.NET Q & A


What are Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core?

Razor Pages is a lightweight web application framework introduced in ASP.NET Core for building simple, page-focused web applications with minimal ceremony and boilerplate code. It provides a more streamlined alternative to the traditional Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, allowing developers to create dynamic web pages with less complexity and overhead.


Page-Oriented Development:

Unlike the traditional MVC pattern, where controllers and views are separate entities, Razor Pages encourages a more page-centric approach to web development. Each Razor Page represents a discrete unit of functionality, combining both the logic and presentation of a web page into a single file.


Conventions over Configuration:

Razor Pages follows the principle of “convention over configuration,” meaning that it relies on default conventions and naming conventions to reduce the need for explicit configuration. By following a predictable folder structure and naming convention, developers can quickly scaffold and organize their Razor Pages without excessive configuration.


Page Handlers and Page Models:

Razor Pages are composed of two main components: Page Handlers and Page Models.


Page Handlers: Page Handlers are methods within a Razor Page that handle specific HTTP requests, such as GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE requests. Each handler corresponds to a specific HTTP verb and defines the logic for processing the request and generating the response.

Page Models: Page Models are C# classes associated with Razor Pages that encapsulate the page’s behavior and data. They serve as the entry point for handling requests and orchestrating interactions between the page and its underlying data sources.


Simplified Routing:

Razor Pages use a simplified routing mechanism that maps incoming URL requests directly to corresponding Razor Page files based on a hierarchical folder structure. This makes it easy to organize and navigate between pages within a web application.


Integration with Razor Syntax:

Razor Pages leverage the same Razor syntax used in ASP.NET Core MVC views, allowing developers to embed C# code directly within HTML markup to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces.


Testability and Maintainability:

Razor Pages promote testability and maintainability by encapsulating page logic within self-contained units. This makes it easier to write unit tests for individual pages and maintain codebases with fewer dependencies and complexities.


Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core provide a lightweight and intuitive framework for building page-centric web applications with minimal overhead. Its conventions, simplicity, and integration with Razor syntax make it an attractive choice for developers looking to create modern and efficient web experiences.

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Experienced Software Developer and .NET Specialist having 13 years of experience. Skilled in SharePoint, Dynamics CRM, and freelance consulting.