BigCommerce Certifications


BigCommerce Courses and Certifications to Improve Your Skills in 2023

BigCommerce has firmly established itself as a prominent e-commerce platform, catering to a diverse range of online businesses and experiencing widespread adoption across enterprises of different sizes. It equips developers with powerful capabilities to build resilient e-commerce applications, leading to a growing demand for skilled BigCommerce developers.

If you are keen on enhancing your BigCommerce skills or pursuing a career in BigCommerce development, considering certification programs or enrolling in pertinent courses can offer significant benefits. In this article, we will delve into some of the top BigCommerce certification options and courses available in 2023.

1. Create, Manage, and Customize Your Online Store by Bigcommerce on Udemy

“Create, Manage, and Customize Your Online Store” is a Bigcommerce course on Udemy. This covers everything you need to know about starting to build your first e-commerce website only in a few hours. The course is designed for e-commerce developers who want to learn how to e-commerce stores and earn over a thousand dollars per month. The course is self-paced and includes lifetime access to the course content. The course is taught in English and is free of charge.

The course modules;

  1. Introduction to BigCommerce: In this section, you will learn about BigCommerce, and understand its features, capabilities, and pivotal role as a robust e-commerce platform.
  2. Setup and Installing BigCommerce Store: You will learn the essential steps for setting up and installing your BigCommerce store in this section, ensuring a seamless and efficient initiation of your online business.
  3. BigCommerce Store Front Contents: In this section, you will learn how to manage and optimize the contents of your BigCommerce storefront, focusing on creating compelling product listings and engaging content for an enhanced customer experience.
  4. BigCommerce Store Front Design: You will learn about the design aspects of your BigCommerce storefront in this section, exploring customization options, themes, and layouts to create a visually appealing and brand-aligned online presence.
  5. BigCommerce Store Products: In this section, you will learn about the management of products in your BigCommerce store, covering product creation, attributes, and categorization to present a well-organized and easily navigable product catalog.

By the end of this course, you will be under the Bigcommerce E-commerce platform, and how to build a professional E-commerce site by using Bigcommerce.

2. BigCommerce Essential Training on LinkedIn Learning

BigCommerce Essential Training is a Bigcommerce Certificate course on LinkedIn Learning. This course is taught in English and provides a comprehensive overview of how to build an e-commerce site with BigCommerce. The course includes topics such as creating an account, adding products, selecting a theme, and setting up shipping and payment options. 

The course includes 9 modules, and they are;

  1. Introduction to BigCommerce: In this section, you will receive an introductory overview of BigCommerce, gaining insights into its features and understanding its significance as a powerful online commerce platform.
  2. Products: Delve into the management of products in your BigCommerce store, learning how to create, organize, and present a diverse and appealing product catalog to your customers.
  3. Select a Theme: You will learn how to choose and customize a theme that aligns with your brand identity and enhances the visual appeal of your BigCommerce store.
  4. Shipping: In this section, explore the intricacies of shipping configuration in BigCommerce, covering shipping methods, rates, and rules to provide a seamless and reliable shipping experience for your customers.
  5. Payment and Taxes: Here, you will learn the nuances of setting up payment methods and tax rules in BigCommerce, ensuring a secure and compliant financial transaction process for your online business.
  6. BigCommerce Dashboard: In this module, you will familiarize yourself with the BigCommerce dashboard, understanding how to navigate and utilize its features to efficiently manage and monitor your online store.
  7. Online-Channel Commerce: This section explores the concept of online-channel commerce in BigCommerce, understanding how to integrate and leverage various channels to reach a broader audience and boost sales.
  8. Conclusion: Concluding this BigCommerce course section, reflect on the knowledge gained, and understand how effectively managing products, themes, and key aspects of your store contributes to its success in the competitive online marketplace.

Upon completion of the course, you can receive an e-certificate from LinkedIn Learning

3.BigCommerce Tutorial 2021 (Complete E-commerce for Beginners) on Youtube

BigCommerce Tutorial 2021 (Complete Ecommerce for Beginners) is a free online course on YouTube. This course is taught in English and provides a comprehensive overview of how to build an e-commerce site with BigCommerce. The course includes topics such as creating an account, adding products, selecting a theme, and setting up shipping and payment options. The course was created by Santrel Media. 

