless integration of e-commerce functionalities within the versatile WordPress ecosystem.
Within BigCommerce’s technological framework, you’ll encounter an amalgamation of robust components. WordPress forms the cornerstone, providing a user-friendly interface and an extensive library of plugins and themes. This collaboration furnishes a dynamic environment for businesses to set up and manage online stores efficiently. Furthermore, the integration allows for an optimal blend of content and commerce, enabling merchants to curate compelling narratives alongside their products.
Beyond WordPress, BigCommerce harnesses an amalgamation of cutting-edge technologies. The platform leverages modern web technologies, database systems, and server-side scripting languages to ensure the reliability, security, and performance of e-commerce operations. Additionally, integration with various payment gateways, shipping providers, and third-party applications further enriches the technology stack, equipping businesses with a comprehensive toolkit for their online endeavors.

7. What companies use BigCommerce?

BigCommerce has solidified its position as one of the most sought-after e-commerce platforms available today. It boasts widespread adoption among businesses spanning various sizes and industries. This diverse appeal is evident in its user base, which includes not only prominent corporations such as Amazon, Walmart, and Sears but also a multitude of smaller enterprises. Beyond catering to industry giants, BigCommerce’s allure lies in its ability to accommodate the needs of smaller businesses as well.
What sets BigCommerce apart is its capability to serve as a comprehensive solution for online store creation. It’s particularly favored by entrepreneurs and online store owners who aim to establish a robust online presence without the need to start building their e-commerce platform from scratch. This convenience and versatility make BigCommerce a go-to choice for those seeking a streamlined yet powerful way to set up and manage their online stores.
Thus, BigCommerce is a well-known e-commerce platform that is used by a diverse range of companies. Some of the most renowned companies that use BigCommerce include Nike, Sephora, and American Eagle. 

8. How popular is BigCommerce?

BigCommerce stands out as an eCommerce platform renowned for its popularity among small businesses and entrepreneurs alike. Its user-friendly interface coupled with an extensive array of features positions it as an ideal selection for online stores spanning a wide spectrum of sizes and ambitions.
What makes BigCommerce particularly appealing is its accessibility and intuitive nature. Small businesses and entrepreneurs, who might not possess extensive technical expertise, find it accommodating and straightforward to navigate. This ease of use is complemented by the platform’s robust set of features that cater to various facets of running an online store, from inventory management to payment processing and customer engagement.
The versatility of BigCommerce allows businesses of all sizes to tap into its capabilities and leverage its offerings according to their unique needs. Whether it’s a fledgling startup or a growing venture, BigCommerce provides a reliable and efficient platform for establishing and managing online stores, fostering growth and success in the ever-expanding world of eCommerce.
Although BigCommerce enjoys widespread popularity as an e-commerce platform, it comes with its own set of potential drawbacks. While its user-friendly interface and extensive feature set are notable strengths, it’s important to note that BigCommerce ranks among the pricier options available in the market. Moreover, due to its high level of popularity, it frequently becomes a target for hackers and other malicious online actors.

9. How can I hire BigCommerce developers?

When seeking to hire a BigCommerce developer, follow a systematic approach. Begin by defining your project needs and crafting a detailed job description. Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or specialized e-commerce developer platforms are valuable for posting your job listing. Explore e-commerce or web development job boards, and leverage your professional network for recommendations. Engage in online communities related to BigCommerce to discover potential candidates. Review portfolios, conduct technical assessments, and hold interviews to evaluate candidates’ skills. References can provide insights into their past work. During negotiations, discuss project details and create a comprehensive contract. Effective communication is key throughout this process to ensure you find a skilled developer who suits your project requirements.
Minimum Qualifications to check for when hiring a BigCommerce Developer:
  • Hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Engineering, Computer Science or possess equivalent experience.
  • Possess over 3 years of professional expertise in e-commerce web/app development and occasional exceptions for exceptionally skilled developers.
  • Hands-on familiarity with the BigCommerce Stencil framework, including theme development and customization.
  • Extensive practical exposure to BigCommerce platforms as well as other e-commerce development platforms.
  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ECMAScript 5 & 6, and responsive design.
  • Competence in testing and debugging using browser consoles and external tools.
  • Skilled in crafting responsive layouts for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
  • Profound understanding of optimizing the speed of BigCommerce stores.
  • Fluent English communication for effective interaction.
  • Capable of working full-time 40 hours/week with at least a 4-hour overlap with US time zones.

