Top Websites to Hire Developers


15 Top Sites to Hire Elixir Developers

Elixir developers are becoming key players in the world of software development, and hiring the right ones can make a big difference in your projects. Elixir, known for its powerful and efficient programming, is gaining popularity as businesses rely more on technology. If you are thinking about starting a software project in 2024, hiring an Elixir developer is a smart move.


Top 15 Sites to Hire Elixir Developers in 2024


This article is your guide to finding and hiring the best Elixir developers. We will break down the unique features, pricing, and advantages of the top websites to help you make the right choice. We have listed out the top 15 platforms and websites to hire Elixir developers in 2024.


1. CloudDevs – Top Pick – Hire Elixir Developers from Your Timezone within 24 Hours 



CloudDevs, a freelancing platform, caters effortlessly to companies seeking the expertise of the top 5% of Latin American developers. Positioned as an ideal solution for both startups and established enterprises, CloudDevs prioritizes flexibility and scalability. 

The platform’s curated network of developers undergoes meticulous screening, ensuring access to high-caliber talent capable of delivering exceptional work. CloudDevs excels in adapting to projects of varying sizes and complexities, offering a seamless experience for businesses with evolving needs. CloudDevs stands out for its skilled Elixir developers, providing clients with proficient talent for their projects. For those looking to hire Elixir developers, CloudDevs offers a reliable platform for securing top-tier expertise.

Pricing: Developers charge according to a flat hourly rate of $45 – $70, and developers can be hired within 24 hours. 


2. IdeaMotive – Top Elixir Developers for Hire


Ideamotive stands out as a leading technology talent place, offering a comprehensive platform for tech enthusiasts and software development experts to connect, collaborate, and find job opportunities. With a vast pool of over 2,000 vetted and tested professionals, including developers, designers, and project managers, Ideamotive ensures a tailored match for technology, industry, and company culture. Among their skilled professionals are Elixir developers renowned for their expertise. Companies seeking to elevate their projects can confidently hire Elixir developers through Ideamotive, benefiting from a community that prioritizes excellence and collaboration in the dynamic realm of technology and software development. 

Pricing: You can expect to receive a quote within a week, and developers will be assigned to your project within 48 hours.


3. Toptal – Find the Best Freelance Elixir Developers 


Toptal, renowned as a freelancer marketplace, prides itself on engaging with the “top 3%” of freelancers across various domains. Among the diverse array of talents offered on the platform, one notable expertise is in Elixir development. This site to hire Elixir developers ensures the inclusion of skilled Elixir developers, elevating the quality of services provided.

Whether in need of graphic designers, web developers, UX/UI experts, project managers, finance professionals, or specifically looking to hire Elixir developers, Toptal requires potential clients to articulate project goals and expectations in a detailed job description. This meticulous approach aids in connecting clients with the most suitable and proficient freelancers.

Pricing: Offers customized pricing for projects based on the client’s specific requirements and project scope. You can hire developers who are available immediately.


4. Peopleperhour – Hire Freelance Elixir Developers Remotely


PeoplePerHour provides a comprehensive platform offering global access to diverse talent, including highly skilled Elixir developers. This platform isn’t limited to Elixir; users can discover developers proficient in various programming languages and domains. Hiring options include both hourly rates and fixed project costs, providing flexibility in choosing a pricing structure. The process is streamlined: post a job, evaluate proposals, and start working. 

PeoplePerHour stands out by subjecting freelancers to a rigorous review process for platform compatibility. The platform boasts built-in collaboration options and offers fund protection services, enhancing security for users. For those seeking to hire Elixir developers, PeoplePerHour provides a smooth and efficient hiring experience.

Pricing: PeoplePerHour connects businesses with freelancers for diverse tasks, offering flexibility to review profiles, ratings, and portfolios.


5. Venturepact – Hire and Manage Top Software Development and Design Teams 


VenturePact stands out by offering access to a carefully vetted pool of the top 4% of global talent, providing the opportunity to hire exceptional Elixir development agencies for diverse projects. Clients benefit from personalized attention in selecting freelance developers or development agencies, with comprehensive insights derived from genuine reviews and updated portfolios across various verticals.

The pricing structure of this site to hire Elixir developers is flexible, influenced by factors like individual or agency skill levels and mastered technologies. Moreover, VenturePact enhances project management through VentureBeat, an agile tool that efficiently tracks milestones and setbacks, while performance indicators offer transparency into daily work contributions. The integrated automated code review tool ensures a holistic assessment of code quality. 

