PhoneGap Certifications


PhoneGap Courses and Certifications to Master in 2023

PhoneGap has become a prominent framework for various applications and has gained widespread recognition across businesses of all scales. PhoneGap empowers developers to create robust apps efficiently, and the need for PhoneGap developers continues to grow.

If you are enthusiastic about improving your PhoneGap programming skills or beginning a career in PhoneGap development, exploring certification programs or enrolling in suitable courses can offer significant benefits. In this article, we will delve into some of the leading PhoneGap certification choices and courses accessible in 2023.

1. PhoneGap Cordova Online Course by FITA Academy

FITA Academy offers a comprehensive PhoneGap Cordova Online Course. The course is designed and delivered by professional experts with good experience in the application development industry. It focuses on providing practical exposure and industry insights into the mobile application development industry for hybrid mobile applications. The course covers topics such as Introduction to PhoneGap, PhoneGap Build, PhoneGap Plugins, PhoneGap API, PhoneGap Debugging, and PhoneGap Deployment. The course is conducted online, and you can learn at your own pace. 

The course offers live classes held online and students can participate live and interact with the instructor. 

The course modules are;

  1. Introduction to PhoneGap: This module provides an overview of PhoneGap and its features.
  2. PhoneGap Build: you will explore PhoneGap Build, a cloud-based service for building PhoneGap apps.
  3. PhoneGap Plugins: This module covers the use of PhoneGap plugins to extend app functionality.
  4. PhoneGap API: you will gain insights into the PhoneGap API and its usage in app development.
  5. PhoneGap Debugging: This module focuses on debugging techniques and tools for PhoneGap apps.
  6. PhoneGap Deployment: you will learn about deploying PhoneGap apps to different platforms.

These modules are designed to equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to develop hybrid mobile applications using PhoneGap Cordova.

2. Learn to Build Your First Apache Cordova / PhoneGap App by Udemy

“Learn to Build Your First Apache Cordova / PhoneGap App” is a course offered by Udemy for free. This course is designed for beginners who want to learn how to create a hybrid to-do app with JavaScript and HTML5 using Cordova, Onsen UI, and Monaca. The course is free and covers topics such as Introduction to Apache Cordova, Creating a Cordova Project, Adding Plugins, Building the App, and Testing the App. 

The course modules are;

  1. Introduction to Apache Cordova: Apache Cordova is an open-source framework facilitating cross-platform mobile app development using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  2. Creating a Cordova Project: In this module, you will delve into the step-by-step process of initiating and setting up a Cordova project.
  3. Adding Plugins: In this particular topic, we will delve into how plugins can be employed to enrich and extend app functionality.
  4. Building the App: In this section, you will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to construct an app using Cordova.
  5. Testing the App: Within this module, the emphasis is on testing the app’s compatibility and performance across diverse platforms.

These modules are designed to provide you with a solid foundation in Apache Cordova and PhoneGap app development.

3. PhoneGap and Ludei – Build HTML5 CSS and JS Apps by Udemy

PhoneGap and Ludei – Build HTML5 CSS and JS Apps is a course available on Udemy that teaches you the basic PhoneGap/Cordova APIs and provides an insight into Ludei’s CocoonJS canvas+ view for accelerated graphics. The course is priced at $10.99 and has a rating of 3.8 out of 5 stars based on 141 reviews provided by students who attempted this course. The course covers topics such as hybrid app architecture, app development, PhoneGap/Cordova API’s, accelerated graphics, and more. The course is designed for users who have a good understanding of HTML, CSS, and especially JavaScript.

