.NET Q & A


What is the difference between ViewBag, ViewData, and TempData in ASP.NET MVC?

In ASP.NET MVC, ViewBag, ViewData, and TempData are mechanisms for passing data between controllers and views. While they serve similar purposes, each has its own characteristics and usage scenarios.




  • ViewBag is a dynamic property bag provided by ASP.NET MVC for passing data from controllers to views.
  • It is a lightweight and dynamic container that allows developers to store and retrieve data using dynamic properties.
  • ViewBag data persists only during the current request and is not preserved across subsequent requests or redirects.
  • ViewBag is primarily used for passing small amounts of data or simple objects from controllers to views.




  • ViewData is a dictionary-like object provided by ASP.NET MVC for passing data from controllers to views.
  • It is a key-value collection that allows developers to store and retrieve data using string keys.
  • ViewData data also persists only during the current request and is not preserved across subsequent requests or redirects.
  • Like ViewBag, ViewData is suitable for passing small amounts of data or simple objects from controllers to views.




  • TempData is a dictionary-like object provided by ASP.NET MVC for passing data between controllers and views across multiple requests.
  • TempData data persists for the duration of the current request and the subsequent request, after which it is automatically removed.
  • TempData is often used for scenarios where data needs to be passed between consecutive requests, such as during redirects or after form submissions.
  • TempData can be useful for displaying status messages, handling form submissions, or passing data between action methods in a controller.


ViewBag, ViewData, and TempData are mechanisms for passing data between controllers and views in ASP.NET MVC, each with its own characteristics and intended usage scenarios. While ViewBag and ViewData are primarily used for passing data within the current request, TempData is designed for passing data across multiple requests.

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