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NEXT.js vs. Create React App: Choosing the Right Framework

When it comes to building web applications with React, developers have a variety of frameworks and tools to choose from. Among them, Next.js and Create React App (CRA) are two popular options. Both frameworks have gained significant traction in the React community and offer different approaches to building robust web applications. In this blog post, we will explore the features, benefits, and considerations of Next.js and Create React App to help you make an informed decision about which framework to choose for your next project.

NEXT.js vs. Create React App: Choosing the Right Framework

1. What is Next.js?

Next.js is a React framework built by Vercel that provides a full-featured development environment for building server-rendered and statically generated React applications. It comes with built-in support for server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG), making it easy to create highly optimized and performant websites.

Next.js provides a seamless integration with React, simplifying the process of creating complex React applications by offering features like file-based routing, API routes, automatic code splitting, and more. It also provides excellent support for handling data fetching and state management through its robust ecosystem of libraries and plugins.

2. What is Create React App (CRA)?

Create React App (CRA) is a popular tool developed by Facebook that allows developers to quickly set up a new React project with a pre-configured development environment. CRA abstracts away the build configuration and provides a ready-to-use setup with sensible defaults, making it an excellent choice for beginners or developers who prefer a simpler project setup process.

CRA supports client-side rendering (CSR) by default and encourages developers to adopt popular libraries like React Router for handling routing and Redux for state management. It offers a straightforward development experience, focusing on the essentials of building React applications without the need for complex server-side rendering or static site generation.

3. Key Differences between Next.js and Create React App

In this section, we will compare Next.js and Create React App across various aspects to help you understand their differences and make an informed decision.

3.1 Server-side Rendering (SSR) vs. Static Site Generation (SSG)

One of the significant differences between Next.js and Create React App lies in their approach to rendering web pages. Next.js excels in server-side rendering (SSR) and provides automatic server-side rendering for React components. SSR delivers initial page content on the server, resulting in faster page loading times, improved SEO, and better user experience.

On the other hand, Create React App primarily focuses on client-side rendering (CSR), where the initial page load only includes HTML and JavaScript. The content is rendered on the client-side, which can cause slower initial loading times, especially for larger applications. However, CRA can still integrate with server-side rendering libraries if SSR is required for specific pages or components.

3.2 File-Based Routing vs. Convention-Based Routing

Next.js introduces a powerful feature called file-based routing, which allows developers to create routes simply by creating files with the appropriate naming convention. For example, creating a file named /pages/about.js automatically generates a route for the /about page. This approach simplifies the process of managing routes in a React application and improves code organization.

Create React App, by contrast, uses convention-based routing. Developers typically rely on popular routing libraries like React Router to define and manage routes explicitly in a separate file or component. While this offers more flexibility, it requires additional configuration and can be more complex, especially for larger projects.

3.3 Data Fetching and API Routes

Next.js provides built-in support for server-side data fetching, which is crucial for applications that require dynamic data. With Next.js, you can perform data fetching on the server side, pre-render the data, and send it to the client as part of the initial HTML response. This feature ensures faster page loading times and better SEO.

In Create React App, data fetching is typically done on the client-side using libraries like Axios or Fetch API. However, since CRA primarily focuses on client-side rendering, data fetching is not as optimized for server-side scenarios. If server-side data fetching is a key requirement for your application, Next.js is a better choice.

Next.js also provides API routes, which allow you to create serverless API endpoints within your application. These routes can be used to handle form submissions, interact with external APIs, or perform server-side operations.

3.4 Ecosystem and Community Support

Both Next.js and Create React App have active and vibrant communities, with a wide range of libraries, plugins, and community-driven resources available. However, Next.js has gained popularity for its rich ecosystem of plugins and built-in features that make it easier to handle common tasks like styling, forms, authentication, and database integration.

Create React App, on the other hand, benefits from being part of the wider React ecosystem and has a larger community due to its association with Facebook. It has extensive support for popular libraries and tools, making it easier to integrate with existing React projects or libraries of your choice.