Pricing: The pricing structure is flexible, and you can receive a direct quote from the company.


6. Upwork – The Best Freelance Elixir Developers For Hire 


Upwork functions as an online platform that seamlessly connects freelancers with individuals and businesses seeking their expertise. Users can establish a free profile, opting to register as a client, a freelancer, or both. 

The platform encourages direct communication between clients and freelancers, or clients can post job descriptions in Upwork’s Talent Marketplace to attract talent. Upwork Enterprise is designed for larger companies in need of multiple freelancers instead of traditional staffing. If you are specifically looking to hire skilled Elixir developers, Upwork offers a diverse pool of talented professionals.

Pricing: Elixir developers charge project rates and hourly fees; freelance developers are available for immediate hiring.


7. Arc. dev – Hire Top Elixir Developers Remotely, stemming from CodementorX, is a specialized freelance platform centered on software development, distinguishing itself through a niche market approach. It simplifies the hiring process for top-tier developers for both freelance and remote roles. One distinctive feature is the recent introduction of Al Recruiter, HireAI, revolutionizing recruitment by offering a refined shortlist of freelancers based on uploaded job posts. This eliminates manual tasks and enables focus on vital aspects like interviewing.

Arc’s commitment to transparency and a stringent vetting process, evaluating communication skills and technical abilities, ensures clients are matched with developers possessing precise skill sets. Arc’s prowess extends to Elixir developers, known for their exceptional skill and expertise, making them an ideal choice for those looking to hire Elixir developers.

Pricing: Arc. dev Elixir developers bill $60 – $100+ per hour, with assignment within 72 hours of engagement.


8. Freelancer – Find Top Elixir Developers for Hire on Freelancer, boasting a user base exceeding 25 million, serves as a prominent freelance and crowdsourcing marketplace. Drawing talents from around the globe, the platform offers businesses and entrepreneurs access to a diverse and competitive pool of freelancers. With a myriad of pricing options, Freelancer caters to various budgets and project scopes, accommodating a wide range of industries and skill sets. Their unique bidding system empowers clients to evaluate multiple proposals, selecting the most suitable freelancer for their project. 

The platform’s openness to a broad spectrum of talent facilitates easy onboarding for freelancers, providing ample opportunities to secure work. Freelancer’s adaptable project posting system allows clients to tailor requirements, ensuring a seamless fit with chosen freelancers. For those seeking specialized skills like Elixir developers, is one of the best sites to hire Elixir developers, making it a dynamic marketplace to hire skilled professionals adept in Elixir development.

Pricing:’s payment system ensures payment only upon satisfactory completion; any bidding freelance developer is hireable.


9. Workgenius – Find and Hire The Best Freelance Elixir Developer


The platform Workgenius exclusively collaborates with pre-vetted freelancers who have successfully completed skill-based assessments, showcasing industry expertise. Employing a fully automated matching process, the system swiftly identifies the most suitable Elixir developers for projects, eliminating the need for proposals, portfolio reviews, or negotiations. The technology-driven approach ensures freelancers start working in less than 28 minutes. The platform covers the entire process, from sourcing and vetting to workforce management and streamlining activities for comprehensive oversight. 

Regardless of the freelancers’ number, a consolidated invoice covers all approved projects. The platform boasts a robust compliance framework, including NDAs and IP rights transfers, with over five billion data points analyzed for optimal skills matching. For companies seeking Elixir developers, the platform offers a seamless and efficient hiring solution.

Pricing: You can schedule a call for hiring information and pricing details.


10. Revelo – Top Remote Elixir Developers For US Time Zone


Revelo’s platform, boasting a talent pool of 300,000 technology professionals, facilitates U.S. companies in seamlessly sourcing, hiring, and managing highly qualified, English-speaking, full-time remote tech talent within the same time zone. The platform offers an end-to-end solution, managing payroll, candidate benefits, taxes, and local compliance, ensuring a turnkey approach to sourcing and managing elusive software developers. 

Revelo’s impact spans across a spectrum of companies, from startups to Fortune 500s, aiding in the swift and efficient building and scaling of Engineering teams. Notably, Revelo stands out in offering skilled Elixir developers, providing an ideal solution for those looking to hire Elixir developers with expertise and efficiency.

Pricing: Developers can be hired within 2 weeks, and charges are decided by the company. 


