BigCommerce Functions


Unlock eCommerce Success with These BigCommerce Development Hacks

BigCommerce, a popular eCommerce platform, offers businesses the ability to customize and expand their online stores by building apps. These apps can range from simple utilities to sophisticated tools that leverage BigCommerce’s rich feature set. As with any development project, adhering to best practices ensures the success of your application. This article delves into some of the most important best practices to consider when developing apps for BigCommerce, illustrated with real-world examples.

Unlock eCommerce Success with These BigCommerce Development Hacks

1. Understand the BigCommerce Ecosystem

Before diving into app development, it’s essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the BigCommerce ecosystem. Familiarize yourself with the API documentation, the available hooks, and the standards set by BigCommerce.

Example: Let’s say you’re developing a loyalty program app. Rather than building from scratch, first, look into the native loyalty features of BigCommerce and how the APIs allow for integration. This will save you time and ensure compatibility.

2. Ensure App Scalability

Your app should be scalable, able to handle both small online stores and large enterprises. 

Example: If your app provides stock inventory predictions, it should be just as efficient in analyzing 100 products as it would 10,000.

3. Prioritize Security

Security is paramount, especially in the eCommerce space where sensitive data is involved.

Example: Let’s consider a payment gateway app. This app should never store credit card details locally or in easily accessible databases. Ensure encryption, adhere to PCI compliance, and regularly undergo security audits.

4. User Experience (UX) is Key

The success of your app largely depends on its usability. A seamless, intuitive interface can be the difference between an app that’s consistently used and one that’s quickly abandoned.

Example: An app designed to facilitate bulk product uploads should have clear instructions, progress indicators, and an easy-to-navigate design.

5. Mobile Responsiveness

More users are managing their stores on the go. Ensuring your app is mobile-responsive will increase its usability and appeal.

Example: If you’re developing a dashboard for sales analytics, it should display seamlessly on both desktop and mobile devices, adjusting layouts and features accordingly.

6. Regularly Update and Iterate

The digital landscape is always evolving. Regular updates based on user feedback, new BigCommerce features, or changing web standards will keep your app relevant.

Example: A marketing automation tool that integrates with social media should be updated when new social platforms become popular or when existing platforms introduce new API features.

7. Provide Comprehensive Support and Documentation

User support can make or break your app’s reputation. Ensure that users have access to detailed documentation and responsive support channels.

Example: An SEO optimization tool should come with a FAQ section, detailed step-by-step guides, and a support email or chat feature for users to ask specific questions.

8. Test, Test, Test

Before launching, thoroughly test your app in various scenarios to catch any bugs or potential issues. 

Example: If you’ve developed a discount app, test it with different types of products, varying discount percentages, and in conjunction with other active promotions to ensure no conflicts arise.

9. Be Transparent with Pricing

If your app isn’t free, ensure that your pricing model is clear and offers value for money. Consider offering a free trial or a freemium version.

Example: A subscription box management app could have a free version that caters to smaller stores, with premium features available for larger enterprises at a fee.

10. Adhere to BigCommerce’s Guidelines

Always keep up-to-date with BigCommerce’s app store guidelines and ensure that your app complies.

Example: If BigCommerce introduces a new guideline around user data privacy, update your app accordingly to ensure it respects these new rules.


Developing a successful app for BigCommerce goes beyond just functionality. By adhering to the above best practices, you’ll not only create an app that works well but one that provides genuine value, security, and a top-tier user experience. Remember, in the world of eCommerce, user trust and efficiency are paramount. The more you can offer these within your app, the more successful it’s likely to be.