The course modules are;

  1. Introducing: In this section, we introduce the comprehensive features of BigCommerce, providing an overview of its capabilities to empower successful online businesses.
  2. Why Choose BigCommerce?: This section will help you discover the compelling reasons to choose BigCommerce as your e-commerce platform, emphasizing its unique advantages for creating and managing a thriving online store.
  3. Starting on BigCommerce: This module guides you through the initial steps of commencing your journey on BigCommerce, ensuring a smooth and effective setup for your online business.
  4. Naming Your Business: You will learn the significance of selecting an impactful business name and explore how to effectively establish your brand identity on BigCommerce.
  5. BigCommerce Home Page: Here, you will understand the features and customization options available on your BigCommerce home page, creating an engaging and user-friendly storefront.
  6. Viewing Your Store: This section will teach you how to view and assess your BigCommerce store, ensuring alignment with your vision and meeting customer expectations.
  7. Adding a Product (Physical or Digital): You will learn the process of adding both physical and digital products to your BigCommerce store, optimizing your product listings for maximum impact.
  8. Bulk Discounts: In this section, you will explore how to implement bulk discounts effectively in BigCommerce, fostering customer loyalty and boosting sales through strategic pricing strategies.
  9. Adding Variants of a Product (Color, Size, etc.): Here, you will understand how to add product variants such as color and size, providing customers with options and enhancing their shopping experience on your BigCommerce store.
  10. Adding a Modifier (Custom Text Field): In this section, you will learn to add modifiers like custom text fields to your products, allowing for personalized options and accommodating specific customer preferences.
  11. Managing Products: This section covers effective product management strategies on BigCommerce, ensuring your product catalog remains organized and up-to-date.
  12. Product Categories: This module topic will teach you about the categorization of products on BigCommerce, creating a logical and navigable structure for your online store.
  13. Customer Management and Order Management: Here, you will learn how to efficiently manage customers and orders on BigCommerce, ensuring a smooth and responsive customer service experience.
  14. Managing the Website (Storefront): Here, you will understand the tools and features available for managing your website’s storefront on BigCommerce, ensuring a consistent and appealing online presence.
  15. Adding a Browser Icon (Favicon): In this section, you will learn to add a browser icon (favicon) to your BigCommerce store, enhancing brand visibility and recognition.
  16. Editing the Theme of Your Website: In this module, you will learn about the customization options for editing the theme of your BigCommerce website, aligning its appearance with your brand identity.
  17. Viewing Your Website in Mobile, Tablet, or Desktop Views: In this topic, you will understand how to preview and optimize your BigCommerce website for various devices, ensuring a responsive and seamless user experience.
  18. Marketing Tab: You will explore the marketing tab in BigCommerce, discovering tools and features to promote your products and enhance your online visibility.
  19. Choosing a Plan: This section will guide you through the process of choosing a suitable plan on BigCommerce, aligning with your business needs and growth goals.
  20. Analytics and Insights: Here, you will learn how to utilize analytics and insights tools on BigCommerce, gaining valuable data to inform business decisions and enhance performance.
  21. Selling on Other Channels (Pinterest, Facebook, etc.): In this section, you will explore the integration of your BigCommerce store with external channels like Pinterest and Facebook, expanding your reach and customer base.
  22. Getting Apps for Your Website: You will discover the process of getting and integrating apps for your BigCommerce website, enhancing functionality and optimizing user experience.
  23. Currency and Payments: You will understand the configuration of currency and payment options in BigCommerce, ensuring a seamless and secure transaction process for your customers.
  24. Tax and Shipping in BigCommerce: Here, you will learn to set up tax and shipping rules effectively on BigCommerce, providing transparency and accuracy in your online transactions.
  25. Advanced Settings (reCaptcha, etc.): You will explore advanced settings in BigCommerce, including features like reCaptcha, to enhance security and optimize the overall functionality of your online store.
  26. Where to Get Your Domain: In this module, you will understand the process of obtaining a domain for your BigCommerce store and establishing a memorable and brand-aligned online presence.
  27. Account Settings (Password, Multiple Store Owners, etc.): In this module, you will learn how to manage account settings on BigCommerce, including password settings and considerations for multiple store owners.
  28. Checking Out Your New Website: Concluding this BigCommerce course section, you will be guided on how to check out your newly developed website, ensuring everything is in place for a successful launch.

This course does not offer you a certificate, yet, this is a complete Bigcommerce course for beginners covering all essential topics you need to know to establish a fully running e-commerce storefront on Bigcommerce.

4. Getting Started in Dropified With BigCommerce on Youtube

“How To Get Started With BigCommerce In Dropified” is a free Bigcommerce course on YouTube. This course is taught in English and provides a comprehensive overview of how to get started with Dropified and BigCommerce. The course includes topics such as linking your BigCommerce store to Dropified, customizing your BigCommerce store theme, and processing BigCommerce orders with Dropified. The course is created by Dropified.

