Flutter Certifications


Flutter Courses and Certifications to Improve Your Coding Skills in 2023

Flutter has firmly solidified its position as a prominent framework, addressing a diverse array of software development requirements and garnering extensive adoption across enterprises of all scales. It provides developers with robust features for creating applications, resulting in an increasing demand for proficient Flutter developers.

For individuals aiming to enhance their Flutter skills or pursue a career in Flutter development, exploring certification programs or enrolling in pertinent courses can provide substantial advantages. 

This article will explore some of the top Flutter certification options and courses available in 2023.

1. Flutter Course for Beginners – 37-Hour Mobile App Development Tutorial by freecodecamp.org

Flutter Course for Beginners – 37-hour Mobile App Development Tutorial is a completed free Flutter course on YouTube offered by freecodecamp. This course is designed for beginners and covers the basics of Flutter programming. It includes topics such as text, images, layout, stateful widgets, and building out a beautiful, simple app. The course is available on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel.

This course includes a total of 53 modules and a few of the course modules are;

  1. Introduction: In this Flutter module, you will receive an introduction to the framework, setting the stage for your exploration into mobile app development.
  2. Developer Accounts: Explore the process of setting up developer accounts, a crucial step for Flutter development on both iOS and Android platforms.
  3. Setup: This section will guide you through the initial setup required for your Flutter development environment, ensuring a smooth start to your projects.
  4. Introduction to Dart: This section will delve into Dart, the programming language powering Flutter, and understand its syntax and fundamental concepts.
  5. Dart Control Statements and Collections: You will learn about control statements and collections in Dart, essential for building dynamic and responsive Flutter applications.
  6. Sound Null Safety in Dart: You will explore the concept of sound null safety in Dart, a critical feature for writing safer and more robust code.
  7. Dart Enumerations, Classes, and Objects: In this Flutter module, you will learn about Dart enumerations, classes, and objects, laying the foundation for creating well-structured Flutter apps.
  8. Advanced Dart: This section will take you deeper into Dart, covering advanced topics to elevate your Flutter development skills.
  9. Project Setup: This module will help you understand the process of setting up a Flutter project, ensuring you have a solid foundation for building your mobile applications.
  10. iOS App Setup: You will learn how to set up your Flutter project for iOS development, catering to a diverse user base on Apple devices.
  11. Android App Setup: This module will explore the setup for Flutter development on Android, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of Android devices.
  12. Firebase Backend Setup: This topic will delve into the integration of Firebase as a backend for your Flutter application, enabling powerful and scalable cloud-based functionalities.
  13. Basic Registration Screen: In this Flutter topic, you will learn how to create a basic registration screen, a fundamental feature for many mobile applications.
  14. Logic View: You will understand the logic view in Flutter, gaining insights into how to structure and organize your code for clarity and maintainability.
  15. Separating App Initiation from Logic and Register: You will learn the best practices for separating app initiation from logic and registration processes, promoting a modular and scalable Flutter application architecture.

This course includes other modules as well. This course is a completely free course on YouTube, meaning you do not receive a certificate of completion.

2. Dart and Flutter – Zero to Mastery 2023 + Clean Architecture on Udemy

Dart and Flutter – Zero to Mastery 2023 + Clean Architecture is a complete Flutter course on Udemt, created by Max Berktold and Max Steffen. This course teaches you how to build beautiful, fast, and responsive native apps for both iOS and Android using Flutter and Dart with Clean Architecture principles applied throughout the entire process. The course covers everything from the basics of Flutter to advanced topics like state management, animations, and testing with Clean Architecture principles applied throughout the entire process. 

The course modules are;

  1. Start Here – Introduction and Structure: In this section, you will explore the introduction and structural aspects of Flutter, setting the stage for your journey into mobile app development.
  2. Setup Environment Dart – Hello World: You will learn the essential steps to set up your Dart environment for Flutter development and create a simple “Hello World” application.
  3. Dart Basics: This topic will delve into the fundamentals of Dart programming language, gaining a solid understanding of its syntax and core concepts that power Flutter applications.
  4. Setup Environment Flutter – Hello World App: You will explore the setup process for the Flutter environment and create your first Flutter application with a “Hello World” example.
  5. Flutter Basics: This section will cover the basics of Flutter, including widgets, layouts, and navigation, providing a foundation for building robust mobile applications.
  6. Clean Architecture – App Project: You will learn about Clean Architecture principles applied to app development in Flutter, ensuring a modular and maintainable project structure.
  7. Clean Architecture – Testing: This module will delve into the testing aspects of Clean Architecture in Flutter, understanding how to write effective tests for your application.
  8. ToDo-App [Adaptive Layout, Go Router, Hive, Mock]: You will explore the development of a ToDo app in Flutter, covering adaptive layout design, navigation with Go Router, local storage with Hive, and mocking for testing.
  9. WIP: ToDo-App [Firebase, Crashlytics, Firestore, Auth]: This topic will dive into the work-in-progress ToDo app, incorporating advanced features such as Firebase integration, Crashlytics for error reporting, Firestore for cloud storage, and authentication for enhanced security.

