Django Q & A


How to implement token-based authentication in Django REST framework?

Implementing token-based authentication in Django REST framework (DRF) is a common and effective way to secure your API by requiring users to present a unique token with each request. Here’s a step-by-step guide to implementing token-based authentication in DRF:


  1. Install DRF and Authentication Libraries:

   First, ensure you have DRF installed in your Django project. You’ll also need a library for token-based authentication, such as `djangorestframework.authtoken`. You can install it using pip:


   pip install djangorestframework

   pip install djangorestframework-authtoken



  1. Configure Authentication:

   In your project’s settings, add `’rest_framework.authtoken’` to the `INSTALLED_APPS` list and configure DRF to use token authentication:



       # ...



       # ...









  1. Create Tokens:

   Run Django’s migration commands to create the necessary database tables for tokens:


   python makemigrations

   python migrate



  1. Obtain Tokens:

   When a user registers or logs in, generate a token for them. You can create a view or endpoint to issue tokens. Here’s an example using DRF’s built-in views:


   from rest_framework.authtoken.views import ObtainAuthToken

   urlpatterns = [

       # ...

       path('api-token-auth/', ObtainAuthToken.as_view(), name='api_token_auth'),

       # ...



   Clients can make a POST request to this endpoint with their username and password to obtain a token.


  1. Include Tokens in Requests:

   Clients must include their token in the `Authorization` header of each request. The header should be in the format: `Authorization: Token <token_key>`.


  1. Protect Views:

   To secure views or viewsets, apply the `IsAuthenticated` permission class to require token-based authentication. For example:


   from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated

   class MyView(APIView):

       permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated]

       # Your view logic here



By following these steps, you can implement token-based authentication in your Django REST framework API. This approach enhances security by ensuring that only authenticated users with valid tokens can access protected resources. It’s a robust solution for securing your API endpoints and protecting sensitive data.

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