Magento Certifications


Magento Courses and Certifications to Improve Your Coding Skills in 2023

Magento has firmly positioned itself as a leading e-commerce platform suitable for a diverse array of online businesses, witnessing widespread adoption across enterprises of varying scales. Magento empowers developers with the capabilities to create robust e-commerce applications, leading to an increasing demand for proficient Magento developers.

If you are eager to enhance your Magento skills or embark on a career in Magento development as a Magento developer, exploring certification programs or enrolling in relevant courses can provide substantial advantages. In this article, we will explore some of the top Magento certification options and courses available in 2023.

1. Magento 2: Super Course – Module Development (Subtitled EN) on Udemy

Magento 2: Super Course – Module Development (Subtitled EN) covers everything you need to know to start developing Magento 2 modules and components. The course is designed for web developers who want to learn how to create modules and understand more about Magento 2 structure. It covers topics such as Magento 2 installation, configuration, customization, and more. The course is self-paced and includes lifetime access to the course content. The course is taught in English and has English subtitles.

The course modules are;

  1. Introduction and Environment Setup: In this section, you will learn the essentials of Magento 2 development, starting with a detailed introduction and guidance on setting up your development environment for a seamless workflow.
  2. Getting to Know Magento 2: This section will teach you the intricacies of Magento 2, offering insights into its architecture, features, and how it serves as a powerful platform for e-commerce development.
  3. Starting Developing for Magento 2: This module covers the foundational steps of Magento 2 development, guiding you through the creation of modules and providing a solid understanding of the core structure of Magento 2 applications.
  4. Tools and Tips: In this section, you will learn essential tools and tips that enhance your Magento 2 development experience, including debugging techniques and productivity-boosting tools for efficient coding.
  5. Developing for a New Magento: This module covers the process of developing for a new Magento instance, emphasizing customization, theming, and extension development to meet unique requirements.
  6. Setup Scripts: In this section, you will learn about Magento 2 setup scripts, gaining expertise in configuring and initializing your module’s database structure and other critical settings.
  7. Controllers – Creating Routes and Pages on Magento 2: This section will teach you how to create controllers in Magento 2, empowering you to establish routes and pages that control the flow of your e-commerce application
  8. Layout XML – Where Our Visual Changes Begin: In this module, explore the power of Magento 2’s Layout XML, initiating visual changes to your storefront and mastering the art of customizing the appearance of your online store.
  9. Conclusion: Concluding this course section, reflect on the key concepts covered, and understand how this knowledge prepares you for the next steps in your Magento 2 e-commerce development journey.

By the end of this course, you will be able to create controllers in the front end and in the admin area, install scripts, create blocks, prepare development environments, add a menu, and use Magento 2 for software development.

2. Magento Community Edition 2 Essential Training by Linkedin Learning

Magento Community Edition 2 Essential Training is a course offered by Linkedin Learning that teaches you how to set up your own e-commerce site using Magento Community Edition. The course covers topics such as creating basic products, setting up payment methods, configuring shipping, etc. The course is self-paced and includes lifetime access to the course content. 

The course modules are:

  1. Configuration: Magento Configuration: In this section, you will learn the intricacies of Magento configuration, understand how to optimize settings for your specific e-commerce needs and ensure a seamless online shopping experience.
  2. Products: This module covers products in Magento, enlightening you on managing product attributes effectively and creating customizable products to offer diverse options to your customers.
  3. Organizing Products: This section will teach you strategies for efficiently organizing products in Magento, helping you create a structured and user-friendly online catalog.
  4. Content: In this section, explore Magento’s content management capabilities, delving into the creation and customization of pages, blocks, and widgets to enhance your store’s visual appeal and functionality.
  5. Payment and Taxes: This module guides you through the configuration of payment methods, tax rules, and customer tax classes in Magento, ensuring a smooth and compliant financial transaction process.
  6. Shipping: Here, you will learn the intricacies of shipping configuration in Magento, covering shipping methods, rates, and rules to provide a seamless and reliable shipping experience for your customers.
  7. Emails: In this section, you will learn to configure automated emails and newsletters in Magento, enhancing your communication strategy and keeping customers informed and engaged.
  8. Extensions and Themes: In this section, you will explore the vast world of Magento extensions and themes, discovering how to integrate third-party extensions and customize themes to align with your store’s unique brand and functionality.
  9. Conclusion: Concluding this Magento course section, reflect on the knowledge gained, understanding how proficiently configuring and managing various aspects of your e-commerce store contributes to its overall success and user satisfaction.

