Node.js Certifications


Popular Node.js Developer Certifications and Courses in 2023

1. The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition)

 The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition) by Udemy is a comprehensive course designed to teach you everything you need to know about Node.js development. Whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced developer looking to expand your skillset, this course has something for everyone. 

  1. Getting Started with Node.js – This module begins with an introduction to Node.js and its ecosystem. You will learn about the advantages of using Node.js, how to set up your development environment, and how to navigate the Node.js REPL. You will also explore the Node.js modules system and learn how to use npm package manager to install and manage third-party modules.
  2. Introduction to Node.js APIs – In this module, you will delve deeper into the world of Node.js APIs. You will learn about the various built-in APIs provided by Node.js, such as the event loop, streams, and file system APIs. You will also learn how to use npm modules to add functionality to your application.
  3. Express.js – Express.js is one of the most popular Node.js frameworks for building web applications. This module introduces you to Express.js and shows you how to create an application using Express.js. You will cover topics such as setting up routes, handling requests, and using Express.js view engines for rendering HTML.
  4. REST APIs with Express.js – In this module, you will extend your knowledge from Module 3 and learn how to create REST APIs with Express.js. You will explore the different HTTP methods, create REST API endpoints, and implement authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). You will also learn how to secure REST APIs with JWT and handle API requests with Express.js middleware.
  5. Front-End Development with JavaScript – This module focuses on front-end development with JavaScript, the central language of the front-end. You will learn about the fundamentals of JavaScript, including variables, objects, arrays, and functions. You will also explore the Document Object Model (DOM) and learn how to manipulate it using JavaScript.
  6. MongoDB – MongoDB is a widely used NoSQL database that is widely used with Node.js applications. This module introduces you to MongoDB and teaches you how to install and connect to it. You will also learn how to query and manipulate data in MongoDB, as well as explore the MongoDB API documentation.

Offering 35 hours on-demand video, by completing this course, you will gain a deep understanding of Node.js development and be well-prepared to tackle real-world projects. Whether you are looking to start a new career as a Node.js developer or enhance your existing skills, The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition) by Udemy is an excellent choice.

2. The Definitive Node.Js Developer Course by Udemy

 In this comprehensive Node.js Developer Course, you will learn everything you need to become an efficient Node.js developer. The course is divided into several modules, each focusing on a specific topic area.

  1. Introduction to Node.Js  This module provides an introduction to Node.js and discusses the benefits of using it. You’ll learn about the history of Node.js and its key features, including the V8 engine, the event-driven architecture, and the asynchronous I/O model.
  2. Installing Node.Js and Setting Up Your Development Environment  In this module, you will learn different methods for installing Node.js and setting up your development environment. This includes configuring your development environment and installing the necessary tools and libraries.
  3. Understanding Node Modules  Module 3 focuses on understanding Node modules and their role in the Node.js ecosystem. You’ll learn about different types of Node modules, how to discover and install them, and how to manage the dependencies in your projects.
  4. Node Package Manager (NPM) Module 4 introduces you to Node Package Manager (NPM) and explains how it simplifies the process of installing and managing Node.js packages. You’ll learn how to install packages, how to manage dependencies, and how to publish your own packages to NPM.
  5. JavaScript Basics  This module covers the fundamentals of JavaScript, including objects, functions, arrays, and core language concepts. You’ll learn to write and understand JavaScript code, enabling you to build robust Node.js applications.
  6. Node APIs  Module 6 delves into the exciting world of Node.js APIs. You’ll learn about HTTP modules, stream modules, and other essential Node APIs. You’ll also explore some advanced topics such as web sockets and building robust REST APIs.
  7. Express Framework  Module 7 introduces the Express web framework, one of the most popular Node.js frameworks. You’ll learn how to install and use Express, create routes, handle requests, and render views.
  8. Advanced Node Concepts  In the final module, you’ll delve into advanced concepts and features of Node.js. You’ll learn about clustering, error handling, and asynchronous programming techniques. You’ll also learn how to build scalable Node.js applications that can handle large volumes of traffic and data.

Incorporating 23.5 hours of on-demand video, by the end of this course, you’ll have a deep understanding of Node.js and be able to confidently build robust, scalable Node.js applications. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this course will provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to become a successful Node.js developer.

3. Complete NodeJS Developer in 2023 (GraphQL, MongoDB, + more)  by Udemy 

 The Complete NodeJS Developer in 2023 (GraphQL, MongoDB, + more) course is a comprehensive training program designed to equip students with the necessary skills to become a successful NodeJS developer in 2023. The course covers a wide range of topics, including the fundamentals of NodeJS, advanced topics such as object-oriented programming, event-driven programming, and building real-world projects.

  1. Introduction to NodeJS  In this section, students will get a comprehensive overview of NodeJS, including its history, features, and use cases. Additionally, they will learn how to install and configure the necessary development environment for working with NodeJS.
  2. NodeJS Basics  This section covers the basics of NodeJS, including functions, variables, and data types. Students will learn how to write efficient, robust, and maintainable code in NodeJS.
  3. NodeJS Advanced  This section delves into the advanced features of NodeJS, such as object-oriented programming, modules and packages, and event-driven programming. Students will learn how to leverage these powerful features to build scalable and modular applications.
  4. NodeJS Projects  The last section of the course focuses on building real-world projects using NodeJS. Students will work with various technologies and frameworks, such as GraphQL, MongoDB, and Express.js, to build robust and scalable web applications.

