Magento Functions


Magento 1 vs Magento 2: The Ultimate Showdown for E-commerce Excellence

Magento, one of the leading e-commerce platforms, has had two major versions since its inception: Magento 1 and Magento 2. Both have been popular for different reasons, and businesses often face a dilemma when trying to pick between them. If you’re grappling with this decision between Magento 1 vs Magento 2, this post will shed light on the pros, cons, and key differences between the two, complete with examples.

Magento 1 vs. Magento 2: The Ultimate Showdown for E-commerce Excellence

Magento 1: The Original Powerhouse


  1. Maturity: Having been around for much longer, Magento 1 boasts a stable build. Many businesses ran their online stores on it for years and are familiar with its nuances.
  1. Extensions: Due to its age, Magento 1 has a plethora of plugins and extensions available, many of which might not yet be available for Magento 2.
  1. Familiarity: For businesses that have already been using Magento 1, the costs and challenges of migration might seem daunting.


  1. End of Life (EOL): Magento announced that it would end support for Magento 1 in June 2020. This means no more security patches or updates, making it vulnerable to threats.
  1. Performance: Magento 1 isn’t as optimized as its successor. Page load times are generally slower, which can impact sales and SEO.
  1. Lack of Modern Features: Newer e-commerce features and updated technologies are no longer being developed for Magento 1.


Imagine a store, VintageGoods, which has been running on Magento 1 since 2012. They have tons of custom extensions, and their team is well-versed in the Magento 1 environment. For them, the biggest benefit is familiarity, but they face risks in terms of security and outdated performance.

Magento 2: The Modern Maven


  1. Enhanced Performance: Magento 2 offers faster page load times due to improved caching, full-page caching in both the free and paid versions, and better performance optimization out-of-the-box.
  1. Streamlined Checkout Process: Magento 2 provides a more straightforward and user-friendly checkout process, potentially reducing cart abandonment rates.
  2. Improved Admin Interface: The backend interface of Magento 2 is more intuitive and user-friendly, making it easier for store management.
  1. Mobile Responsiveness: With mobile commerce on the rise, Magento 2’s focus on mobile-responsiveness provides a better shopping experience on smartphones and tablets.
  1. Continuous Support and Updates: Being the current version, Magento 2 receives all the new features, security updates, and patches.


  1. Migration Challenges: Moving from Magento 1 to Magento 2 is not a straightforward upgrade. It can be time-consuming and might require considerable effort to ensure that data, extensions, and customizations are transferred correctly.
  1. Cost: Magento 2, especially the Enterprise Edition, can be pricier in terms of licensing and hosting due to its enhanced features.
  1. Learning Curve: For teams familiar with Magento 1, there might be a learning curve to understand the nuances of Magento 2.


ModernTechStore, a new e-commerce business established in 2021, opts for Magento 2. They benefit from enhanced speed, a sleek checkout process, and a mobile-responsive design. Their team, though new to Magento, finds the Magento 2 admin panel more intuitive than Magento 1’s.

Conclusion: Which to Choose?

Existing Magento 1 Users: If you’re still on Magento 1, the main question isn’t “if” you should migrate, but “when”. With the EOL already past, security concerns should be top of mind. However, it’s essential to plan the migration carefully to ensure a smooth transition.

New Users or Those Planning to Migrate: Magento 2 is the clear choice. With its advanced features, improved performance, and ongoing support, it offers a robust platform for modern e-commerce needs.

Ultimately, while Magento 1 served its time well, the future of e-commerce lies with platforms that continually evolve with technological advancements. Magento 2, with its promise of enhanced capabilities, is well-poised to cater to the current and future demands of the online retail world.