Ruby on Rails


How to Use Ruby Functions for PDF Generation

In the modern digital age, generating PDF documents is a crucial aspect of many applications. Whether it’s generating invoices, reports, or other printable content, developers often need a straightforward and efficient way to create PDF files. Ruby, a popular and dynamic programming language, offers an array of powerful functions and libraries to accomplish this task with ease. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to use Ruby functions for PDF generation, step by step.

How to Use Ruby Functions for PDF Generation

1. Prerequisites

Before we dive into PDF generation, make sure you have Ruby installed on your system. Additionally, you’ll need a code editor and basic knowledge of Ruby programming.

2. Setting Up the Environment

First, let’s set up our development environment. Open your terminal or command prompt and create a new directory for our project:

mkdir pdf_generation_project
cd pdf_generation_project

Next, initialize a new Ruby project by creating a Gemfile:

touch Gemfile

Edit the Gemfile and add the following lines to include the required gems:

source ''
gem 'prawn'
gem 'prawn-table'

Save the Gemfile and install the gems using Bundler:

bundle install

Great! Now we have all the necessary dependencies installed to start generating PDFs using Ruby.

3. Getting Started with Prawn

Prawn is a feature-rich and easy-to-use Ruby library for PDF generation. It allows us to create PDF documents from scratch, providing full control over the content and layout. Let’s create a simple PDF that says “Hello, PDF Generation!” using Prawn:

require 'prawn'

Prawn::Document.generate('hello_pdf.pdf') do
  text 'Hello, PDF Generation!'

Save the code above into a file named pdf_generator.rb, and run the script:

ruby pdf_generator.rb

You’ll find a new PDF file, hello_pdf.pdf, in the same directory, containing our greeting message.

4. Adding Content to the PDF

Prawn provides various methods to add different types of content to the PDF, such as text, images, tables, and more. Let’s explore some of these functionalities through examples.

4.1. Adding Text

To add text to the PDF, use the text method as shown in the previous example. You can customize the font, size, and style using additional options:

require 'prawn'

Prawn::Document.generate('text_example.pdf') do
  text 'Hello, PDF Generation!', size: 24, style: :bold, align: :center, color: '0077FF'
  text 'Welcome to PDF Generation with Ruby!', size: 18, style: :italic, align: :center, color: '00BB00'

4.2. Adding Images

To include images in the PDF, use the image method. Make sure to provide the correct file path:

require 'prawn'

Prawn::Document.generate('image_example.pdf') do
  image 'path/to/image.png', position: :center, vposition: :center, fit: [300, 200]

4.3. Creating Tables

Prawn allows us to create tables with ease using the make_table method from the prawn-table gem:

require 'prawn'
require 'prawn/table'

Prawn::Document.generate('table_example.pdf') do
  data = [['Name', 'Age', 'Occupation'],
          ['John Doe', 30, 'Developer'],
          ['Jane Smith', 25, 'Designer'],
          ['Bob Johnson', 40, 'Manager']]

  table(data, header: true, width: 400, cell_style: { size: 12 })

5. Styling the PDF

A well-designed PDF can leave a lasting impression on the readers. Prawn provides extensive styling options to enhance the visual appeal of your documents.

5.1. Fonts and Styles

You can use custom fonts and styles in your PDFs. First, download the font file (e.g., custom_font.ttf) and save it in the project directory. Then, utilize the font method to apply the custom font:

require 'prawn'

Prawn::Document.generate('styled_pdf.pdf') do
  font 'custom_font.ttf' do
    text 'This text uses a custom font!'

  text 'This text has a different style.', style: :italic

5.2. Colors and Backgrounds

Adding colors to your PDF can make it visually appealing. Use the fill_color and text_color methods to apply colors to text and shapes:

require 'prawn'

Prawn::Document.generate('colored_pdf.pdf') do
  fill_color 'FF0000'
  text 'This text is in red color.'

  fill_color '00FF00'
  text 'This text is in green color.'

6. Page Layout and Numbering

Controlling the page layout and numbering is essential when generating multi-page PDFs. Prawn provides methods to set page size, margins, and page numbering.

6.1. Page Size and Margins

You can set custom page sizes and margins for your PDF:

require 'prawn'

Prawn::Document.generate('page_layout.pdf', page_size: 'A4', left_margin: 50, right_margin: 50, top_margin: 100, bottom_margin: 100) do
  text 'This PDF uses custom page size and margins.'

6.2. Page Numbering

Page numbering helps readers navigate through lengthy PDFs. Prawn offers an easy way to add page numbers:

require 'prawn'

Prawn::Document.generate('numbered_pages.pdf') do
  10.times do |i|
    text "This is page #{i + 1}"


In this blog post, we explored the power of Ruby functions for PDF generation using the Prawn library. We learned how to set up the environment, create basic PDFs, add content, apply styling, and control page layout. With these tools at your disposal, you can effortlessly generate professional-looking PDF documents tailored to your application’s needs. Happy coding and happy PDF generation!

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Senior Software Engineer with a focus on remote work. Proficient in Ruby on Rails. Expertise spans y6ears in Ruby on Rails development, contributing to B2C financial solutions and data engineering.