3.5 Build and Deployment

Next.js provides a built-in build and deployment system that optimizes your application for performance and allows easy deployment to platforms like Vercel, Netlify, or any other hosting provider. Next.js optimizes the application by automatically splitting JavaScript bundles, enabling code splitting, and generating optimized HTML files.

Create React App also provides a built-in build process, which generates optimized bundles for production deployment. However, it does not offer the same level of optimization and performance enhancements as Next.js. Deployment for Create React App projects is typically done using static hosting providers like Netlify or hosting on traditional servers.

3.6 Customization and Configuration

Next.js offers a high degree of customization and configuration options, allowing you to tailor the framework to your specific needs. It provides a rich set of configuration options that enable you to modify the build process, adjust the webpack configuration, and fine-tune the server-side rendering behavior.

Create React App, while not as configurable as Next.js, allows developers to customize certain aspects of the build process using environment variables and additional configuration files. However, CRA does not expose as many low-level configuration options as Next.js.

4. Use Cases for Next.js and Create React App

4.1 Next.js Use Cases

Next.js is an excellent choice for projects that require server-side rendering (SSR) or static site generation (SSG). It is well-suited for applications with content that needs to be pre-rendered and optimized for SEO, such as blogs, e-commerce websites, marketing landing pages, and documentation sites.

Additionally, Next.js shines in scenarios where real-time data updates are necessary, thanks to its support for server-side data fetching and API routes. Examples of such use cases include real-time dashboards, collaborative editing applications, or applications with live chat functionality.

4.2 Create React App Use Cases

Create React App is a great choice for projects that prioritize client-side rendering (CSR) and focus on building interactive user interfaces. It is suitable for applications that rely heavily on JavaScript interactivity and do not require server-side rendering for improved performance or SEO. Examples include single-page applications (SPAs), web-based games, prototyping, or internal tools that do not have stringent SEO requirements.

5. Performance Comparison

When it comes to performance, Next.js has the edge over Create React App, primarily due to its server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG) capabilities. By pre-rendering content on the server, Next.js achieves faster initial page loading times, better perceived performance, and improved SEO.

Create React App, which primarily focuses on client-side rendering (CSR), might have slightly slower initial loading times, especially for larger applications. However, it can still deliver excellent performance when optimized properly and combined with code splitting techniques to reduce the initial bundle size.

6. Learning Curve and Developer Experience

Next.js and Create React App offer different developer experiences and learning curves. Create React App provides a more straightforward and beginner-friendly setup, abstracting away complex build configurations. It is an excellent choice for developers who are new to React or prefer a streamlined development experience.

Next.js, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve, particularly when it comes to understanding server-side rendering (SSR) concepts and file-based routing. However, Next.js offers powerful features and extensive customization options that allow experienced developers to create highly optimized and performant applications.


Choosing the right framework for your React application depends on your project requirements, priorities, and your familiarity with the tools. Next.js and Create React App are both robust frameworks that excel in different areas.

If you need server-side rendering (SSR) or static site generation (SSG), along with a powerful ecosystem and extensive customization options, Next.js is the way to go. It offers excellent performance, SEO benefits, and a rich set of features for building dynamic and optimized web applications.

On the other hand, if you prioritize a simpler setup, quicker development process, and prefer client-side rendering (CSR), Create React App is a great choice. It provides a beginner-friendly experience, integrates well with popular React libraries, and is ideal for building interactive single-page applications.

Ultimately, the choice between Next.js and Create React App depends on your project’s specific needs, team expertise, and long-term goals. Consider the features, performance, ecosystem, and learning curve of each framework to make an informed decision that aligns with your project’s requirements. Happy coding!

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Accomplished Senior Software Engineer with Next.js expertise. 8 years of total experience. Proficient in React, Python, Node.js, MySQL, React Hooks, and more.