Go Q & A


Can you use Go for scientific computing?

Yes, Go can be used for scientific computing, although it may not be as prevalent as languages like Python or MATLAB in the scientific community. While Go lacks some specialized libraries and ecosystems tailored specifically for scientific computing, it offers several features and advantages that make it suitable for certain types of scientific and computational tasks:


  • Performance and Efficiency: Go’s compiled nature and runtime efficiency make it well-suited for performance-sensitive scientific computations, numerical simulations, and data processing tasks. Go’s concurrency model, Goroutines, and channels enable parallel execution of computational tasks, which can significantly improve throughput and scalability for computationally intensive workloads.
  • Standard Library: Go’s standard library provides a rich set of packages and utilities for handling mathematical operations, numerical algorithms, statistical analysis, and data manipulation. The math, math/rand, sort, and container packages offer a variety of functions and data structures for performing common scientific computations and operations.
  • External Libraries: While Go’s ecosystem for scientific computing may not be as extensive as other languages, there are several third-party libraries and packages available for numerical computing, linear algebra, optimization, and machine learning in Go. Libraries such as gonum.org/v1/gonum, github.com/sjwhitworth/golearn, and github.com/pa-m/sklearn provide implementations of various mathematical and statistical algorithms in Go.
  • Concurrency and Parallelism: Go’s built-in support for concurrency and parallelism makes it well-suited for distributed computing, parallel processing, and high-performance computing (HPC) applications. By leveraging Goroutines and channels, developers can parallelize scientific computations, distribute workloads across multiple CPU cores or machines, and achieve faster execution times for large-scale computational tasks.
  • Interoperability with C and C++: Go supports interoperability with C and C++ code through cgo, allowing developers to integrate existing scientific libraries and legacy code written in C or C++ into Go applications. By calling C/C++ functions from Go code, developers can leverage existing libraries and algorithms for scientific computing without sacrificing performance or functionality.
  • Tooling and Infrastructure: Go’s tooling, package management, and deployment infrastructure make it well-suited for building scientific applications, data pipelines, and computational workflows. The go command-line tool, go mod dependency manager, and golang.org/x/tools package provide comprehensive support for managing dependencies, building executables, and profiling performance in Go projects.


While Go may not be the primary choice for all scientific computing tasks or domains, it offers a compelling option for developers who value performance, efficiency, and simplicity in scientific software development. By leveraging Go’s strengths in concurrency, performance, and interoperability, developers can build scalable, efficient, and maintainable scientific applications and computational tools in Go.

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