Employer of Record (EOR)


Employer of Record (EOR)

What is Employer of Record?


An Employer of Record (EOR) is a third-party entity that takes on the responsibility of being the official employer for workers, handling tasks such as payroll, benefits administration, tax withholding, and compliance with employment laws and regulations. Through a contractual arrangement, the EOR becomes the legal employer of the workers, while the client company maintains operational control and directs the day-to-day tasks of the employees.


Think of an Employer of Record as a professional employer intermediary. Similar to how a property management company oversees the leasing process and maintenance of rental properties on behalf of landlords, an EOR manages the administrative and legal aspects of employment for client companies.

Further Description:

Employers of Record serve various functions:

  1. Global Expansion Facilitation: For companies looking to expand into new markets or hire remote workers in different countries, an EOR can navigate complex international employment laws and compliance requirements.

  1. Risk Mitigation: By assuming legal employer responsibilities, including compliance with labor laws and tax regulations, the EOR reduces the client company’s exposure to employment-related risks and liabilities.

  1. Administrative Support: EORs handle administrative tasks such as payroll processing, benefits administration, employee onboarding and offboarding, and tax filings, allowing client companies to focus on their core business activities.

  1. Flexibility: EOR services offer flexibility in hiring arrangements, allowing companies to scale their workforce up or down quickly without the burden of hiring and managing additional HR staff.

Key Components of an EOR Arrangement:

  1. Contractual Agreement: A legally binding contract between the EOR and the client company outlines the terms of the employment relationship, including services provided, fees, and responsibilities of each party.

  1. Employee Management: The EOR manages employee-related tasks, including hiring, termination, compensation, benefits administration, and compliance with employment laws.

  1. Compliance: Ensuring compliance with local, national, and international employment laws, tax regulations, and labor standards is a critical aspect of the EOR’s role.

  1. Client Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration between the client company and the EOR are essential for successful workforce management and compliance.

Why is an EOR Important?

  1. Global Expansion: EOR services enable companies to expand their operations globally without the need to establish legal entities in each country of operation.

  1. Compliance: By staying up-to-date with complex and ever-changing employment regulations, an EOR helps mitigate compliance risks for client companies.

  1. Focus on Core Business: Outsourcing employment-related administrative tasks to an EOR allows client companies to concentrate on their core competencies and strategic objectives.

Examples and Usage:

  1. Global Employment Solutions (GES): GES offers EOR services to help companies navigate international expansion and manage global workforces compliantly.

  1. Velocity Global: Velocity Global provides EOR services tailored to the needs of rapidly growing companies seeking to expand into new markets efficiently and compliantly.

Key Takeaways:

  1. EORs assume the role of the legal employer for workers, managing payroll, benefits, compliance, and other administrative tasks on behalf of client companies.

  1. Key components of an EOR arrangement include contractual agreements, employee management, compliance, and client collaboration.

  1. EOR services facilitate global expansion, mitigate compliance risks, and allow client companies to focus on their core business activities.

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