Drupal Functions


Drupal Multisite Best Practices: Keeping Your Web Portfolio in Top Shape

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, efficiency and scalability are key factors that can make or break a project. Drupal, a popular open-source content management system (CMS), offers a powerful solution for managing multiple websites through a single installation – a feature known as Drupal Multisite. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of Drupal Multisite, its benefits, and provide step-by-step instructions on how to set up and manage it effectively. 

Drupal Multisite Best Practices: Keeping Your Web Portfolio in Top Shape

What is Drupal Multisite?

Drupal Multisite is a feature that allows you to run multiple websites from a single Drupal codebase and database. Each website shares the same core files, modules, and themes, but can have its own configuration, content, and settings. This approach can save you time, resources, and effort when managing multiple websites, making it an ideal solution for organizations, agencies, or individuals who need to maintain a portfolio of websites.

Benefits of Drupal Multisite

  1. Cost Efficiency

Running multiple websites on a single codebase reduces hosting and maintenance costs. Instead of managing separate installations for each site, you can streamline your resources and save money on server space, maintenance, and updates.

  1. Easier Updates

With Drupal Multisite, you only need to update the core files, modules, and themes once. This significantly simplifies the update process and ensures that all your websites stay up to date with the latest security patches and features.

  1. Centralized Management

Managing multiple websites becomes more efficient as you can make global changes across all sites simultaneously. This centralized approach saves time and effort compared to managing each site individually.

  1. Consistent Branding

Drupal Multisite allows you to maintain consistent branding and design elements across all your websites, ensuring a cohesive user experience for visitors.

Setting Up a Drupal Multisite

Now, let’s dive into the steps to set up and manage a Drupal Multisite environment:

  1. Prepare Your Environment

Before you start, ensure that you have a web server with PHP and a MySQL database set up. You’ll also need to download and install Drupal. Follow the official Drupal installation guide if you haven’t already.

  1. Create a New Directory

Create a new directory for your multisite setup within the Drupal root directory. For example, you can create a directory called “sites/mysite.com” for your first site.

  1. Create a Settings File

Inside the new directory, create a settings.php file. You can copy the default.settings.php file from the “sites/default” directory and modify it to suit your needs. Make sure to set the database credentials and any other site-specific configurations.

  1. Configure the New Site

In the same directory, create a “files” directory to store site-specific files and a “modules” directory if you need site-specific modules. Customize your site by enabling and configuring the necessary modules and themes.

  1. Create a Virtual Host

Set up a virtual host for your new site in your web server’s configuration file. This step may vary depending on your web server (e.g., Apache or Nginx). Ensure that the virtual host points to the directory of your new site.

  1. Add Domain Mapping

To associate a domain with your new site, configure domain mapping in your DNS settings to point to the IP address of your server.

  1. Repeat for Additional Sites

To add more sites, simply repeat the steps above. Each site should have its own directory, settings.php file, and virtual host configuration.

Managing Your Drupal Multisite

Once you have set up your Drupal Multisite, managing it efficiently is crucial. Here are some tips for effective management:

  1. Keep Core and Modules Up to Date

Regularly check for Drupal core updates and module updates. Remember that updating core and modules will affect all sites, so be sure to test updates on a development or staging environment before applying them to your production sites.

  1. Use Features and Configuration Management

To maintain consistency across your sites, consider using Features or Drupal’s built-in Configuration Management system. These tools allow you to export and import site configurations, making it easier to replicate settings and changes across multiple sites.

  1. Monitor Performance

Monitor the performance of your multisite regularly. Use tools like New Relic or Drupal’s built-in performance monitoring to identify and address performance bottlenecks.

  1. Back Up Your Sites

Implement a robust backup strategy for your multisite installation. Regularly back up both the codebase and the database to ensure that you can quickly recover from any issues.

  1. Security Measures

Security should be a top priority. Regularly apply security updates, use strong passwords, and consider implementing a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to protect your sites from threats.

Examples of Drupal Multisite Success Stories

To illustrate the power and versatility of Drupal Multisite, here are a few examples of organizations that have successfully implemented this approach:

  1. Higher Education Institutions

Universities and colleges often manage multiple departmental websites. With Drupal Multisite, they can maintain a consistent look and feel across all sites while allowing each department to manage its content independently.

  1. Media Companies

Media companies that operate multiple websites or online publications can benefit from Drupal Multisite by sharing core functionality and themes while maintaining unique branding and content.

  1. Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofits with various programs and initiatives can use Drupal Multisite to create separate sites for each program, making it easier to manage and update content specific to each cause.


Drupal Multisite is a powerful tool that streamlines the management of multiple websites, providing cost efficiency, easier updates, centralized management, and consistent branding. By following the steps outlined in this guide and implementing best practices for maintenance and security, you can effectively harness the benefits of Drupal Multisite and scale your web presence with ease.

If you’re looking for a solution to manage multiple websites efficiently, consider Drupal Multisite as your go-to option, and you’ll be well on your way to simplifying your web management tasks.