.NET Q & A


What is the difference between TempData and Session in ASP.NET Core?

TempData and Session are both mechanisms in ASP.NET Core for persisting data across multiple requests within a user’s session. However, they have different scopes, lifetimes, and purposes, making them suitable for different scenarios.



TempData is a dictionary-like object provided by ASP.NET Core for storing data temporarily and passing it between controllers and views during the current and subsequent requests. TempData is ideal for scenarios where data needs to be retained for a short duration, typically across a single redirect or round-trip request. TempData is commonly used for displaying status messages, validation errors, or confirmation messages to users after a form submission or operation.



Session, on the other hand, is a state management mechanism that allows developers to store and retrieve user-specific data across multiple requests during a user’s browsing session. Session data is stored on the server-side and can be accessed by any part of the application that has access to the user’s session ID. Session data persists until the user’s session expires, the user logs out, or the data is explicitly removed from the session.


Scope and Lifetime:

The main difference between TempData and Session lies in their scope and lifetime. TempData is scoped to the current request and subsequent request only, while Session persists data across multiple requests within the same user session until explicitly cleared or the session expires.


Usage and Considerations:

TempData should be used for short-term storage of data that needs to be accessed immediately after a redirect or round-trip request, such as status messages or form data. Session, on the other hand, is suitable for storing user-specific data that needs to persist across multiple requests and interactions within a user’s session, such as user preferences, shopping cart items, or authentication tokens.


Performance and Scalability:

While TempData and Session both provide mechanisms for persisting data, developers should use them judiciously to avoid performance and scalability issues. Storing large amounts of data in TempData or Session can impact application performance and memory usage, especially in high-traffic or multi-user environments.


TempData and Session are both useful tools for persisting data in ASP.NET Core applications, but they serve different purposes and have different scopes and lifetimes. Developers should choose the appropriate mechanism based on the specific requirements and characteristics of their application.


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Experienced Software Developer and .NET Specialist having 13 years of experience. Skilled in SharePoint, Dynamics CRM, and freelance consulting.