Go Q & A


Can you dynamically resize arrays in Go?

In Go, arrays have a fixed size that is determined at compile time. Once an array is declared with a specific size, that size cannot be changed during runtime. This fixed-size nature of arrays in Go makes them less flexible for situations where the size of the collection needs to change dynamically.


However, Go provides a data structure called a slice that offers dynamic resizing capabilities. A slice is a flexible, dynamically-sized view into the elements of an array. It acts as a reference to a contiguous segment of an underlying array and includes a length and a capacity. Slices allow you to work with portions of arrays without having to worry about resizing or managing memory manually.


Slices are commonly used in Go for managing collections of data where the size may change over time. You can create a slice by slicing an existing array or by using a slice literal. Slices support dynamic resizing operations such as appending elements, which automatically increases the length of the slice when needed. Under the hood, the capacity of the underlying array may be increased to accommodate the new elements.


While arrays in Go cannot be dynamically resized, slices provide a flexible alternative for managing collections of data with varying sizes and dynamic requirements.

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Over 5 years of experience in Golang. Led the design and implementation of a distributed system and platform for building conversational chatbots.