Kotlin Q & A


What is a lambda expression in Kotlin?

In Kotlin, a lambda expression is a concise way to define anonymous functions, which can be passed as arguments to higher-order functions or stored in variables. Lambda expressions enable developers to encapsulate behavior and pass it around as a first-class citizen in the Kotlin language.

A lambda expression in Kotlin has the following syntax:


{ parameters -> body }

Here, parameters represent the input parameters of the lambda function, and body represents the code block to be executed when the lambda is invoked.

For example, a lambda expression to calculate the square of a number can be defined as follows:


val square: (Int) -> Int = { x -> x * x }

In this lambda expression, (Int) -> Int denotes the lambda’s type, which specifies that it takes an integer as input and returns an integer. The expression { x -> x * x } represents the function body, which calculates the square of the input integer x.

Lambda expressions in Kotlin promote functional programming paradigms and enable developers to write concise and expressive code. They are particularly useful in scenarios where functions need to be passed as arguments or returned from other functions.

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