The course modules are;

  1. Introduction and Setup: This section provides an overview of hybrid app architecture and guides you through setting up PhoneGap/Cordova on different platforms, including Mac, GNU, and Windows. It also covers topics such as WiFi testing, iOS simulation, and Android emulation.
  2. Cordova API: This section delves into the basic Cordova APIs, including Console, Device, Events, Vibration, Battery Status, In-App Browser, Status Bar, Networking, Dialogs, Accelerometer, Compass, Geolocation, Globalization, Contacts, Camera, Media, File System, File Transfer, and more. It also covers installing third-party plugins and general app store guidelines.
  3. Ludei, CocoonJS, and Cordova: This section introduces Ludei and CocoonJS, providing insights into the CocoonJS canvas+ view for accelerated graphics. It covers running CocoonJS projects and building your app.
  4. Building your app: This section focuses on compiling Cordova apps locally and on the cloud, as well as compiling CocoonJS apps. It also provides a general understanding of the iOS and Android app store submission process.

By the end of this course, you will receive a certificate of completion from Udemy.

4. PhoneGap Development for Absolute Beginners by Udemy

PhoneGap Development for Absolute Beginners is a course offered by Udemy that teaches the PhoneGap development framework and helps you understand the basic concepts of PhoneGap applications. The course is created by EDUmobile Academy and is designed for beginners who want to learn how to build mobile applications using JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3. The course covers topics such as setting up the development environment, building your first application, and understanding the basic concepts of PhoneGap applications. 

The course is divided into four sections and has a total length of 2 hours and 25 minutes. The course is priced at $19.99, but Udemy frequently offers discounts on courses, so you might be able to get it at a lower price.

The course modules are;

  1. Introduction to PhoneGap: This section provides an overview of PhoneGap and its features. It also explains how to set up the development environment for PhoneGap.
  2. Setting Up the Development Environment: This section covers the installation of native tool sets, nodes, and Git. It also explains how to install PhoneGap/Cordova.
  3. Build Your First Application: This section explains how to build your first PhoneGap application. It covers topics such as building a “Hello World” app and testing it on iOS and Android simulators.
  4. Basic HTML5: This section covers the basics of HTML5, including HTML5 tags, attributes, and demos. 

This course is for absolute beginners and contains only 2.5 hours of recorded video lectures.

5. PhoneGap Application Development Complete Training by Udemy

The PhoneGap Application Development Complete Training course offered by Udemy is divided into 7 sections and has a total length of 3 hours and 5 minutes. The course covers topics such as understanding the mobile app toolset, specifying Android settings, simulating the iPhone and Android, setting up mobile APIs and plugins, and all the necessary APIs for building an advanced app. 

The course modules of this course include;

  1. Getting Started: This section serves as an introductory overview of the course and delves into the fundamentals of PhoneGap development.
  2. Introduction to PhoneGap: In this section, we will comprehensively explore the foundational aspects of PhoneGap, encompassing its key features and supported platforms for mobile app development.
  3. Setting Up the Development Environment: This section provides detailed instructions for configuring the development environment for PhoneGap on Android, iOS, and Windows Phone, ensuring seamless cross-platform app development. 
  4. PhoneGap Events: This topic covers key PhoneGap events including deviceready, backbutton, menubutton, searchbutton, resume, and pause offering comprehensive insights into handling mobile app interactions.
  5. PhoneGap APIs: This section explores different PhoneGap APIs, including accelerometer, battery, camera, capture, compass, connection, contacts, device, dialogs, file, geolocation, globalization, in-app browser, media, splashscreen, vibration, and third-party plugins.
  6. PhoneGap Tips and Tricks: This section provides tips and tricks for working with PhoneGap, including choosing the right framework and various tweaks.
  7. Conclusion: This section serves as the concluding segment of the course, summarizing key learnings and paving the way for future application development endeavors. 

By the end of this course, you will be able to understand mobile app development.

6. Mobile App Development with PhoneGap by Udemy

Mobile App Development with PhoneGap is a course offered by Udemy that teaches you how to create mobile applications for iOS and Android using the PhoneGap framework. The course covers topics such as creating new PhoneGap mobile apps, testing them in the browser, and using the PhoneGap Desktop app and PhoneGap Mobile app to develop and test new apps. 

