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How to deploy Laravel applications on AWS with Vapor?

Deploying Laravel applications on AWS with Vapor is like taking your application to the next level—it’s a streamlined process that leverages the power of AWS infrastructure while providing the simplicity and elegance of the Laravel framework. With Vapor, deploying your Laravel application to AWS is easier than ever, thanks to its intuitive deployment tools and seamless integration with Laravel. Here’s how you can deploy Laravel applications on AWS with Vapor in a user-friendly way:


Set Up Your Laravel Application: Before deploying your Laravel application with Vapor, ensure that your application is ready for deployment. This includes configuring your application settings, dependencies, environment variables, database connections, and asset storage options according to your application’s requirements.


Install Laravel Vapor: To deploy your Laravel application with Vapor, you’ll need to install the Vapor CLI tool on your local development environment. You can install Vapor globally using Composer:


composer global require laravel/vapor-cli

Once installed, you can use the vapor command-line tool to manage your Vapor projects and deploy your Laravel application to AWS.


Initialize Your Vapor Project: Navigate to your Laravel project directory and run the following command to initialize your Vapor project:


vapor init

This command will prompt you to enter your AWS credentials and configure your Vapor project settings, such as the AWS region, environment name, and deployment settings.


Configure Your Vapor Environment: Once your Vapor project is initialized, you can configure your Vapor environment settings in the vapor.yml configuration file. This file allows you to specify your application’s environment variables, database settings, asset storage options, and other deployment configurations.


Deploy Your Laravel Application: With your Vapor project configured, you can deploy your Laravel application to AWS by running the following command:

vapor deploy

This command will package your Laravel application, upload it to AWS, provision the necessary resources, and deploy your application to the cloud. Vapor handles all aspects of the deployment process, including creating Lambda functions, setting up API Gateway endpoints, and configuring database connections.


Monitor Your Deployment: Once your application is deployed, you can monitor its performance, resource usage, and error logs using the Vapor dashboard or AWS CloudWatch. Vapor provides real-time monitoring and logging capabilities, allowing you to track the health and performance of your application in the cloud.


Manage Your Application: With your Laravel application deployed on AWS with Vapor, you can easily manage your application’s resources, scale your infrastructure, and deploy updates using the Vapor CLI tool or the Vapor dashboard. Vapor simplifies the process of managing your application’s lifecycle, allowing you to focus on building and improving your application’s features.


By following these steps, you can deploy your Laravel applications to AWS with Vapor quickly and efficiently, taking advantage of AWS’s powerful infrastructure and Laravel’s elegant development framework. With Vapor, deploying and managing Laravel applications in the cloud has never been easier, allowing you to focus on building great software without worrying about infrastructure complexities.

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Experienced Full Stack Engineer with expertise in Laravel and AWS. 7 years of hands-on Laravel development, leading impactful projects and teams.