You can receive a sharable certificate, once you complete this course successfully. 

3. Mastering Magento for E-commerce Certification on Edureka

Mastering Magento for E-Commerce Certification Training that will help you become a certified Magento developer. The course is designed to teach you everything you need to know about Magento from scratch, including topics such as Magento architecture, Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, data models, rendering systems, Adminhtml, and REST web services. The course is self-paced and includes lifetime access to the course content.

The course modules are;

  1. Introduction: In this introductory module, you will be introduced to the world of Magento, setting the stage for a comprehensive exploration of its features, architecture, and capabilities.
  2. Magento Basics: This section covers the fundamental elements of Magento, providing a solid foundation in understanding the key components and functionalities of the e-commerce platform.
  3. Request Flow: Delve into the intricacies of the request flow in Magento, gaining insights into how user requests are processed and fulfilled within the system.
  4. Design/Templates Basics: Explore the design and template basics in Magento, learning how to create visually appealing and responsive layouts for your e-commerce store.
  5. Rendering Systems: This module covers rendering systems in Magento, providing an in-depth understanding of how content is rendered and displayed to users on the frontend.
  6. Database in Magento: Gain proficiency in handling databases in Magento, including database setup, configuration, and optimization for efficient data management within the platform.
  7. EAV Model: Explore the Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) model in Magento, understanding its role in flexible data storage and management within the e-commerce framework.
  8. Admin HTML: Learn the essentials of Admin HTML in Magento, empowering you to customize the admin interface and enhance the backend user experience.
  9. Rest Web-Services: This section will teach you about REST web services in Magento, enabling you to develop and integrate scalable and efficient web services for your e-commerce applications.
  10. Magento Enterprise: Explore the advanced features and capabilities of Magento Enterprise, understanding how this version extends the functionality of the platform for larger-scale and enterprise-level e-commerce solutions.

You can receive an Edureka-certified course certificate by the end of this course.

4. Simplified Magento 2: Video Course – From Beginner to Expert

Simplified Magento 2: Video Course – From Beginner To Expert is a course on Udemy that covers everything you need to know to start developing Magento 2 modules and components. The course is designed for web developers who want to learn how to create modules and understand more about the Magento 2 structure. It covers topics such as Magento 2 installation, configuration, and customization.

The course modules are;

  1. Architecture and Customization Techniques, Plugins: In this section, you will delve into the architecture of Magento, understand its core structure, and explore customization techniques, including the utilization of plugins to extend and modify the platform’s functionality.
  2. Request Routing: Learn the intricacies of request routing in Magento, understanding how URL requests are processed and mapped to specific controllers to create a seamless user experience.
  3. Database: This module covers the database aspects of Magento, guiding you through database design, configuration, and optimization to ensure efficient data management within the e-commerce framework.
  4. EAV and Extension Attributes: Explore the Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) model and extension attributes in Magento, gaining insights into how to leverage these features for flexible and scalable data storage and management.
  5. Presentation Layer: Understand the presentation layer in Magento, including the role of themes, layouts, and templates in creating visually appealing and responsive user interfaces for your online store.
  6. Customizing Admin: Learn the techniques for customizing the Magento admin interface, tailoring it to meet the specific needs of your business, and enhancing the user experience for administrators and backend users.

This course if perfect for beginners, who want to learn and gain advanced Magento development skills.

Here is a comparison table of the Magento courses mentioned above. 

Course/ programCostLevelDurationStudy mode
Magento 2: Super Course - Module Development (Subtitled EN)$189.99Intermediate / Advanced5.5 hoursOnline
Magento Community Edition 2 Essential TrainingFreeAdvanced5 hours 13 minutesOnline
Mastering Magento for E-Commerce Certification Training$90Beginner2 WeeksOnline
Simplified Magento 2: Video Course - From Beginner To Expert$54.99Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced12.5 hoursOnline

The provided table outlines discrepancies among Magento courses in terms of duration, costs, and prerequisite skills. Course prices hinge on factors such as the learning platform, study format, and duration. When selecting a Magento course, it’s vital to assess your proficiency, financial constraints, and career objectives. This strategy aids in pinpointing the most suitable Magento course tailored to your specific needs.


In conclusion, enrolling in a Magento course in 2023 presents a valuable opportunity for career advancement. With the right training, you can elevate your skills as a Magento developer and participate in exciting projects. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced coder, numerous courses and certification programs exist to enhance your proficiency in Magento development.