Learn more about hiring BigCommerce developers on our hiring guide here, and find out the cost of hiring BigCommerce devs on our salary guide here.

10. What does a BigCommerce developer do?

A BigCommerce developer’s role revolves around creating and customizing e-commerce websites within the BigCommerce platform. They collaborate with project managers and clients to translate requirements into functional websites, employing BigCommerce’s tools and features. This includes tailoring themes, ensuring responsive design and various devices, and optimizing website speed and performance. Their expertise extends to utilizing APIs, such as storefront APIs and liquid programming, to enhance functionalities and provide tailored solutions. Additionally, they implement SEO and conversion rate optimization techniques to improve visibility and user engagement on BigCommerce sites.
Another crucial aspect of their work involves testing, debugging, and ensuring a seamless user experience. They remain in constant communication with project stakeholders to provide updates and address concerns. By staying abreast of BigCommerce updates and industry trends, BigCommerce developers strive to deliver cutting-edge e-commerce solutions that align with business objectives and deliver exceptional user experiences.

Key Duties:

  • Contribute to the creation of e-commerce sites using the BigCommerce platform.
  • Work alongside project managers and clients to comprehend specifications and contribute to the development strategy.
  • Ensure the delivery of efficient, swift-loading, responsive, and feature-rich websites.
  • Transition websites from different e-commerce platforms to BigCommerce while customizing new themes.
  • Elevate BigCommerce capabilities by leveraging storefront APIs, liquid programming, meta fields, and other enhancements.
  • Apply SEO and conversion rate optimization (CRO) principles to enhance BigCommerce websites.

11. Skills needed to become a BigCommerce Developer

Proficiency in Visual Design is essential, encompassing a sound grasp of HTML and CSS (SCSS). Staying current with evolving technology, design trends, and best practices is vital. Additionally, a solid understanding of Javascript is crucial. It facilitates the creation of engaging user interactions for web applications, such as themes, within BigCommerce. Furthermore, adeptness in JavaScript allows for overriding defaults and extending existing features.
Handlebars, serving as BigCommerce’s templating language, merge templates with input objects to generate HTML or text formats. At first glance, a Handlebar template appears as regular text featuring embedded expressions.
Furthermore, BigCommerce developers should acquaint themselves with Storefront APIs, pivotal for introducing new functionalities to websites. This encompasses enhancing cart, checkout, catalog pages, and customer experiences.

12. BigCommerce pricing plans

For business owners seeking new software or solutions for their online presence, pricing remains a central consideration. As previously discussed, I perceive the BigCommerce plans as reasonably balanced, and aligned with the features they offer. Nevertheless, certain individuals might find these packages unconventional, given their connection to business revenue.
Before finalizing a plan, you have the option to explore BigCommerce free of charge for 15 days. Additionally, I’d suggest contemplating the annual plans if you’re dedicated to using BigCommerce as your store builder, as they allow you to economize 25% on your overall package cost.
  • Standard Price for BigCommerce

Priced at $39 per month, the Standard plan offered by BigCommerce empowers users with the ability to vend an unlimited number of products and tap into a wide array of sales channels. This encompasses connectivity with platforms like eBay, Amazon, Facebook, and Google Shopping. The plan encompasses the provision of coupons, discounts, and gift cards, while seamless integration with major payment gateways comes without additional transaction fees.
The Standard plan facilitates sales of up to $50,000 in products and services annually while facilitating point-of-sale (POS) integrations for a holistic online and offline selling approach. Notable inclusions comprise a complimentary SSL certificate, support for product reviews and ratings, and real-time shipping quotations. Additionally, users benefit from competitive rates for local payment methods. Geared towards beginners, this plan is enriched with a comprehensive suite of features. However, it’s worth noting that abandoned cart recovery is not available, which could potentially impact small businesses seeking to boost their sales.
  • Plus Plan for BigCommerce