11. – Hire Elixir Developers with Ease


For over a decade, Selleo has demonstrated expertise through 150+ software development projects for clients across Europe, the US, Canada, and Australia. Their proficiency spans diverse technologies, including Ruby on Rails, ReactJS, React Native, EmberJS, and notably, Elixir. Selleo’s full-stack developers seamlessly integrate with in-house teams, enhancing overall productivity for new projects or specialized skill requirements. 

The team embraces tech stack complexity, rapidly adapting to evolving needs. With a focus on industry expertise, Selleo excels in developing custom SaaS solutions, cloud-based business tools, LMS, AdTech platforms, and more. Businesses looking to innovate can efficiently do so by hiring skilled Elixir developers from Selleo.

Pricing: You can schedule a consultation for hiring and charging details.


12. – Leading Elixir Development Experts


FullStack Labs, recognized as the fastest-growing software consultancy in the Americas, collaborates with renowned organizations such as Uber, GoDaddy, MGM, Siemens, Stanford University, and the State of California. The company specializes in building distributed software development teams and delivering transformative digital solutions. 

With a focus on creating a positive and supportive work environment, FullStack Labs prioritizes hiring exceptionally skilled software designers and developers. Notably, they take pride in providing life-changing career opportunities, forming highly-skilled software development teams, and delivering numerous successful custom software solutions. For businesses seeking expertise, FullStack Labs stands out, offering the best site to hire Elixir developers, known for their exceptional skills and contributions to impactful projects.

Pricing: You can hire a developer after a 14-day free trial, and the charges depend on the project.


13. Ultrageniuslabs – Hire Elixir Developer: Access the best developers from the top 1%


UltraGenius operates as an AI talent network, assisting startups and global companies in locating, evaluating, and hiring dependable AI talent on flexible terms. Their vision is to shape a future of work that is remote, borderless, and equitable. The team, driven by the goal of impacting exceptional talent globally, is actively developing UltraGenius. 

The platform ensures clients access top-tier talent efficiently through rapid algorithmic matching, saving both time and costs. UltraGenius collaborates with fast-growing global companies, providing swift access to premier AI talent. As they expand their team, they seek smart, passionate individuals to contribute to building a globally renowned company. Specifically, they are currently open to hiring skilled Elixir developers who can further elevate their offerings.

Pricing: Project-based developer pricing varies; hiring developers is possible within a 24-hour timeframe.


14. ithire – Elixir Developer Sourced Remotely, an AI-driven marketplace and hiring platform, seamlessly connects clients with skilled developers in the technology sector. This innovative platform opens doors for businesses to access a multitude of trusted experts capable of contributing effectively to project success from anywhere., guided by experienced Project Managers, prioritizes understanding the unique needs of its clients, resulting in tailored benefits such as time-tracking tools, online payments, and invoicing solutions. Within this vibrant community of bright and talented individuals, stands out for its commitment to transforming ideas into valuable outcomes. Notably, their Elixir developers are recognized for their exceptional skills, making it an ideal platform for those looking to hire Elixir developers.

Pricing: Developer rates are displayed on the website and you can hire any available developer.


15. – Expert Elixir Development Company


Serokell, a prominent research and development company, places a primary focus on leveraging Haskell and various functional languages. Renowned for its expertise, Serokell specializes in custom software development across diverse domains, including fintech, blockchain, machine learning, biotech, tech, and e-commerce. 

The company boasts skilled Elixir developers, offering a robust talent pool for businesses seeking proficient professionals. For those aiming to elevate their projects, the opportunity to hire Elixir developers from Serokell ensures access to top-tier expertise in software development.

Pricing: You can contact the company for details on pricing and hiring.



This Elixir developer hiring guide offering the best sites to hire Elixir developers, simplifies the process for businesses looking to hire top-notch talent. From crafting the perfect Elixir developer job description to asking the right interview questions for screening your Elixir devs, and determining a competitive annual salary and hourly rates for Elixir specialists, CloudDevs hiring guides covers it all. Whether you are a startup or a large enterprise, the comprehensive insights provided by this guide can empower you to make informed decisions throughout the hiring process. As the demand for Elixir developers rises, use this guide as your go-to resource for building successful and innovative Elixir-powered projects.

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Tech Lead in Elixir with 3 years' experience. Passionate about Elixir/Phoenix and React Native. Full Stack Engineer, Event Organizer, Systems Analyst, Mobile Developer.