

Key courses to upskill yourself as a Next.js developer

1. Next.js Dev to Deployment by Udemy

The Next.js Dev to Deployment course offered by Udemy is a comprehensive guide on using Next.js for web development. The course covers various aspects of Next.js, from setting up the project to deploying it to production, as presented below.

    1. Building Your First Next.js App: In this module, you will learn how to set up your development environment and create your first Next.js app. You will gain knowledge of all the necessary steps involved, from installing the necessary tools to creating the basic structure of the application.
    2. Working with API Routes: This module delves into the world of API Routes in Next.js. You will learn how to create API endpoints in Next.js and consume data from external APIs. In this module, you will build a simple API Route that fetches data from an external API. You will gain exposure to the basics of creating API routes in Next.js, including authentication, error handling, and caching.
    3. Deploying to Production: In this final module, focus is placed on deploying your Next.js application to a production server. You will explore the different deployment options available and will be provided guidance on the process of setting up a production-ready environment. You will explore topics such as setting up a production server, configuring static file hosting, and deploying your application to services like Vercel, Netlify, and AWS Amplify. By the end of the module, you will have a fully functional production-ready Next.js application.

This course includes 10 hours on-demand video. By pursuing this course, you will therefore be able to gain exposure to crucial areas in Next.js development, from setting up the project to deploying it to production.

2. Next.js & React – The Complete Guide (incl. Two Paths!) by Udemy

In this comprehensive course, you will learn everything you need to know about Next.js and React, including two different paths – frontend and backend. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this course has something for everyone.

  • Introduction to frontend development: The course starts with an introduction to frontend development, covering topics such as markup languages, styling, and JavaScript basics. You’ll explore the principles of React, including state management, props, and lifecycle methods.
  • Creating components with React: Once you have a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, and React, you will move on to creating components. You will learn how to organize your code into reusable components, improving maintainability and scalability of your applications.
  • Advanced concepts in React: During the course, you will also explore advanced concepts in React, such as hooks, Redux, and React hooks. These topics will help you build even more powerful and complex applications.
  • Introduction to backend development: The course starts with an introduction to backend development, covering topics such as server-side programming, databases, and HTTP concepts. You’ll delve into the world of Node.js, learning about its core modules and APIs.
  • Working with Node.js and Express.js: You’ll then move on to Express.js, the most popular Node.js framework for building web applications. You’ll learn how to set up a project, create routes, and handle requests.
  • Creating a REST API with Express.js: As you progress through the course, you’ll work on building a real-world REST API using Express.js. You’ll learn how to structure your endpoints, authenticate users, and generate appropriate responses.

This course offers 25 hours on-demand video as well. By the end of the course, you’ll have a thorough understanding of Next.js and React, including two different paths – frontend and backend. Whether you’re interested in building frontend applications with React or backend APIs with Node.js and Express.js, this course has you covered.

3. Next.js Crash Course with React and Tailwind CSS by Udemy

The course aims to give beginners a strong foundation in Next.js, React, and Tailwind CSS. Learning will therefore support to create robust web applications using these technologies.

  • Introduction to Next.js: The first module of the course introduces the fundamentals of Next.js. It starts with an overview of the framework and its role in modern web development. You will also explore the benefits of using Next.js and its key features. This module also covers the basics of building a web application with Next.js. You will therefore learn how to create a new project, add components, manage routes, and leverage Next.js’ built-in functionalities.
  • Introduction to React: In the second module, you will learn about the core principles of React, such as components, state, and props. This module also covers working with React components. You will learn how to structure their code, create reusable components, and use props to pass data between components. Finally, you will explore creating interactive elements in React including handling events, adding animations, and handling user input.
  • Overview of Tailwind CSS: In this module, you will get familiar with the Tailwind CSS framework. You will learn the basics of the Tailwind CSS syntax, including how to define classes, compose styles, and customize their design. This module also covers working with responsive layouts in Tailwind CSS. You will learn how to create a responsive grid, use breakpoints, and apply responsive styles with Tailwind CSS classes.

This course includes almost 1 hour on-demand video. By the end of the course, you will have a solid grounding in Next.js, React, and Tailwind CSS and will be able to create robust web applications using these technologies.

4. Next.JS with Sanity CMS – Serverless Blog App (w/ Vercel) by Udemy

This course focuses on providing a comprehensive introduction to Next.JS, Sanity CMS, and Vercel. It equips developers with the necessary skills to build and deploy a serverless blog application.