You will also learn how to include the jQuery library for UI, create single and multipage user interfaces, and use jQuery Mobile UI elements to create usable mobile apps. The course also covers topics such as using the Local Storage object for permanent on-device storage, obtaining the device’s location using geolocation tools, and playing audio and video content on the device.

The course is divided into 13 sections and has a total length of 5 hours and 16 minutes. It includes 60 lectures that cover various aspects of mobile app development with PhoneGap. 

The course modules are;

  1. About the course: This is the course introduction and covers 2 lectures adding up to 4 minutes.
  2. Getting Started: This topic covers making your very first PhoneGap app, tools of trade, creating new projects, and testing PhoneGap projects in browsers and phones.
  3. User Interface: This section covers a section introduction, as well as creating a Multipage UI, teaches you how to create collapsible content blocks, control groups, flip switches, and how to use the ListView component in PhoneGap.
  4. Storage: This section covers the local storage object, creating tables, storing data, and retrieving data. 
  5. Geolocation: This section teaches you about obtaining device location, using location information with Google Places, and also using location information with Google Maps.
  6. Media: This topic covers playing audio and video content, adjusting the volume of media, and media position and duration. 
  7. Device Accelerometer: This section has only three lectures each covering a total of 13 minutes. This includes reading the accelerometer and moving an object with the accelerometer. 
  8. Taking Pictures: This topic teaches about setting picture options, obtaining the image, returning thumbnails, and selecting a picture from the library. 
  9. Gestures: This section covers about Hammer.js Library for Gestures, detecting gestures, taps, and presses, and also about swipes and pans that can be used in PhoneGap development.
  10. Working with the Hardware: In this section, you will learn about the device info plugin, device orientation plugin, network information plugin, and battery status plugin in PhoneGap. 
  11. Push Notifications: This section covers setting up the CLI, connecting to a device, sending notifications, and sending a notification in an App. 
  12. Wrapping Up: This section includes five lectures and it teaches about Config.xml, Adobe PhotoGap Build, CLI Build, and testing.
  13. Building a Complete App: This is the last module of this course, and it covers looking at the UI, examining the web service, reviewing the code, and then it has the final wrap-up of the course.

The course is taught in English and is suitable for developers who want to build apps that work on Android and iOS.

Here is a comparison table of the PhoneGap courses mentioned above. 

Course/ programCostLevelDurationStudy mode
PhoneGap Cordova Online Course by FITA AcademyDepends (according to the class schedule)Beginner / Intermediate / AdvancedNot mentionedOnline - Live Classes
Learn to Build Your First Apache Cordova / PhoneGap AppFreeBeginner1 hour 49 minutesOnline
PhoneGap and Ludei - Build HTML5 CSS and JS Apps$19.99Intermediate9.5 hoursOnline
PhoneGap Development for Absolute Beginners$19.99Beginner2.5 hoursOnline
PhoneGap Application Development Complete Training$19.99Intermediate3 hoursOnline
Mobile App Development with PhoneGap$24.99Intermediate5.5. hoursOnline

The table presented above illustrates variations across PhoneGap courses in terms of their duration, costs, and skill prerequisites. Notably, certain courses may be cost-intensive, while others are cost-free, catering to those with intermediate or advanced proficiencies. When selecting a PhoneGap course, it is vital to consider your skill level, financial constraints, and career aspirations. This approach will assist you in identifying the most fitting PhoneGap course for your needs.


Enrolling in a PhoneGap course in 2023 offers excellent prospects for boosting your career. Through proper training, you can enhance your proficiency as a PhoneGap developer, opening doors to exciting project opportunities. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned coder, there are numerous courses and certification programs available to elevate your skill set.

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Experienced Full Stack Engineer and Tech Lead with 12+ years in software development. Skilled in Phonegap. Passionate about creating innovative solutions.