Swift Certifications


Swift Developer Certifications and Courses to enhance your skills in 2023

1. Swift 5 Programming For Beginners by Udemy

Swift 5 Programming for Beginners is a comprehensive course designed to provide you with a solid foundation in Swift 5 programming. The course covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of Swift syntax to more advanced concepts such as object-oriented programming and design patterns. Through hands-on exercises and projects, you will gain practical experience in real-world scenarios.

  1. Getting Started with Swift 5: In this module, you will learn the fundamentals of Swift 5 programming, including data types, variables, constants, operators, and control structures. We will also cover the basics of object-oriented programming, including classes and objects, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  2. Variables, Constants, and Data Types: In this module, you will delve deeper into the world of variables, constants, and data types in Swift. You will cover different data types, such as strings, numbers, and booleans, and discuss how to correctly use them in your programs.
  3. Operators and Control Structures: In this module, you will learn about operators and control structures in Swift. Operators are used to perform various operations on data, such as addition, subtraction, and comparison. Control structures allow us to make decisions and loop through our code. You will become familiar with conditional statements, loops, and functions.
  4. Functions and Object-Oriented Programming: In this module, we will focus on functions and object-oriented programming in Swift. You will also cover classes, objects, and their roles in object-oriented programming. You will learn how to create classes, implement methods, and use inheritance and polymorphism to make your programs more reusable and flexible.
  5. Advanced Topics: In this final module, you will cover some advanced topics in Swift 5 programming. You will discuss how to handle errors gracefully, work with collections, and explore advanced Swift features like generics and protocols.

This course incorporates 6 hours on-demand video.  By completing this course, you should have a solid understanding of the Swift programming language and be able to write your own programs in Swift. You will be able to leverage the power of Swift 5 to create robust, maintainable, and scalable applications.

2. iOS & Swift – MVVM, Combine, SnapKit, Snapshot/UI/Unit Tests by Udemy

The course covers a wide range of topics related to Swift development and is divided into several modules. Each module covers a specific topic and is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of that topic.

  1. Introduction to Swift: This module introduces you to Swift, a modern and powerful programming language developed by Apple for developing iOS apps. The module covers the fundamentals of Swift programming, including variables, constants, and data types. You will learn how to program with Swift and create basic applications.
  2. Object-oriented programming: Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a widely used paradigm in software development. This module introduces students to the concepts of object-oriented programming in Swift. Students will explore objects, classes, inheritance, and polymorphism. The module covers topics such as creating classes, defining methods, and using polymorphism to create reusable code.
  3. Introduction to MVVM: Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture is a popular pattern for developing mobile apps. This module introduces students to the fundamentals of MVVM and its implementation with Swift. Students will explore the benefits of MVVM and learn how to create a MVVM architecture in their Swift projects.
  4. Introduction to Combine: Combine is an open-source framework developed by Apple for managing asynchronous operations in Swift. This module introduces students to Combine and explains how it simplifies asynchronous programming. Students will learn how to compose asynchronous operations using Combine and how to integrate it with MVVM architecture.
  5. Introduction to SnapKit: SnapKit is a framework for making iOS layouts easier and more consistent. This module introduces students to SnapKit and demonstrates how it can be used to layout views and create responsive UIs. Students will understand how to use SnapKit’s powerful layout APIs to create visually appealing and user-friendly applications.
  6. Introduction to Snapshot/UI/Unit Tests: Testing is a critical aspect of software development. This module introduces students to different types of testing, including snapshot testing, UI testing, and unit testing. Students will explore different techniques for writing effective tests and understand the importance of robust test automation in Swift development.

This course incorporates 4.5 hours on-demand video.  By completing this course, you should have a solid understanding of the Swift programming language and be able to write your own programs in Swift.

3. SwiftUI Masterclass 2023 – iOS App Development & Swift by Udemy

This extensive course provides a comprehensive overview of the SwiftUI framework and its capabilities. By completing this course, you will gain a solid foundation in SwiftUI and be able to leverage its features to build visually stunning and engaging iOS applications.

  1. Introduction to SwiftUI: The first module of the course will provide an introduction to SwiftUI, a revolutionary framework for developing user interfaces on Apple platforms. In this module, you will learn the fundamentals of SwiftUI, explore its architecture, and discover the benefits of using this powerful framework.
  2. Building User Interfaces: Building user interfaces is a crucial aspect of any iOS application. In this module, you will gain hands-on experience creating views in SwiftUI, learning how declarative syntax simplifies the development process. You will also explore how to build layouts using SwiftUI’s powerful layout engine.
  3. Working with Data: Data handling is an important aspect of any iOS application. In this module, you will learn about handling data in SwiftUI, including how to store and fetch data from various data sources. You will also discover how to bind data to views, ensuring real-time updates and interaction.
  4. Animations and Effects: Animations and effects can add life and excitement to user interfaces. In this module, you will get an introduction to animations and effects in SwiftUI. You will explore various techniques to add animation to views and control their timing. You will also learn how to apply visual effects to enhance the overall user experience.
  5. Advanced Topics: In the final module, you will delve into advanced topics such as customizing SwiftUI views, integrating third-party libraries and frameworks, and exploring advanced SwiftUI features. This module will equip you with the necessary skills to fine-tune your UIs and create truly outstanding applications.

