Kotlin Q & A


What are Kotlin’s basic collection types?

Kotlin provides a rich set of collection types that facilitate the storage, manipulation, and traversal of data in applications. Some of the basic collection types in Kotlin include lists, sets, maps, and arrays.

Lists: Lists in Kotlin are ordered collections of elements that allow duplicate elements. Kotlin provides List and MutableList interfaces, along with their implementations such as ArrayList and LinkedList.

Sets: Sets are collections that contain unique elements with no specific order. Kotlin offers Set and MutableSet interfaces, and implementations like HashSet and LinkedHashSet.

Maps: Maps represent key-value pairs, where each key is unique. Kotlin provides Map and MutableMap interfaces, and implementations such as HashMap and LinkedHashMap.

Arrays: Arrays in Kotlin are special collections that store elements of a specific data type. Kotlin arrays can be of primitive types or objects and are created using factory functions like arrayOf() or intArrayOf().

These collection types enable developers to organize and manipulate data efficiently in Kotlin applications. They offer a wide range of functionalities such as adding, removing, searching, and iterating over elements, making Kotlin an ideal choice for developing data-driven applications.

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Experienced Android Engineer specializing in Kotlin with over 5 years of hands-on expertise. Proven record of delivering impactful solutions and driving app innovation.