CodeIgniter Q & A


How to create and use custom 404 error pages in CodeIgniter?

Creating and using custom 404 error pages in CodeIgniter is essential to provide a better user experience when users encounter non-existent or invalid URLs on your website. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create and use custom 404 error pages:


  1. Create the Custom 404 View:

   Start by creating a custom view file for your 404 error page. This view file should be located in the “views” folder of your CodeIgniter application. You can name it something like “custom_404.php” or “error_404.php.”


  1. Customize the Error Page:

   Edit the custom 404 view file to display the content and design you want for your error page. You can include helpful information, a search bar, or links to the homepage or relevant sections of your website. Remember to maintain the overall look and feel of your site.


  1. Configure Routes:

   Open the “routes.php” configuration file located in the “config” folder of your CodeIgniter application. Add a route that points to your custom 404 view. For example:



   $route['404_override'] = 'errors/custom_404';



   This route tells CodeIgniter to use the “custom_404” method within the “Errors” controller to display the custom error page.


  1. Create the Errors Controller:

   If you haven’t already, create an “Errors” controller in your application. In this controller, define the “custom_404” method to load and display your custom 404 view. Here’s a basic example:



   class Errors extends CI_Controller {

       public function custom_404() {






  1. Test the Custom 404 Page:

   To ensure your custom 404 page is working correctly, try accessing a non-existent URL on your website. You should see your custom error page displayed with the content you created.


  1. Update .htaccess (Optional):

   If you’re using Apache as your web server, you can further improve your 404 error handling by adding the following lines to your “.htaccess” file:



   ErrorDocument 404 /index.php/errors/custom_404



This ensures that Apache redirects all 404 errors to your CodeIgniter custom error page.


By following these steps, you can create and use a custom 404 error page in CodeIgniter to provide a user-friendly and informative experience when visitors encounter page-not-found errors on your website. This helps retain users and encourages them to explore other areas of your site, enhancing overall user satisfaction.

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