Offering 33 hours on-demand video, this course SwiftUI Masterclass 2023 – iOS App Development & Swift provides a comprehensive overview of the SwiftUI framework and its capabilities. Upon completion of the course, you will gain a solid foundation in SwiftUI and become capable of leveraging its features to build effective iOS applications.

4. Level Up in Swift by Udemy

The Level Up in Swift course by Udemy is designed to help learners enhance their skills in Swift programming. This comprehensive course covers a wide range of modules to provide a deep understanding of Swift development. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this course will help you level up your Swift programming skills and become a proficient iOS app developer.

    1. Introduction to Swift: Introduction to Swift programming language. Syntax and basic concepts. Involves exploring variables, constants, and data types as well as control flow and loops. Functions and closures too are included.
    2. Intermediate Swift: Object-oriented programming in Swift. Classes, structs, and enums/ properties and methods. Inheritance and polymorphism. Error handling and optionals.
    3. Advanced Swift:  Generics and protocols. Memory management in Swift, will be covered, alongside advanced topics in Swift development. Includes debugging and testing techniques, and Swift package manager.
    4. Swift for iOS Development: Introduction to iOS app development. User interface design using Swift. View controllers and navigation, and data persistence using Core Data. Networking and API integration.
    5. Swift for App Publishing: App deployment process. App store guidelines and requirements, and app monetization strategies. App analytics and user feedback, continuous integration and deployment.
    6. Swift Project Development: Building a real-world Swift project. Applying the concepts learned throughout the course. Best practices and coding standards. Project management and collaboration tools.

This course incorporates 4.5 hours on-demand video.  By completing the Level Up in Swift course, you will have gained a comprehensive understanding of Swift programming, iOS app development, and the tools and techniques required to build and publish your own apps. Whether you are looking to enhance your career as an iOS developer or pursue your entrepreneurial dreams, this course will equip you with the necessary skills to succeed in the ever-evolving world of Swift programming.

5. Learn Swift Programming Syntax by Udacity

This course is useful for you to gain a solid foundation in Swift programming and be well-equipped to start developing apps for Apple’s platforms. It involves several modules.

    1. Swift Syntax Basics: The syntax of Swift is the set of rules that govern how code is written. Understanding the syntax is crucial to write clear and readable programs. In this module, you will cover the basic syntax constructs and keywords used in Swift. You will delve into data types, variables, operators, control structures, and expressions.
    2. Control Flow: Control flow is an integral part of programming, as it allows us to execute code in a sequential and organized manner. This module will focus on understanding control flow statements in Swift. You will cover topics such as conditional statements, loops, and error handling.
    3. Functions: Functions are the building blocks of programs in Swift. They allow us to modularize our code, make our programs more reusable, and simplify complex tasks. In this module, you will explore different types of functions in Swift, including methods, closures, and generics.
    4. Data Structures: Data structures are fundamental concepts in programming that enable efficient storage and manipulation of data. Swift provides a variety of data structures, such as arrays, dictionaries, sets, and collections. In this module, you will learn how to use these data structures in your programs to solve real-world problems.

This Learn Swift Programming Syntax course provides a comprehensive introduction to the Swift programming language. It covers various modules, including syntax basics, control flow, functions, and data structures. By completing this course, you will gain a solid foundation in Swift programming and be well-equipped to start developing apps for Apple’s platforms.

Course/ programCostLevelDurationStudy mode
Swift 5 Programming For Beginners by Udemy$59.99Beginner6 hoursOnline
iOS & Swift - MVVM, Combine, SnapKit, Snapshot/UI/Unit Tests by Udemy$74.99Intermediate/ Advanced4.5 hoursOnline
SwiftUI Masterclass 2023 - iOS App Development & Swift by Udemy$74.99Beginner33 hoursOnline
Level Up in Swift by Udemy$64.99Beginner5 hoursOnline
Learn Swift Programming Syntax by Udacity$0 (involves Udacity subscription fee)Intermediate/ Advanced3 weeksOnline

As you can see in the summarized table above, the levels, costs and duration relevant to these courses vary. While some tend to be more expensive, some are more appropriate for beginners and others for intermediate or advanced developers. When choosing Swift courses and certifications, it remains key to consider your own budget, skill level as well as goals.

6. Conclusion 

The discussed certifications and courses provide valuable opportunities for Swift developers to enhance their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in iOS development. Whether you are still beginning your career in development or are an experienced developer, investing in these resources can significantly boost your proficiency and open doors to exciting career opportunities in years to come.

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Experienced iOS Engineer with 7+ years mastering Swift. Created fintech solutions, enhanced biopharma apps, and transformed retail experiences.