BigCommerce Functions


BigCommerce Payment Gateway 101: What Every Merchant Should Know

BigCommerce, one of the leading eCommerce platforms in the industry, allows merchants to sell their products online with ease. One of the critical components of any eCommerce platform is its payment gateway. It’s the system that processes customer payments, ensuring that funds are transferred from the buyer to the merchant securely. In this post, we’ll dive deep into BigCommerce’s payment gateway integration, showcasing some examples to help you understand the process better.

BigCommerce Payment Gateway 101: What Every Merchant Should Know

1. Introduction to BigCommerce’s Native Payment Gateway Solutions

BigCommerce offers native integrations with several major payment gateways, such as:

– PayPal powered by Braintree: This integration offers a seamless checkout experience. Buyers can choose from a variety of payment methods, like credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, and even Google Pay.

– Stripe: Recognized for its developer-friendly setup, Stripe offers a comprehensive solution for credit card payments.

– Square: Ideal for those who sell both online and in person, Square offers a cohesive payment solution for all sales avenues.

2. Benefits of Using a Native Payment Gateway Integration

– Security: These gateways are PCI compliant, ensuring that transactions are secure.


– Simplified Setup: With native integrations, there’s no need for complex configurations. Most of the time, you just need to connect your account and set some basic settings.


– Unified Experience: Native integrations ensure that customers stay on your website during the checkout process, creating a seamless buying experience.

3. Steps to Integrate a Payment Gateway in BigCommerce

Let’s use PayPal powered by Braintree as an example:

  1. Create an Account: If you don’t have a Braintree account, create one.
  1. Access BigCommerce Dashboard: Navigate to Store Setup > Payments.
  1. Select ‘Braintree’: Click on the “Setup” button next to Braintree.
  1. Enter Credentials: Input your API keys (Merchant ID, Public Key, Private Key) from your Braintree account.
  1. Configure Settings: Set your desired transaction settings, such as transaction type and accepted cards.
  1. Test Your Integration: Always ensure to run test transactions to verify that the gateway is processing payments correctly.

4. Third-party Payment Gateway Integrations

Suppose native options don’t cater to your needs. In that case, BigCommerce’s open API and rich app store allow for integrations with several third-party gateways.

Example: 2Checkout Integration

  1. Setup 2Checkout Account: Ensure you have an active 2Checkout account.
  1. Install 2Checkout App: Navigate to the BigCommerce App Marketplace and install the 2Checkout app.
  1. Configuration: Enter your 2Checkout account number and secret word.
  1. Additional Settings: Define the return method, order description, and other settings as per your preferences.
  1. Test: As always, conduct a few test transactions to ensure everything is working perfectly.

5. Custom Payment Gateway Integration

If you have specific needs or prefer a gateway that’s not natively supported or available via the App Marketplace, you can opt for custom integration.

Example: Developing a Custom Integration with XYZ Payment Gateway

  1. Hire a Developer: Given that this is a custom solution, it would require a developer familiar with both BigCommerce’s API and the desired payment gateway’s API.
  1. API Key Retrieval: Obtain the necessary API keys from your chosen gateway.
  1. Develop and Test: The developer will code the integration, ensuring that it processes payments, handles errors, and syncs order data correctly. Extensive testing is crucial here.
  1. Go Live: After rigorous testing, make the integration live on your BigCommerce store.

6. Conclusion

Payment gateway integration in BigCommerce is designed to be straightforward and versatile. Whether you’re using a native solution, a third-party app, or a custom-built integration, the platform offers the flexibility to cater to your specific needs. Always remember to prioritize security and user experience, and routinely test your setups to ensure they work flawlessly. Your customers will appreciate the seamless and secure checkout process, enhancing their overall shopping experience on your site.