The course modules are;

  1. Getting Started with BigCommerce in Dropified: In this module, you will learn the initial steps for integrating BigCommerce with Dropified, setting the foundation for streamlined dropshipping management.
  2. Linking Your BigCommerce Store to Dropified: This will teach you the process of linking your BigCommerce store to Dropified, enabling seamless order fulfillment and product management.
  3. Customizing Your BigCommerce Store Theme: In this module, you will learn how to customize your BigCommerce store theme, ensuring a visually appealing and brand-aligned online presence.
  4. Processing BigCommerce Orders with Dropified: This will teach you how to efficiently process BigCommerce orders using Dropified, optimizing your workflow for order fulfillment.
  5. BigCommerce X Dropified: In this module, explore the synergies between BigCommerce and Dropified, leveraging their combined capabilities for effective dropshipping operations.
  6. Importing Existing BigCommerce Products to Dropified: In this section, you will learn the process of importing your existing BigCommerce products into Dropified, streamlining your product management.
  7. Setting Up Multiple Suppliers for Your BigCommerce Products: This module will teach you how to set up multiple suppliers for your BigCommerce products, ensuring flexibility and reliability in your supply chain.
  8. Setting Up PayPal in BigCommerce: In this module, you will learn how to set up PayPal in BigCommerce, providing a secure and widely accepted payment method for your customers.
  9. Getting Your Default Settings in Dropified Right: This will guide you in configuring your default settings in Dropified correctly, optimizing your dropshipping operations.
  10. How Variant Mapping Works in Dropified: You will learn the intricacies of variant mapping in Dropified, ensuring accurate representation and management of product variations.
  11. Setting Up Default Product Descriptions in Dropified: This module will teach you how to set up default product descriptions in Dropified, saving time and maintaining consistency.
  12. Migrating Your Existing Oberlo Store into Dropified: Here, you will learn how to seamlessly migrate your existing Oberlo store into Dropified, transitioning your dropshipping operations effectively.
  13. Taking Advantage of Advanced Variant Mapping in Dropified: In this module, explore advanced variant mapping features in Dropified, optimizing your product listings for maximum impact.
  14. Setting Up Automatic Product Price and Inventory Changes in Dropified: This will guide you through the process of setting up automatic product price and inventory changes in Dropified, streamlining your management tasks.
  15. Accessing and Using the Shopify Order Audit Tool for AliExpress Orders in Dropified: Learn how to utilize the Shopify order audit tool for AliExpress orders in Dropified, ensuring accuracy and transparency in your order processing.
  16. Bundling Multiple of the Same Product in Dropified: In this module, you will learn how to bundle multiple units of the same product in Dropified, offering strategic pricing and marketing opportunities.
  17. Setting Up Product Markup Rules in Dropified: This will teach you how to set up product markup rules in Dropified, optimizing your pricing strategy for profitability.
  18. Submitting Your BigCommerce Store Sitemap to Google Search Console: In this module, learn how to submit your BigCommerce store sitemap to Google Search Console, enhancing the visibility of your online store in search results.

This is a completely free, YouTube Bigcommerce course, which you can freely access in the YouTube channel of Dropified.

Here is a comparison table of the BigCommerce courses mentioned above. 

Course/ programCostLevelDurationStudy mode
Create, Manage and Customize your Online Store by BigcommerceFreeBeginner / Intermediate / Advanced2 hours 22 minutesOnline
BigCommerce Essential TrainingFreeBeginner1 hour 31 minutesOnline
BigCommerce Tutorial 2021 (Complete ECommerce for Beginners)FreeBeginner / Intermediate / Advanced43 minutesOnline
Getting Started in Dropified with BigCommerceFreeBeginner / Intermediate / Advanced2 hoursOnline

The provided table illustrates variations among BigCommerce courses concerning duration, costs, and prerequisite skills. Course prices depend on factors like the learning platform, study format, and duration. When choosing a BigCommerce course, it’s crucial to evaluate your skills, financial considerations, and career goals. This approach helps identify the most fitting BigCommerce course for your specific requirements.


In summary, enrolling in a BigCommerce course in 2023 offers a valuable opportunity for career growth. With proper training, you can enhance your skills as a BigCommerce developer and engage in exciting projects. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, there are numerous courses and certification programs available to elevate your proficiency in BigCommerce development.