

How Laravel Scout Transforms Search in Eloquent Model-Based Apps

When it comes to web applications, one of the most sought-after features is a robust search capability. It can greatly enhance user experience and streamline data retrieval. Laravel, a popular PHP framework, offers a wonderful solution to this challenge with its package Laravel Scout.

How Laravel Scout Transforms Search in Eloquent Model-Based Apps

1. What is Laravel Scout?

Laravel Scout is an optional package that provides full-text search functionality for Eloquent models. With a simple configuration, you can enable blazing fast search capabilities on your application. Scout uses driver-based solutions, and out of the box, it supports Algolia, a cloud-based search service. However, developers can also implement custom drivers.

Let’s explore how you can integrate Laravel Scout into your project.

2. Installation and Configuration

To begin with, you’ll need to install Scout via Composer:

composer require laravel/scout

Once installed, you can publish its configuration:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravel\Scout\ScoutServiceProvider"

In your `.env` file, add any necessary Algolia configuration details:


However, if you’re opting for a different driver, you’ll configure it accordingly.

3. Making a Model Searchable

Once you’ve set up Scout, making an Eloquent model searchable is a breeze. Simply add the `Searchable` trait to your model.

use Laravel\Scout\Searchable;

class Post extends Model
    use Searchable;

    // Rest of your model code...

With this trait, your model will automatically keep an index of its records which can be used for searching.

4. Basic Search Functionality

For a basic search, Scout offers a straightforward approach. Here’s how you’d search for a post with a specific keyword:

$posts = App\Post::search('keyword')->get();

You’ll get a collection of `Post` instances matching the keyword.

5. Advanced Search

You can also make use of more advanced search capabilities, such as pagination:

$posts = App\Post::search('keyword')->paginate(10);

You can also add conditions to the search:

$posts = App\Post::search('keyword')->where('published', 1)->get();

6. Customizing the Index

By default, all of the model’s columns are made searchable. However, sometimes you might want to limit the columns or modify how data is indexed. You can do so by defining a `toSearchableArray` method on the model:

public function toSearchableArray()
    return [
        'id' => $this->id,
        'title' => $this->title,
        'content' => $this->content,

This method determines the data that will be indexed. In the example above, only the `id`, `title`, and `content` fields of the `Post` model would be searchable.

7. Removing Records from Index

If, for any reason, you’d like to remove a record from the search index, you can do so easily:


To remove all records of a model from the index:


8. Importing Records

For larger databases, you might want to bulk import all records into your search index. This can be achieved with:

php artisan scout:import "App\Post"


Laravel Scout greatly simplifies the process of integrating full-text search capabilities into your Eloquent models. With driver-based solutions, you have the flexibility to opt for your preferred search engine or service. Its fluent API makes implementation a breeze, allowing you to focus on building amazing features for your application.

Whether you’re building a blog, an e-commerce site, or any other platform that requires search, Laravel Scout should be a top consideration for enhancing the user experience and providing rapid, accurate search results.

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Experienced Full Stack Engineer with expertise in Laravel and AWS. 7 years of hands-on Laravel development, leading impactful projects and teams.