BigCommerce Functions


Step-by-Step SEO for BigCommerce: From Titles to Backlinks!

BigCommerce is one of the leading e-commerce platforms that entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes trust to build, innovate, and grow their online stores. While the platform provides powerful tools to build a visually appealing and highly functional online store, ensuring that this store is visible to search engines and ranks high in search results is crucial. In this guide, we’ll delve into effective SEO strategies tailored for BigCommerce e-commerce websites.

Step-by-Step SEO for BigCommerce: From Titles to Backlinks!

1. Optimize Product Titles:

Your product titles are not just vital for your customers, but also for search engines. Make sure to include relevant keywords in the title. However, avoid stuffing too many keywords, which can look spammy.

Example: If you’re selling women’s blue suede shoes, a good product title might be “Women’s Blue Suede Heels | Brand Name” instead of just “Blue Shoes.”

2. Use SEO-Friendly URLs:

BigCommerce allows users to customize URLs. Ensure that your URLs are clear, concise, and contain relevant keywords.




3. Write Detailed Product Descriptions:

A detailed product description does not only help customers understand your product better but also offers more content for search engines to index.

Example: Instead of writing “blue suede heels for women,” expand the description: “Elegant women’s blue suede heels, perfect for evening events, with cushioned soles for added comfort.”

4. Optimize Images:

Image optimization goes beyond just resizing. Ensure that your images have descriptive alt tags and are compressed for faster loading times.


For an image of a blue suede shoe, use the alt text “Women’s blue suede heel shoe.”

5. Utilize Schema Markup:

BigCommerce supports schema markup, which can help display rich snippets in search results. This can include product ratings, price, and availability.

Example: By implementing schema, when someone searches for your product, they might see the price, stock status, and ratings directly in the search results.

6. Optimize Meta Descriptions:

While meta descriptions don’t directly influence rankings, they can improve click-through rates by giving searchers a brief idea of what the page contains.

Example: For a category page dedicated to women’s shoes, a good meta description might be “Explore a diverse range of women’s shoes, from heels to sneakers, at unbeatable prices.”

7. Mobile Optimization:

Ensure your BigCommerce store is mobile-optimized. As more consumers use mobile devices for shopping, Google places significant importance on mobile-friendliness.

8. Use High-Quality Backlinks:

While this is not specific to BigCommerce, it’s a fundamental SEO strategy. Partner with bloggers, influencers, and other websites to get high-quality backlinks pointing to your store.

Example: If you sell skincare products, partnering with a beauty blogger to review your products can earn you a backlink.

9. Optimize Site Speed:

BigCommerce has integrated tools to optimize site speed, such as using a CDN (Content Delivery Network). Ensure your website loads quickly, as speed is a ranking factor for Google.

10. Create Quality Content:

Incorporate a blog on your BigCommerce store. Regularly publishing informative and relevant articles can drive organic traffic and position your brand as an authority in your niche.

Example: If you’re in the fitness clothing industry, consider writing articles about workout routines, diet tips, or the benefits of specific clothing materials.

11. Leverage User Reviews:

Encourage customers to leave product reviews. Not only do these enhance trust, but they also provide fresh and user-generated content that search engines value.

12. Implement 301 Redirects for Out-of-Stock Products:

Instead of deleting the pages of products that are no longer available, use 301 redirects to guide visitors to a related product or category page.


Optimizing your BigCommerce e-commerce website for search engines is a continuous process that, when done right, can significantly boost your organic traffic and sales. By focusing on both on-page and off-page SEO strategies, and leveraging the unique features that BigCommerce offers, you can set your online store up for success.

Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. Consistency, patience, and staying updated with the latest SEO trends will position your BigCommerce store ahead of the competition.