Django Q & A


How to use built-in email sending functionality?

Django provides a straightforward and built-in way to send emails from your web application. To use Django’s built-in email sending functionality, follow these steps:


  1. Configure Email Settings:

   In your Django project’s settings, configure the email backend and SMTP settings. You typically specify these settings in the `` file:



   EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'

   EMAIL_HOST = ''

   EMAIL_PORT = 587  # Use the appropriate port for your SMTP server

   EMAIL_USE_TLS = True  # Use TLS encryption (or set to False for plain SMTP)

   EMAIL_HOST_USER = ''  # Your email address

   EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'your-email-password'  # Your email password


   Ensure you use the correct SMTP server settings for your email service provider.


  1. Import the Email Module:

   In your views or wherever you want to send emails, import the `send_mail` function from `django.core.mail`:


   from django.core.mail import send_mail



  1. Send an Email:

   Use the `send_mail` function to send an email. It takes several arguments, including the subject, message, sender, recipient(s), and optional HTML message:



       'Subject of the Email',

       'Message of the Email',

       '',  # Sender's email address

       [''],  # List of recipient email addresses

       fail_silently=False,  # Set to True to suppress exceptions on failure



   You can also send HTML-formatted emails by providing an HTML message as the `message` argument and setting the content type to `’text/html’`.


  1. Advanced Email Sending:

   Django allows you to send more complex emails with attachments, HTML templates, and inline images. You can use the `EmailMessage` class or the `send_mass_mail` function for more advanced email sending requirements.


  1. Error Handling:

   Consider handling exceptions that may occur during email sending, such as network issues or incorrect SMTP settings. Set `fail_silently` to `True` in the `send_mail` function to suppress exceptions or implement custom error handling logic.

With these steps, you can easily leverage Django’s built-in email sending functionality to send emails from your web application. Whether it’s sending user registration confirmations, password reset links, or notifications, Django’s email capabilities provide a robust and reliable way to communicate with users and clients.

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Experienced Full-stack Developer with a focus on Django, having 7 years of expertise. Worked on diverse projects, utilizing React, Python, Django, and more.