This course offers 46 hours on-demand video. By completing this course, students will have a solid foundation in NodeJS and will be able to apply its concepts in real-world development scenarios. Moreover, they will be well-prepared to take on the role of a NodeJS developer in 2023 and beyond. 

4. NodeJS Tutorial and Projects Course by Udemy

The course begins with an introduction to NodeJS, providing students with a clear understanding of what it is and its purpose. In this section, students will be introduced to the basic concepts of NodeJS, including how it works and its benefits. Once the installation is complete, students will explore working with NodeJS. They will learn how to get started with NodeJS and create simple applications. This section covers the basics of programming in NodeJS, including variables, data structures, and functions.

The course is divided into several modules, each focusing on a specific topic within NodeJS. These modules have been designed to ensure that students gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

  1. Introduction to NodeJS  This module provides an overview of NodeJS, its architecture, and its benefits. It introduces students to the basics of programming in NodeJS, covering topics such as variables, data structures, and functions.
  2. Installing and Configuring NodeJS  This module covers the installation of NodeJS on various platforms. Additionally, it explains the different configuration options available in NodeJS and walks through the steps to configure the environment for optimal performance.
  3. Working with NodeJS  This module focuses on practical exercises that help students gain hands-on experience with NodeJS. It covers topics such as creating web servers, handling requests, and using NodeJS modules.
  4. NodeJS Projects  In the final module, students will work on real-world projects, building applications using NodeJS. These projects will provide students with an opportunity to apply what they have learned in the course and demonstrate their proficiency in developing NodeJS applications.

Offering 34.5 hours on-demand video, the NodeJS Tutorial and Projects Course by Udemy provides a comprehensive understanding of the topic. It covers various modules and module content, allowing students to learn various aspects of NodeJS. By enrolling in this course, students can gain a solid foundation in NodeJS and embark on an exciting career in the world of web development.

5. Node JS: Advanced Concepts by Udemy

In this comprehensive course, we will explore advanced concepts of Node JS, including Express JS, REST APIs, streams and concurrency, Mongoose, authentication, databases, file system, WebSockets, and a project to showcase your skills.

  1. Node JS Basics  In this module, we will cover the basics of Node JS, including installation, working with Node packages, and handling requests.
  2. Express JS  Express JS is a powerful framework for building web applications in Node JS. In this module, we will delve into the fundamentals of Express JS, including setting up an Express app, working with routes, and controllers.
  3. REST API  REST APIs have become an integral part of web development. In this module, you will learn how to build robust REST APIs using Node JS. We will cover topics such as creating endpoints, handling requests, and validating data.
  4. Streams and Concurrency  Streams and concurrency are essential features of Node JS that enable efficient handling of large datasets. In this module, you will gain a deep understanding of streams and concurrency, including working with persistent connections and implementing async/await.
  5. Mongoose  Mongoose is an object modeling framework for MongoDB, one of the most popular NoSQL databases. In this module, we will explore Mongoose and learn how it can simplify our data modeling, simplify queries, and provide a robust validation layer.
  6. Authentication  Authentication plays a crucial role in securing web applications. In this module, we will delve into the fundamentals of authentication, including implementing session management, using JWT for authentication, and securing REST API endpoints.
  7. Node JS and Databases  Databases are an integral part of modern web applications. In this module, we will explore database concepts, learn how to connect to various databases, and execute queries with Node JS.
  8. File System  The Node JS file system is a powerful feature that allows you to interact with the operating system’s file storage. In this module, we will delve into the file system, covering topics such as working with files and folders, creating and modifying files, and implementing robust file handling.
  9. WebSockets  WebSockets enable real-time communication between clients and servers. In this module, we will explore the fundamentals of WebSockets, including implementing real-time communication, handling WebSocket messages, and implementing robust error handling.

Offering 16 hours on-demand video, by the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of advanced Node JS concepts and be able to build robust, scalable, and maintainable web applications.

Course/ programCostLevelDurationStudy mode
The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition)$74.99Beginner35 hoursOnline
The Definitive Node.Js Developer Course by Udemy$19.99Intermediate/ Advanced23.5 hoursOnline
Complete NodeJS Developer in 2023 (GraphQL, MongoDB, + more) by Udemy$74.99Beginner46 hoursOnline
NodeJS Tutorial and Projects Course by Udemy$74.99Beginner34.5 hoursOnline
Node JS: Advanced Concepts by Udemy$74.99Intermediate/ Advanced16 hoursOnline

As you can see in the summarized table above, the levels, costs and duration relevant to these courses vary. Therefore, some tend to be more expensive, and some are more appropriate for beginners while others for intermediate or advanced developers. For your choice of Node.js Developer Certifications and Courses to pursue, it remains key to consider your own budget, skill level as well as goals.

5. Conclusion 

These certifications and courses provide valuable opportunities for Node developers to enhance their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in Node development. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, investing in these resources can significantly boost your proficiency and open doors to exciting career opportunities in 2023.

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Experienced Principal Engineer and Fullstack Developer with a strong focus on Node.js. Over 5 years of Node.js development experience.