iOS Certifications


iOS Courses and Certifications to Improve Your Coding Skills in 2023

Swift has firmly positioned itself as a leading programming language for iOS development, meeting the diverse requirements of software development and gaining widespread acceptance across enterprises of different scales. It provides developers with robust features to create powerful applications, contributing to an increasing demand for proficient iOS developers.

For individuals aiming to enhance their iOS skills or enter the field of iOS development, exploring certification programs or enrolling in pertinent courses can provide substantial advantages. In this article, we will explore some of the top iOS certification options and courses available in 2023.

1. iOS App Development with Swift Specialization on Coursera 

iOS App Development with Swift Specialization is an iOS course offered by the University of Toronto on Coursera. This course covers topics such as mobile development, iOS development, Swift programming, computer programming, application development, operating systems, mobile development tools, and programming principles. The course instructor is Parham Aarabi.

This course modules are:

  1. Introduction to Flutter Programming: In this section, you will be introduced to the fundamentals of Flutter programming, gaining insights into its features and capabilities.
  2. Flutter App Development Basics: This section will explore the basics of app development using Flutter, understanding key concepts and tools that form the foundation of Flutter applications.
  3. App Design and Development for Flutter: This module will delve into the intricacies of designing and developing apps with Flutter, learning how to create visually appealing and functional user interfaces.
  4. Build Your Own Flutter App: This section will guide you through the process of building your own app using Flutter, applying the knowledge and skills acquired in previous sections to create a fully functional Flutter application.

By the end of this course, you will receive a certified course certificate from the University of Toronto.

2. Meta iOS Developer Professional Certificate on Coursera 

Meta iOS Developer is a comprehensive iOS developer course on Coursera by Meta. This course covers mobile development, computer programming, Swift programming, iOS development, mobile development tools, software engineering, data structures, React, web development, application development, and software engineering tools. 

This also covers programming principles, theoretical computer science, user experience, user experience design, algorithms, computer programming tools, human-computer interaction, computer architecture, data management, front-end web development, interactive design, statistical programming, JavaScript, web design, communication, computer science, Django, Linux, problem-solving and software architecture.

The course modules are;

  1. Introduction to Flutter Mobile Application Development: In this section, you will gain an introduction to Flutter, the framework for building cross-platform mobile applications, setting the stage for your Flutter development journey.
  2. Version Control: This section will explore version control practices in the context of Flutter, learning how to effectively manage and collaborate on your Flutter projects using tools like Git.
  3. Programming Fundamentals in Dart: This section will delve into the fundamentals of Dart programming language, the language used in Flutter development, and understanding key concepts that form the basis of Flutter app development.
  4. Principles of UX/UI Design for Flutter: This section will explore the principles of User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) design tailored for Flutter, ensuring your Flutter apps provide a seamless and visually appealing user experience.
  5. Create the User Interface with Flutter Widgets: You will learn how to create the user interface of your Flutter app using Flutter widgets, gaining practical insights into structuring and styling your app.
  6. Advanced Programming in Dart and Flutter: This section will explore advanced programming techniques in Dart and Flutter, diving into more complex concepts and patterns for building robust and scalable mobile applications.
  7. Working with Data in Flutter: This section will teach you to understand how to work with data in Flutter applications, including data fetching, storage, and manipulation to create dynamic and data-driven Flutter apps.
  8. Mobile Development with Flutter and Dart: You will explore the integration of JavaScript in Flutter development, understanding how to leverage Dart and JavaScript together for enhanced mobile app functionality.
  9. Flutter for Web Development Basics: This section will help you learn the basics of using Flutter for web development, expanding your Flutter skills to create applications for both mobile and web platforms.
  10. React Basics for Flutter Developers: You will gain an understanding of React, a JavaScript library, from the perspective of a Flutter developer, learning how to leverage React principles in Flutter development.
  11. Flutter for Cross-Platform Mobile Development with Dart: This section will dive into Flutter’s cross-platform capabilities, exploring how to build mobile applications using Dart that can run seamlessly on both iOS and Android.
  12. Flutter App Capstone Project: This section will guide you through a Flutter app capstone project, allowing you to apply all the skills and concepts learned throughout the course in a comprehensive and practical manner.
  13. Coding Interview Preparation for Flutter Developers: Conclude your Flutter learning journey by preparing for coding interviews specific to Flutter development, ensuring you are well-equipped for potential job opportunities in the field.

You can receive a certificate of completion certified by Meta, after completing this course successfully.

3. The Complete iOS 17 Developer Course on Udemy 

The Complete iOS 17 Developer Course is a course offered on Udemy that teaches iOS development in 2023 with Swift and Xcode. The course is designed to take you from a complete beginner to a confident practitioner, as it focuses on practical iOS development without neglecting the theory.