Starting at $105 per month, the Plus plan by BigCommerce, available at a reduced rate of $79 per month with annual billing, encompasses all features within the Standard plan. Moreover, it provides the flexibility to vend products worth up to $180,000 annually. This plan introduces features such as an abandoned cart recovery mechanism, customer groups, and segmentations, along with persistent carts.
With the Plus plan, users can securely store credit card details and organize customers into distinct groups based on their value or purchasing patterns. This package presents commendable value, even if you are currently below the revenue threshold. It’s particularly appealing for businesses on a growth trajectory, making it a top recommendation for expanding enterprises.
  • Pro Plan for BigCommerce

Priced at $399 per month, or $299 per month with annual payment, the Pro plan encompasses all features within the Plus plan, along with supplementary enhancements. This package allows for sales of up to $400,000 annually, introducing features like faceted search, product filtering capabilities, and the utilization of a custom SSL.
For businesses in the process of scaling and aiming to expand their product offerings without the burden of extra fees and intricacies, the Pro plan serves as a beneficial advancement.
  • Enterprise Plan

Tailored for the most substantial e-commerce vendors, BigCommerce introduces the Enterprise plan, available at custom pricing. This comprehensive package encompasses all Pro plan features and includes extras like Priority support, API support, custom facets for product filtering, and the capability to establish price lists.
The Enterprise plan proves highly advantageous for larger businesses; however, it may not be a prerequisite for numerous smaller companies amid expansion. For those whose annual sales exceed $400,000 in products and services, the option to elevate their revenue threshold within the Pro plan is always available.

BigCommerce FAQs

A qualified BigCommerce developer possesses the ability to lend a professional appearance to your website. Similar to the impression a physical store leaves on customers, visual aesthetics hold significance. Outdated website design could lead to mistrust, while confusion and a lack of clear direction may deter potential buyers. Engaging a BigCommerce developer ensures expertly crafted design that’s optimized for optimal outcomes.

They help steer clear of unnecessary disruptions. Skilled BigCommerce developers, who hold certification, are equipped with insights and procedures to avert issues that could tarnish your brand’s image. When substantial updates occur, they possess the knowledge to enact suitable solutions securely.

They tailor the right features to enhance your online store. Data-driven insights underline the influence of minor alterations. Whether it’s relocating a button or introducing a fresh feature, these changes can significantly impact your bottom line. Certified BigCommerce developers, given their experience across diverse businesses, possess insights into effective strategies while evading costly errors and misconfigurations.

BigCommerce’s Standard plan allows you to generate marketing reports. Additionally, all BigCommerce plans come with robust SEO tools and a built-in blogging function. However, if you want an RSS blog, you will need to integrate it with WordPress

You can search on online platforms, such as Upwork, Topal, and Clutch. But, most dedicated developers from Latin America, visit the CloudDevs platform.

  1. Strong BigCommerce knowledge
  2. Front-end skills (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  3. Theme customization expertise
  4. API integration capability
  5. E-commerce familiarity
  6. Responsive design proficiency
  7. Performance optimization know-how

CloudDevs platform offers the opportunity to engage dedicated BigCommerce developers from Latam at a competitive rate of $45 to $70 per hour, aligned with your time zone. One of their standout benefits is the inclusion of a seven-day free trial period. This unique offering ensures complete satisfaction, and hence, if the developer chosen doesn’t meet your expectations, you have the flexibility to select another developer or request a refund. Additionally, CloudDevs offers a pay-as-you-go option, allowing you to conveniently establish weekly contracts without any mandatory commitment. This adaptable approach to hiring complements your project demands seamlessly.

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