BigCommerce Functions


From Branding to SEO: The Wide-Ranging Benefits of BigCommerce Custom Development

In today’s digital age, having a robust online store is no longer a luxury but a necessity for businesses. As e-commerce continues to grow, platforms like BigCommerce have risen to the occasion, offering businesses a means to sell their products online seamlessly. While BigCommerce already offers an array of features out-of-the-box, there’s still an enormous benefit to custom development. Let’s dive into the advantages of custom BigCommerce development and illustrate these benefits with real-world examples.

From Branding to SEO: The Wide-Ranging Benefits of BigCommerce Custom Development

1. Tailored User Experience (UX)

Benefit: Custom development can lead to a more tailored user experience that aligns with your brand and your customer’s needs. 

Example: Imagine a high-end jewelry store with a specific clientele. Instead of using the default BigCommerce templates, they opt for a custom design that showcases their pieces in high resolution, with features like a 360-degree view or a ‘try-on’ augmented reality feature. This level of detail and customization ensures that their clientele enjoys a premium browsing experience, making them more likely to purchase.

2. Enhanced Functionality

Benefit: Unique business models might require functionalities that aren’t available in the standard version. Custom development can bridge this gap.

Example: A wine retailer wanted to offer a subscription box service, where customers could receive a curated selection every month. Through custom BigCommerce development, they integrated a subscription management system, allowing customers to choose their preferences, frequency of delivery, and manage their subscriptions seamlessly.

3. Optimized Performance

Benefit: Speed and responsiveness play a crucial role in e-commerce conversions. Custom development can ensure your store is optimized for performance.

Example: An online apparel store, after noticing a dip in conversions, realized that their product images were taking too long to load. Custom development allowed them to implement a dynamic image loading solution, which improved page load times and, consequently, user retention.

4. Seamless Integrations

Benefit: Every business uses a set of tools or third-party apps specific to their needs. Custom development ensures these tools integrate seamlessly with the BigCommerce store.

Example: A bookstore had a loyalty program managed through a third-party system. With custom BigCommerce development, they integrated this system into their online store, allowing customers to earn and redeem points directly from their e-commerce platform.

5. Branding Consistency

Benefit: Maintaining consistent branding across all platforms enhances brand recognition and trust. Custom development can ensure your online store reflects your brand perfectly.

Example: A cosmetic brand with a specific color palette and typography opted for custom development to ensure their online store mirrored their brand guidelines. The resultant store not only looked distinct but also reinforced brand recall.

6. Advanced SEO Capabilities

Benefit: Out-of-the-box solutions might not offer the granular control over SEO elements that businesses need. Custom development can provide this control.

Example: An organic food store wanted to provide detailed nutritional information in a structured data format (Schema markup) for better search engine visibility. Custom development made this possible, enhancing their store’s SEO and attracting more organic traffic.

7. Scalability

Benefit: As your business grows, your needs evolve. Custom development ensures that your BigCommerce store can scale and adapt to these changes.

Example: A sports equipment retailer expanded into selling sportswear. Custom development allowed them to add advanced product filtering and sorting features, ensuring their expanding product range didn’t hamper the user experience.

8. Improved Security

Benefit: While BigCommerce already emphasizes security, custom development can offer additional layers of protection tailored to your business.

Example: An online pharmacy, due to the sensitive nature of transactions, opted for custom security features, including advanced encryption and multi-factor authentication, offering their customers peace of mind.


While BigCommerce is a powerful platform by itself, custom development unlocks its true potential. By tailoring the platform to your specific needs, not only do you offer an improved user experience, but you also set your business up for long-term success. Whether it’s enhanced functionality, seamless integrations, or improved security, the benefits of custom BigCommerce development are manifold. If you’re looking to elevate your online store, custom development might just be the key.