Go Q & A


Does Go have a garbage collector?

Yes, Go has a garbage collector (GC) that automatically manages memory allocation and deallocation. The garbage collector in Go is responsible for identifying and reclaiming memory that is no longer in use, freeing it up for reuse by the program.


The garbage collector in Go is a concurrent, tri-color, mark-sweep collector that operates in the background while the program is running. It uses a technique known as mark-sweep to identify and reclaim unreachable memory. During the mark phase, the garbage collector traverses the object graph starting from the roots and marks all reachable objects. Any objects that are not marked are considered unreachable and are eligible for garbage collection.


Go’s garbage collector is designed to operate concurrently with the execution of Go programs, minimizing pauses and optimizing memory usage. It is optimized for performance and is capable of handling large heaps efficiently.


Go’s garbage collector simplifies memory management for developers by automating memory allocation and deallocation, allowing them to focus on writing clean and efficient code.


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