Flutter Q & A


Can Flutter apps run on older versions of Android and iOS?

Flutter provides a remarkable solution for creating cross-platform applications, ensuring that apps can run seamlessly on various versions of both Android and iOS. One of the key advantages of Flutter is its robust backward compatibility, allowing developers to target a wide range of devices, including older versions of Android and iOS.


When it comes to Android, Flutter supports versions dating back to Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) and later. This means that Flutter apps can cater to a substantial user base, even on devices running on older Android operating systems. The framework achieves this compatibility by incorporating necessary runtime libraries within the app package, reducing dependencies on the device’s operating system.


Similarly, for iOS, Flutter maintains support for devices running on iOS 9 and above. This inclusivity ensures that Flutter apps can run on older iPhones and iPads, providing a consistent experience across various iOS versions. Flutter achieves this compatibility by compiling its code to native ARM code during the build process, which eliminates the need for a Flutter runtime on the device.


For instance, a Flutter app designed for a modern Android device with the latest operating system will also function seamlessly on an older Android device running Jelly Bean. This versatility simplifies the development process and enhances the potential user reach for Flutter applications.


Flutter’s commitment to backward compatibility ensures that developers can build apps that run smoothly on older versions of both Android and iOS, broadening the accessibility of Flutter-powered applications. This adaptability is a significant advantage for developers aiming to reach a diverse audience with varying device specifications and operating system versions.

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Full Stack Systems Analyst with a strong focus on Flutter development. Over 5 years of expertise in Flutter, creating mobile applications with a user-centric approach.