Each of the above Flutter modules contributes to your comprehensive understanding of Flutter app development, from the basics to advanced features and architecture.

3. Flutter BootCamp by Rubens De Melo on flutterbootcamp.com

Flutter BootCamp is a complete Clutter course that is offered in Portuguese (subtitles available) by Rubens de Melo and is designed to teach you how to build beautiful, fast, and responsive native apps for both iOS and Android using Flutter and Dart. The course covers everything from the basics of Flutter to advanced topics like state management, and animations. 

The course modules are;

  1. Dart: In this section, you will delve into Dart, the programming language used for Flutter development, mastering its syntax and features.
  2. Flutter Web: This module will explore Flutter Web, enabling you to extend your Flutter skills to build interactive web applications.
  3. Material Widgets: You will learn how to use Material widgets in Flutter, a crucial aspect for creating visually appealing and consistent user interfaces.
  4. Cupertino Widgets: This module will explore Cupertino widgets in Flutter, designed specifically for an iOS-style look and feel, ensuring a native experience on Apple devices.
  5. Google Maps: This topic will teach you how to integrate Google Maps into your Flutter application, adding powerful mapping capabilities.
  6. Build an API: You will learn the process of building an API for your Flutter application, enabling communication and data exchange with external services.
  7. Firebase: This topic will delve into Firebase integration in Flutter, leveraging its powerful features for authentication, real-time databases, and cloud functions.
  8. Tests: You will learn to understand the importance of testing in Flutter and learn how to write effective tests to ensure the reliability of your applications.
  9. Consume REST API: This module will teach you how to consume RESTful APIs in Flutter, allowing your app to interact with external data sources.
  10. Access Camera and Gallery: You will learn how to access the device’s camera and gallery in Flutter, enabling features like image capture and selection.
  11. Access GPS: You will understand how to access the device’s GPS capabilities in Flutter, allowing your app to obtain location-based information.
  12. Build Packages: You will learn the process of building packages in Flutter, fostering code reusability and collaboration in the Flutter community.
  13. Modularize Applications: This topic will explore techniques to modularize your Flutter applications, enhancing maintainability and scalability.
  14. Animations: This module will delve into animations in Flutter, enabling you to create engaging and dynamic user interfaces.
  15. State Management: You will learn about different state management techniques in Flutter, a crucial aspect of managing the state of your application.
  16. Local Storage: You will understand how to implement local storage in Flutter, allowing your app to store and retrieve data on the device.

This course does not offer you a certificate of completion, however, this course offers over 400 learning materials, and lectures for you to master FLutter in no time.

4. Flutter for Junior Devs by fluttercrashcourse.com

Flutter for Junior Devs is a course offered by Flutter Crash Course. The course creator is Nick Manning, and the course modules are designed for junior developers who have some experience with programming but less than a year of experience. The aim is to provide a strong foundation in Flutter and Dart, enabling developers to continue learning from other online tutorials or videos on the site with ease.

The course modules are;

  1. Installing Flutter on Windows: This section will guide you through the step-by-step process of installing Flutter on a Windows system, setting the stage for Flutter development.
  2. How to Set Up Flutter and Visual Studio Code on macOS, Step by Step: In this comprehensive guide, you will learn how to set up Flutter and Visual Studio Code on macOS, providing a seamless development environment for Flutter projects.
  3. Reading Flutter Code Easily: Syntax Basics: You will explore the syntax basics of Flutter in this topic, learning how to read and understand Flutter code effortlessly, laying the foundation for efficient coding.
  4. Creating Our First Flutter App: This section will guide you through the process of creating your first Flutter app, applying the knowledge gained to initiate your journey into Flutter development.

This Flutter course is free, and thus, does not offer a certificate of completion.

Here, we have added a comparison table for all the Flutter certification courses mentioned above in this article.

Course/ programCostLevelDurationStudy mode
Flutter Course for Beginners - 37-hour Mobile App Development TutorialFreeBeginner / Intermediate / Advanced37 hoursOnline
Dart and Flutter - Zero to Mastery 2023 + Clean Architecture$74.99Intermediate / Advanced41 hoursOnline
Flutter BootCamp by Rubens de Melo$37Beginner / Intermediate40+ hoursOnline
Flutter for Junior DevsFreeIntermediate1 hour 33 minutesOnline

The provided table outlines the distinctions among various Flutter courses, encompassing factors like duration, costs, and prerequisite skills. Course fees are influenced by variables such as the learning platform, study format, and duration. When selecting a Flutter certificate course, it’s crucial to assess whether it aligns with your skill level, financial considerations, and career goals.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, enrolling in a Flutter course in 2023 presents a significant opportunity for advancing your career. Through effective training, you can refine your skills as a Flutter developer and participate in stimulating and rewarding projects. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Flutter developer, a range of courses and certification programs are available to enhance your proficiency in Flutter development.

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Full Stack Systems Analyst with a strong focus on Flutter development. Over 5 years of expertise in Flutter, creating mobile applications with a user-centric approach.