Full-stack Developers Rates


Balancing the Stack: How Much Are Full-stack Developers Really Charging Hourly?

In the United States, the typical hourly wage for a full-stack developer stands at $56.67. Those just beginning their careers as junior developers earn approximately $38.46 per hour, while seasoned senior developers receive about $61.54 per hour on average.

It is important to be aware of the current rates for the skill before you start to hire Full-stack developers for your project. This guide is intended to provide full-stack developers with insights into their market value and assist employers in understanding the going rates for hiring such versatile talent. It offers a clear view of the current pay scales in this increasingly important and dynamic field of web development.

What’s the Average Hourly Rate for Full-stack Developers Today?

When comparing hourly rates for full-stack developers across platforms, distinct trends emerge. ZipRecruiter and Salary.com often provide slightly higher estimates for junior and mid-level developers than Glassdoor. Talent.com, however, consistently quotes the highest salaries, especially for senior developers where its estimate surpasses others significantly. Conversely, Glassdoor tends to offer more conservative estimates, closely aligning with the rates of the other platforms for senior roles, but slightly lower for junior and mid-level positions.

fullstack dev hourly rates ziprecruiter

Key Elements That Shape Full-stack Developer Hourly Rate

1. Experience

  • Like many professions, experience plays a massive role in determining a full-stack developer’s salary. Those just starting their career can expect a lower compensation than those with several years under their belt.

2. Geographical Location:

  • A developer based in San Francisco or New York will typically earn more than one in a smaller town, due to the higher cost of living and concentration of tech companies in these cities. However, with the rise of remote work, location’s impact on salary might change in the coming years.

3. Specialization

  • Full-stack developers with a specialization or expertise in a particular niche or technology often have an edge in terms of compensation.

4. Education

  • While many developers are self-taught and do incredibly well, holding a degree, especially from a reputed institution, or having specialized certifications can sometimes bolster earning potential.

5. Company Size

  • Startups might offer equity or stock options in place of a higher salary, whereas established tech giants often provide a more substantial base salary.

Mapping Out Full-stack Developer Hourly Rates Worldwide

RegionAverage Hourly Rate (USD)
North America$51.47
South America$28.94
Western Europe$37.28
Eastern Europe$30.86

North America leads the pack with the highest hourly rates for full-stack developers, followed closely by Australia. Western Europe comes next, with Eastern Europe and South America offering slightly lower rates. Meanwhile, developers in Asia and Africa receive the most modest rates compared to other regions.

Statistics from talent.com suggest that even in the United States, the hourly rate obtained by a Full-stack developer varies according to the state. The highest salary is obtained by developers in Virginia followed by developers in California, New Mexico, West Virginia, Washington, New York, Maryland, New Jersey, Hawaii, Hawaii, and Delaware coming in tenth place.

Further, talent.com details that in the United States, the average hourly rate for a Full-stack developer is $56.23 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $46.88 per hour, while the most experienced workers can earn up to $72.12 per hour.

fullstack dev hourly rates

Exploring Full-stack Developer Earnings Across Diverse Technologies

TechnologyAverage Hourly Rate (USD)
Full-stack wordpress developer46.61
Full-stack JavaScript developer51.24
Full-stack PHP developer34.74
Full-stack Ruby developer45.62
Full-stack Python developer44.56
Full-stack Java developer43.85
Full-stack Ruby on Rails developer41.68

Full-stack JavaScript developers command the highest hourly rates on the list. Full-stack PHP developers, on the other hand, have the lowest rates. Full-stack WordPress and Ruby developers share similar compensation, with Python, Java, and Ruby on Rails developers falling in between, in decreasing order respectively. The distinctions in pay highlight the demand and market value associated with each programming language for full-stack development.


This blog post presents a comprehensive look at the compensation trends for full-stack development professionals. It underscores how factors like experience, technical skills, and project complexity play a significant role in determining hourly rates. This guide serves as a valuable resource for full-stack developers seeking to assess their earning potential and for businesses looking to recruit this unique blend of frontend and backend expertise. Overall, it highlights the growing demand for fullstack developers in the tech industry and outlines the prevailing compensation trends, providing a crucial benchmark for those navigating the financial landscape of full-stack development.

You can check out our Full-stack Developer Annual Salary Guide to learn about the annual salary rates you can earn in the US and across the world. We bring you a complete Full-Stack Developer Hiring Guide, along with the Full-stack Developer Job Description and Full-stack Interview Questions guide which will help you in the process of hiring a Full-stack developer in 2023.