This course includes 37 modules and a few of the course modules are;

  1. Introduction: In this iOS module, you will be introduced to the exciting world of iOS development, setting the stage for an exploration of key concepts and techniques.
  2. XCode Overview and Getting Started: This topic will explore the XCode development environment in this section, getting hands-on experience and understanding the tools essential for iOS app development.
  3. Swift 5 Deep Dive: This module will take you on a deep dive into Swift 5, the programming language at the heart of iOS development, ensuring a strong foundation for coding proficiency.
  4. Layout: You will learn the intricacies of layout design in iOS, understanding how to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces for your applications.
  5. Advanced iOS Features: Permanent Storage, Segue, Alert Message, Timers, Gestures: This topic will delve into advanced iOS features, including permanent storage, segue transitions, alert messages, timers, and gesture recognition, enhancing the functionality and user experience of your apps.
  6. First Game: Catch the Kenny: You will engage in a hands-on project to create your first game in iOS—Catch the Kenny—learning game development principles and applying them using Swift.
  7. TableView: Landmark Book: This will explore the implementation of TableViews in iOS using the Landmark Book project, gaining proficiency in displaying and managing lists of data.
  8. Intermediate Swift: OOP: This module will guide you through intermediate Swift concepts, focusing on Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles, crucial for building scalable and maintainable iOS applications.
  9. Core Data: Art Book: You will learn how to use Core Data, Apple’s powerful data storage framework, in the context of the Art Book project, enabling efficient data management in your iOS apps.
  10. Maps: Travel Book: You will explore the integration of Maps in iOS through the Travel Book project, understanding how to incorporate location-based features into your applications.

Concluding this iOS module, you will have acquired a diverse skill set, ranging from fundamental Swift programming to advanced iOS features, game development, and data management, preparing you for exciting opportunities in iOS app development. You will receive a sharable certificate from Udemy after completing this course successfully. 

4. iOS and Swift – The Complete iOS App Development BootCamp on Udemy 

The iOS and Swift – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp is a course offered on Udemy that teaches iOS development in 2023 with Swift and Xcode. The course is designed to take you from a complete beginner to a confident practitioner, as it focuses on practical iOS development without neglecting the theory. With over 50 hours of teaching and dozens of practical projects, you will learn how to create, write, and build real-life apps, games, and clones. 

The course modules are;

  1. Getting Started with iOS Development and Swift 5: You will dive into iOS development and Swift 5, initiating your journey into creating applications for Apple’s ecosystem.
  2. XCode Storyboards and Interface Builder: This topic will explore Xcode’s Storyboards and Interface Builder tools, enabling you to design and visualize your app’s user interface efficiently.
  3. Xcode Storyboard and Interface Builder Challenge: In this topic, you will challenge yourself with hands-on exercises in Xcode Storyboards and Interface Builder to reinforce your learning.
  4. Swift Programming Basics – Collections, Constants, and Variables: You will learn the fundamentals of Swift programming, covering collections, constants, and variables crucial for building iOS applications.
  5. Swift Programming Basics Challenge: You will put your Swift programming skills to the test with challenges that reinforce your understanding of collections, constants, and variables.
  6. Auto Layout and Responsive UIs: In this topic, you will master Auto Layout for creating responsive user interfaces in iOS, ensuring your apps adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes.
  7. Using and Understanding Apple Documentation: You will gain proficiency in using and understanding Apple’s documentation, a key skill for efficient iOS development.
  8. Intermediate Swift Programming – Control Flow and Optional: This topic will explore intermediate Swift programming concepts such as control flow and optionals, enhancing your ability to create robust iOS applications.
  9. iOS App Design Patterns and Code Structuring: You will understand design patterns and code structuring specific to iOS app development, ensuring maintainability and scalability.
  10. iOS App Design Pattern Challenge: Here, you will learn to apply your knowledge of iOS app design patterns through challenges that strengthen your coding and structuring skills.
  11. Advanced Swift Programming Challenge: In this module, you will challenge yourself with advanced Swift programming exercises, solidifying your expertise in building sophisticated iOS applications.
  12. Networking, JSON Parsing, APIs, and Core Location: You will delve into networking, JSON parsing, APIs, and Core Location, essential for creating apps that communicate and utilize location services.
  13. Networking and API Challenge: This challenge is focused on networking and APIs, honing your skills in handling data from external sources in iOS applications.
  14. Firebase Cloud Firestore, TableViews, and Cocoapod Dependencies: You will explore Firebase Cloud Firestore, TableViews, and Cocoapod dependencies, expanding your toolkit for iOS app development.
  15. The Command Line and Terminal: This topic will teach about the command line and terminal, essential tools for efficient development and troubleshooting in the iOS ecosystem.
  16. SwiftUI and Declarative Programming: You will learn SwiftUI and embrace declarative programming for building modern and intuitive user interfaces in iOS applications.
  17. Git, GitHub, and Version Control: This topic will help you understand Git, GitHub, and version control, crucial for collaborative iOS development and tracking changes in your codebase.

This course has been designed with many other modules, and after completing this course, you will receive a certificate of completion.

Here, in this article, we have added a comparison table for all the iOS certification courses mentioned above.

Course/ programCostLevelDurationStudy mode
iOS App Development with Swift SpecializationFreeIntermediate40 hoursOnline
Meta iOS Developer Professional Certificate$49Beginner8 months (7 hours a week)Online
The Complete iOS 17 Developer Course$74.99Intermediate / Advanced51 hoursOnline
iOS and Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp$74.99Beginner59.5 hoursOnline

The provided table outlines distinctions among various iOS courses, covering aspects like duration, costs, and prerequisites. Course fees hinge on factors like learning platform, study format, and duration. When choosing an iOS certificate course, it’s crucial to evaluate its alignment with your skills, financial considerations, and career goals.

5. Conclusion

To sum up, enrolling in an iOS course in 2023 presents a substantial opportunity for career advancement. Through effective training, you can refine your skills as an iOS developer and participate in compelling and diverse projects. Whether you are a new iOS developer or an experienced iOS developer, there’s a range of courses and certification programs to enhance your proficiency in iOS app development.

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Skilled iOS Engineer with extensive experience developing cutting-edge mobile solutions. Over 7 years in iOS development.