Swift Function


Step into Real-Time iOS Development with Swift and Firebase

Swift and Firebase together form a powerful combination for iOS app development. With this dynamic duo, you can create real-time, scalable apps with relative ease, making the need to hire Swift developers a smart move for any business. Firebase offers a suite of cloud-based tools and Swift’s expressiveness and safety features make it a superb language for writing mobile applications. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of building a simple real-time chat app using Swift and Firebase, illuminating why businesses are keen to hire Swift developers.

Step into Real-Time iOS Development with Swift and Firebase


Swift, a statically-typed language developed by Apple, has gained popularity for its modern features and user-friendly approach, making it a top choice for businesses looking to hire Swift developers. This language is designed to seamlessly integrate with Apple’s Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks, which are extensively used in iOS, macOS, and watchOS applications.

On the flip side, Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform developed by Google, offering a myriad of features like a real-time database, user authentication, storage, and hosting services, amongst others. 

By combining Swift and Firebase, you can leverage a comprehensive set of tools for creating dynamic, user-friendly applications. This makes it clear why many companies are choosing to hire Swift developers to elevate their app development process.

Setting Up the Project

To get started, we need to create a new Xcode project. Open Xcode, select ‘Create a new Xcode project’, choose the ‘App’ template under the ‘iOS’ section and name your project (we’ll call ours ‘FirebaseChat‘).

Next, let’s install Firebase. First, navigate to your project directory in Terminal and initialize a new Podfile using `pod init`. Open this Podfile and add the following lines:

pod 'Firebase/Analytics'
pod 'Firebase/Auth'
pod 'Firebase/Firestore'

Save and close the Podfile, then run `pod install` in Terminal. This will install the necessary Firebase SDKs for our project. Once it’s done, reopen your project using the newly created `.xcworkspace` file.

Firebase Setup

Now, we’ll setup Firebase for our app:

  1. Go to the Firebase console (console.firebase.google.com), and create a new project.
  1. Once your project is created, add a new iOS app to the project. Enter your iOS bundle ID.
  1. Download the `GoogleService-Info.plist` file and add it to your Xcode project.
  1. Back in the Firebase console, follow the remaining setup instructions to add the Firebase SDK to your app.

With Firebase configured, let’s move on to implementing our chat functionality.

User Authentication

First, we need to let users sign in to our app. Firebase Auth makes this process simple. In your `AppDelegate.swift`, import Firebase and configure it inside the `didFinishLaunchingWithOptions` method:

import Firebase

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    return true

Next, create a new Swift file named `AuthService.swift`. This will handle our authentication logic:

import Firebase

class AuthService {
    static let instance = AuthService()
    func signIn(email: String, password: String, completion: @escaping (_ Success: Bool) -> ()) {
        Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: email, password: password) { (user, error) in
            if error != nil {
                print("Error: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
            } else {
    func signUp(email: String, password: String, completion: @escaping (_ Success: Bool) -> ()) {
        Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: email, password: password) { (user, error) in
            if error != nil {
                print("Error: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
            } else {
    func signOut() -> Bool {
        do {
            try Auth.auth().signOut()
            return true
        } catch {
            return false

Here, we’ve created methods to handle sign-in, sign-up, and sign-out functionality. We’re using Firebase’s `Auth` object to interact with Firebase authentication.

Real-time Chat

For the real-time chat feature, we’ll use Firebase’s Firestore database. Firestore is a NoSQL database that allows for real-time data syncing, making it perfect for our use-case. 

Let’s start by creating a `ChatService.swift` file to manage our Firestore operations:

import Firebase

class ChatService {
    static let instance = ChatService()
    private let db = Firestore.firestore()
    private var messages = [Message]()
    func getMessages(completion: @escaping (_ messages: [Message]) -> ()) {
        db.collection("messages").order(by: "timestamp", descending: false).addSnapshotListener { (querySnapshot, error) in
            self.messages = []
            if error != nil {
                print("Error getting documents: \(String(describing: error))")
            } else {
                for document in querySnapshot!.documents {
                    let data = document.data()
                    let timestamp = data["timestamp"] as? Timestamp
                    let senderID = data["senderID"] as? String
                    let message = data["message"] as? String
                    self.messages.append(Message(senderID: senderID!, message: message!, timestamp: timestamp!.dateValue()))
    func sendMessage(senderID: String, message: String) {
        db.collection("messages").addDocument(data: ["senderID": senderID, "message": message, "timestamp": Timestamp(date: Date())])

This service fetches and sends messages in real-time. We’ve defined a `Message` model that holds a sender ID, message, and timestamp.

The `getMessages` function retrieves all messages ordered by timestamp, providing us with a chronologically ordered chat history. It also adds a snapshot listener that triggers every time our ‘messages’ collection is updated, ensuring our app stays in sync with Firestore in real-time.

The `sendMessage` function allows a user to send a message. It adds a new document to the ‘messages’ collection, with the sender ID, message, and the current timestamp.

Now, it’s time to integrate this service into our chat interface. The specifics of your UI design will be unique to your app, but the fundamental integration of the `ChatService` will look something like this:

import Firebase

class ChatViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
    @IBOutlet weak var messageTextField: UITextField!
    var messages = [Message]()
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        ChatService.instance.getMessages { (returnedMessagesArray) in
            self.messages = returnedMessagesArray
    @IBAction func sendButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) {
        if let message = messageTextField.text, let senderID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid {
            ChatService.instance.sendMessage(senderID: senderID, message: message)
            messageTextField.text = ""

In this hypothetical chat view controller, we fetch all messages when the view loads, updating the table view with the latest messages. When the send button is pressed, we take the entered text and the current user’s ID, then pass them to `ChatService` to send the message.


Swift and Firebase, with their multitude of features, ease of use, and powerful functionality, present an ideal solution for creating real-time applications on iOS. This robust combination is why many companies opt to hire Swift developers for their projects. In this post, we’ve examined the process of building a simple real-time chat app using these two technologies.

By understanding how to use Swift and Firebase, you’re well-equipped to develop your real-time applications, be it chat apps, multiplayer games, collaborative tools, or live updates for news or sports apps. This explains why the demand to hire Swift developers is on the rise. So, continue to explore these technologies to unlock their full potential and bring your app ideas to life, or consider hiring skilled Swift developers to expedite your journey to a successful app.

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Experienced iOS Engineer with 7+ years mastering Swift. Created fintech solutions, enhanced biopharma apps, and transformed retail experiences.