Kotlin Q & A


What is the apply function in Kotlin?

The apply function in Kotlin is a versatile tool used to configure properties and perform initialization on objects within a builder-style context. It allows you to conveniently apply multiple configuration options to an object while constructing it, promoting a fluent and expressive coding style.

The apply function is an extension function defined on all types and is commonly used in scenarios where an object requires initialization or configuration with multiple properties.

Here’s a simplified example illustrating the usage of the apply function:


data class Person(var name: String, var age: Int)

val person = Person("", 0).apply {
 name = "John"
 age = 30

In this example, the apply function is called on a Person object being created. Within the lambda passed to apply, properties of the Person object (name and age) are configured with specific values. The apply function then returns the modified Person object.

The key advantage of the apply function lies in its ability to eliminate redundant code by enabling concise and readable initialization of objects. It is commonly used in conjunction with data classes, builders, and configuration patterns to streamline object creation and setup.

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