    1. Introduction to Next.JS: In this module, you will learn the fundamentals of Next.JS, including how to get started with the framework and create their first application. You will explore the various features of Next.JS, such as routing, components, and asynchronous data fetching. 
    2. Introduction to Sanity CMS: In this section, you will be introduced to Sanity CMS and understand how it can be used to manage content. This will involve exploring the various features of Sanity CMS, such as creating and editing documents, managing permissions, and integrating with external data sources.
    3. Setting up a Next.JS and Sanity CMS project: In this module, you will set up your own Next.JS and Sanity CMS projects. This will involve learning how to create a Next.JS project and configure the necessary dependencies. You will also set up Sanity CMS and deploy it to your project.  You will become familiar with the various project configurations required to use Sanity CMS with Next.JS. You will learn how configure the project to use Sanity CMS as a headless content management system, and connect it to their Next.JS application.
  • Building a Next.JS and Sanity CMS blog app: In this module, you will implement the various features of a blog application, such as displaying blog posts, allowing users to create and edit posts, and managing comments. The module will further enable you to explore the various patterns and techniques that can be used to create a scalable and robust blog application. They will learn how to implement features such as authentication, routing, and user management.
  1. Deployment to Vercel: In this final module, you will learn how to deploy your Next.JS and Sanity CMS application to Vercel, a serverless cloud platform. You will learn how to set up a Vercel project and configure it to deploy their blog application. In this module, you will also learn how to configure CI/CD pipelines to automate the deployment process.

This course comes with 13 hours on-demand video. By following this course, you will be equipped with the necessary skills to build and deploy a serverless blog application.

5. Next JS & Typescript with Shopify Integration – Full Guide by Udemy

This is a comprehensive course that provides a comprehensive introduction to Next JS and Typescript, as well as a step-by-step guide on integrating these frameworks with Shopify to create powerful online stores. This course is designed for developers looking to gain proficiency in building scalable and maintainable Shopify applications using Next JS and Typescript.

  1. Getting started with Next JS and Typescript: In this module, you will exposed to an overview of Next JS, a framework for building server-side rendered React applications, and Typescript, a superset of JavaScript that adds type checking and static typing. You will also guided through setting up the necessary development environment for Next JS and Typescript, including the installation of relevant tools and frameworks.
  2. Building online stores with Next JS and Typescript: In this module, you will explore the process of creating and configuring Shopify storefronts. You can then delve into the integration of Next JS and Typescript with Shopify, allowing you to build robust and scalable online stores. Throughout this module, you will learn about integrating Shopify’s APIs, creating and retrieving products, and managing orders using Next JS and Typescript.
  3. Advanced Next JS and Typescript features: In this module, you can explore the benefits of using Next JS and Typescript for server-side rendering, which enables faster and more efficient page loads for your online store. Additionally, you will cover topics such as using GraphQL with Next JS and Typescript, and implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms for secure access to your Shopify store.

This course offers 28 hours on-demand video. By the end of the course, you will have gained a deep understanding of Next JS and Typescript, as well as the necessary skills to build fully-functional Shopify stores using these frameworks. You will also have the confidence to tackle more complex Next JS and Typescript projects.

6. Next.js – Build Full Stack Apps with Next.js using Redux by Udemy

This is a comprehensive course that teaches students how to build full-stack applications using Next.js and Redux. This course covers a wide range of modules and topics that equip students with the necessary skills and best practices to build robust and scalable applications.

  1. Introduction to Next.js: In this module, you will gain a thorough understanding of Next.js, and how it can be used to efficiently build web applications. Topics covered include the installation of Next.js, setting up a basic Next.js project, understanding the Next.js development workflow, and leveraging the power of Next.js features like server-side rendering and routing.
  2. Redux: You will learn about the core concepts of Redux, including reducers, actions, and stores. Practical exercises will help learners grasp the concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios.
  3. Connecting Next.js to Redux: Now that you have a solid understanding of both Next.js and Redux, this module focuses on connecting them together. You will be learning how to set up the Redux store and integrate it with Next.js components. They will also explore the various patterns and approaches for efficiently connecting the Redux store with Next.js components.
  4. Redux Saga:  In this module, you will be introduced to Redux saga and learn how to incorporate it into their applications. Topics will include understanding the basics of Redux saga, implementing sagas, and using it to handle asynchronous actions.

This course offers 27.5 hours on-demand video and has been designed to equip students with the necessary skills to build full-stack web applications using Next.js and Redux. Through a combination of theory and practical exercises, you will gain a deep understanding of both frameworks and how to apply them effectively.


As evidenced in the above table, the duration, cost as well as level of each of the courses differ from one another.  Some courses are also identified to be higher priced than others, while some are deemed more suitable for intermediate and advanced level candidates, having relevant prior knowledge.  Careful consideration of own skills, budgetary constraints as well as goals need to be taken into account when choosing the courses. 

7.0 Conclusion

For developers seeking to improve own skills and being updated to latest practices in this development platform, you would find a wealth of knowledge by pursuing the courses discussed.  Even in the case of beginner or intermediate level developers, own development skills could be improved by getting involved in learning these programs in 2023. 


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Accomplished Senior Software Engineer with Next.js expertise. 8 years of total experience. Proficient in React, Python, Node.js, MySQL, React Hooks, and more.