Magento Functions


Keep Hackers at Bay: Magento Security Practices Every Store Owner Must Know

Magento, a popular e-commerce platform, is a target for hackers and cybercriminals due to its widespread adoption. Ensuring its security is paramount for the safety of customer data and the overall reputation of online businesses. Let’s dive into the best security Magento practices to make sure your store remains impenetrable.

Keep Hackers at Bay: Magento Security Practices Every Store Owner Must Know

1. Use the Latest Magento Version

Why: Every new release of Magento contains security enhancements and fixes for known vulnerabilities.

Example: Magento 2.3.5 introduced 25+ security enhancements that help close vulnerabilities related to remote code execution (RCE) and cross-site scripting (XSS).

Action: Regularly check the Magento official website or your admin dashboard for updates and promptly install them.

2. Use Strong, Unique Passwords

Why: Weak or repeated passwords make it easier for attackers to gain unauthorized access.

Example: A password like “admin123” is easier to crack compared to “M4g3nt0_$3cur3!”

Action: Use a combination of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols in your passwords. Consider using a password manager for added security.

3. Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Why: 2FA provides an additional layer of security by requiring two forms of identification.

Example: Even if a hacker knows your password, they won’t be able to access the account without the second form of authentication, such as a text message or authentication app.

Action: Enable 2FA for your Magento admin panel and encourage your users to do the same.

4. Secure Your Admin Path

Why: The default Magento admin path can be easily guessed, making it a target for attacks.

Example: Instead of using the default “/admin” path, customize it to something unique, e.g., “/store_sec345”.

Action: Change the admin path from the backend configuration and ensure it’s kept confidential.

5. Set Correct File Permissions

Why: Incorrect file permissions can allow hackers to modify your site’s files.

Example: World-writable files (777 permissions) can be edited by anyone, making them a potential security risk.

Action: Set directories to “755” and files to “644” to maintain security without impeding functionality.

6. Use a Secure Connection (HTTPS)

Why: HTTPS encrypts the data between the web server and the client, protecting it from eavesdropping.

Example: A website without HTTPS might expose sensitive customer information, like credit card details, during transactions.

Action: Purchase an SSL certificate and configure your Magento store to use HTTPS.

7. Regular Backups

Why: In case of any security breach, having a backup allows you to restore your website to its previous state.

Example: A Magento store faced a ransomware attack but easily recovered without paying the ransom because they had a recent backup.

Action: Schedule daily or weekly backups and store them offsite.

8. Disable Unnecessary Extensions and Modules

Why: Each extension is a potential point of entry for hackers.

Example: An outdated slider plugin had a vulnerability that allowed attackers to upload malicious scripts to a Magento site.

Action: Regularly audit and update your extensions, and disable or uninstall those you don’t use.

9. Implement a Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Why: WAFs filter, monitor, and block malicious HTTP traffic to and from a web application.

Example: A brute force attack attempting to access the Magento admin panel was blocked by a WAF before reaching the server.

Action: Choose a reputable WAF solution and configure it properly for your Magento store.

10. Regularly Scan for Malware and Vulnerabilities

Why: Regular scans can detect and remove malicious files or scripts before they cause harm.

Example: A Magento site using a security scanner detected a hidden phishing page that was discreetly collecting customer details.

Action: Use security scanners like Sucuri or MageReport to check your Magento site’s health.


The digital landscape is fraught with risks, but by implementing robust security measures, you can ensure the safety of your Magento store. Regular updates, strong authentication methods, and proactive monitoring are key to thwarting most threats. Always prioritize your customers’ trust and data security, and you’ll build a strong foundation for your online business.