BigCommerce Functions


The Ultimate Guide to Picking Between BigCommerce and Other E-commerce Platforms

In the modern world of e-commerce, picking the right platform can mean the difference between success and obscurity. Among the various platforms, BigCommerce has emerged as a prominent player, offering powerful features and functionality. But how does it stack up against other leading e-commerce platforms? Let’s delve into the specifics of BigCommerce and compare it with some of its top competitors: Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento.

The Ultimate Guide to Picking Between BigCommerce and Other E-commerce Platforms

1. BigCommerce


BigCommerce is a hosted e-commerce solution that caters to businesses of all sizes. It is renowned for its robust out-of-the-box features, scalability, and ease of use.


– No Transaction Fees: Unlike many other platforms, BigCommerce doesn’t charge transaction fees.


– Built-in Features: Offers a wide array of built-in features, eliminating the need for numerous third-party apps.


– Scalability: BigCommerce is designed to grow with your business, accommodating increased traffic and orders with ease.

– SEO and Marketing: Comprehensive SEO tools and integrations with popular marketing platforms are available.


– Pricing:  Some users find the platform slightly expensive, especially for advanced plans.

2. Shopify


Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms globally, known for its simplicity and vast app ecosystem.


– User-friendly: With its intuitive interface, setting up and managing an online store is straightforward.


– App Ecosystem: Shopify’s app store is vast, offering integrations and plugins for virtually any need.


– Themes: A wide range of customizable, mobile-responsive themes.


– Transaction Fees: Unless you use Shopify Payments, you’ll incur transaction fees.


– Customization: Advanced customizations might require familiarity with Shopify’s proprietary coding language, Liquid.

Example: Kylie Cosmetics, the makeup brand by Kylie Jenner, runs on Shopify, handling millions in sales during product drops.

3. WooCommerce


WooCommerce is an open-source WordPress plugin, making it a perfect solution for those already familiar with WordPress.


– Customizability: Being open-source, you have total control over your store’s code and appearance.


– Cost: The basic plugin is free, though premium themes and plugins may have costs.


– Large Community: With its wide user base, community support, and abundant resources are available.


– Complexity: It can be a bit complex for beginners, especially those unfamiliar with WordPress.


– Maintenance: You are responsible for updates, security, and hosting.

Example: Porter & York, a brand offering fresh meat delivery, utilizes WooCommerce to serve its client base efficiently.

4. Magento


Magento, an Adobe company, offers both an open-source platform (Magento Open Source) and a cloud-based enterprise solution (Magento Commerce).


– Customizability:  Like WooCommerce, being open-source means vast customization possibilities.


– Scalability: Magento can handle large businesses and massive amounts of traffic.

– Extensive Features: Offers a wide array of features, especially for B2B businesses.


– Complexity: Magento has a steep learning curve, requiring development expertise.


– Cost: The enterprise version can be quite expensive, and hosting for the open-source version can add up.

Example: Ford, the automotive giant, uses Magento for its official merchandise store.


The decision between BigCommerce and other e-commerce platforms largely depends on your business’s specific needs:

– If you want an all-in-one, easy-to-use solution with numerous built-in features, BigCommerce might be the best fit.

– Those looking for a user-friendly platform with a vast app ecosystem might lean towards Shopify.

– If you’re already a WordPress user and value extreme customization, WooCommerce is a strong contender.

– For large enterprises needing a robust, scalable solution, Magento is worth considering.

Whichever platform you choose, ensure it aligns with your business goals, budget, and technical expertise. As e-commerce continues to evolve, so too will these platforms, each offering unique solutions for diverse business needs.