How to create classes and objects?

Creating classes and objects in PHP is fundamental to object-oriented programming (OOP). Classes serve as blueprints or templates for creating objects, while objects represent instances of those classes. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create classes and objects in PHP:


  1. Class Declaration:

To create a class in PHP, use the `class` keyword followed by the class name. Class names conventionally start with an uppercase letter. Inside the class, you can define properties (variables) and methods (functions) that characterize the class.

class Car {
    // Properties
    public $brand;
    public $model;
    // Methods
    public function startEngine() {
        return "Engine started!";
  1. Object Creation:

To create an object from a class, use the `new` keyword followed by the class name, and assign it to a variable. This variable represents the object and can be used to access its properties and methods.

$myCar = new Car();
  1. Accessing Properties and Methods:

Once you have an object, you can access its properties and methods using the arrow `->` operator.

$myCar->brand = "Toyota";
$myCar->model = "Camry";
echo $myCar->startEngine(); // Outputs: "Engine started!"
  1. Constructors:

You can create constructors, special methods with the name `__construct()`, to initialize object properties when an object is created. Constructors are called automatically when an object is instantiated.

class Car {
    public $brand;
    public $model;
    public function __construct($brand, $model) {
        $this->brand = $brand;
        $this->model = $model;
  1. Multiple Objects:

You can create multiple objects from the same class, each with its own set of properties and values.

$car1 = new Car("Toyota", "Camry");
$car2 = new Car("Honda", "Civic");

Creating classes and objects in PHP allows you to encapsulate data and behavior, enabling you to model real-world entities and create reusable and structured code. This is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming and is widely used in PHP application development.


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Full Stack Engineer with extensive experience in PHP development. Over 11 years of experience working with PHP, creating innovative solutions for various web applications and platforms.