.NET Q & A


What is routing in ASP.NET MVC?

Routing in ASP.NET MVC is a mechanism that maps incoming browser requests to specific controller actions or methods in an MVC (Model-View-Controller) application. It enables developers to define clean, SEO-friendly URLs that correspond to specific resources or actions within the application, enhancing the overall user experience and search engine optimization (SEO) of the application.


URL Mapping:

Routing in ASP.NET MVC involves defining URL patterns that map to specific controllers and actions within the application. Each URL pattern consists of segments that represent different parts of the URL, such as controller names, action names, and route parameters.


Route Table:

ASP.NET MVC applications maintain a route table that defines the URL patterns and corresponding route handlers for processing incoming requests. Developers can define routes using route configuration methods provided by the routing framework, such as MapRoute() in the RouteConfig.cs file.


Convention-based Routing:

By default, ASP.NET MVC uses convention-based routing, where URL patterns follow a predefined convention based on the controller and action names. For example, the URL pattern “/{controller}/{action}/{id}” maps to a controller named HomeController, an action method named Index(), and an optional parameter named id.


Attribute Routing:

In addition to convention-based routing, ASP.NET MVC supports attribute routing, which allows developers to define custom routes using attributes directly on controller classes and action methods. Attribute routing provides more flexibility and control over URL patterns and route configurations.


Route Parameters:

Routes in ASP.NET MVC can include route parameters, which are placeholders within the URL pattern that capture values from the incoming request and pass them to the corresponding controller action as method parameters. Route parameters can be used to pass data between the client and the server, such as IDs, query strings, or other data.


Route Constraints:

ASP.NET MVC supports route constraints, which allow developers to apply constraints to route parameters based on data types, regular expressions, or custom validation logic. Route constraints help ensure that incoming requests are correctly mapped to the appropriate route handlers.


URL Generation:

Routing in ASP.NET MVC also includes URL generation, which allows developers to generate URLs dynamically based on route definitions and route parameters. This enables the creation of links and navigation elements within the application that are consistent with the defined routing rules.


Routing in ASP.NET MVC is a powerful mechanism for mapping incoming browser requests to specific controller actions or methods within an MVC application. It enables developers to define clean, SEO-friendly URLs and provides flexibility and control over URL patterns, route configurations, and parameter passing.


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Experienced Software Developer and .NET Specialist having 13 years of experience. Skilled in SharePoint, Dynamics CRM, and freelance consulting.