Ruby on Rails Q & A


How to handle background processing with Sidekiq in Rails?

Background processing is crucial in web applications to offload time-consuming tasks, ensuring users aren’t kept waiting. In the Rails ecosystem, Sidekiq stands out as a prominent tool for this purpose.


  1. Why Sidekiq?

Sidekiq utilizes Redis as a backend for storing jobs, making it efficient and scalable. It’s multithreaded, meaning it can process multiple jobs concurrently, leading to quicker job execution compared to some other background processing tools.


  1. Setting Up Sidekiq:

To integrate Sidekiq with a Rails application:

– First, include the gem in your Gemfile: `gem ‘sidekiq’`.

– Then, configure Sidekiq to use Redis by creating a `sidekiq.yml` file.

– Finally, ensure you have Redis running, as Sidekiq relies on it to queue and manage jobs.


  1. Creating Jobs:

Jobs are typically created in the `app/jobs` directory. A basic job might look like this:


class MyBackgroundJob < ActiveJob::Base

  queue_as :default

  def perform(*args)

    # Your logic here





To enqueue a job, simply call: `MyBackgroundJob.perform_later(arguments)`. 


  1. Monitoring:

Sidekiq provides a web interface that gives insights into processed, failed, and enqueued jobs. To enable this, you can mount the Sidekiq web app inside your `routes.rb` file. Just be cautious to restrict access to this dashboard, as it provides sensitive operational details.


  1. Error Handling & Retries:

Sidekiq has built-in error handling. If a job fails, Sidekiq will automatically retry it a certain number of times with increasing intervals between attempts. You can customize the retry logic as per your needs.


Using Sidekiq in a Rails application offers a robust solution for background processing. Its integration with Redis, combined with multithreading capabilities, makes it a preferred choice for developers looking to optimize performance and user experience. Proper configuration and monitoring are key to leveraging its full potential. 

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Senior Software Engineer with a focus on remote work. Proficient in Ruby on Rails. Expertise spans y6ears in Ruby on Rails development, contributing to B2C financial solutions and data engineering.