

Creating Cross-Platform Desktop Applications with Go

Go, also known as Golang, is a powerful programming language that has gained popularity due to its simplicity, performance, and strong support for concurrency. While Go is often associated with server-side and web applications, it is also a great choice for developing cross-platform desktop applications. In this blog, we will explore the process of creating cross-platform desktop applications using Go, along with some useful libraries and tools that will streamline the development process.

Creating Cross-Platform Desktop Applications with Go

1. Why Choose Go for Cross-Platform Desktop Applications?

Before diving into the details, it’s essential to understand why Go is an excellent choice for building cross-platform desktop applications:

  • Performance: Go’s compiled nature ensures that applications written in Go perform exceptionally well, making it suitable for resource-intensive desktop applications.
  • Concurrency: Go’s built-in support for concurrency and goroutines enables developers to create responsive desktop applications that handle multiple tasks concurrently.
  • Simplicity: Go’s straightforward and minimalist syntax allows developers to focus on solving problems efficiently without getting bogged down by unnecessary complexities.
  • Cross-Platform Support: Go’s strong support for cross-compilation allows developers to create applications that run seamlessly on Windows, macOS, and Linux without modification.
  • Large Standard Library: Go’s standard library offers a wide range of functionalities, including networking, file handling, and cryptography, reducing the need for third-party dependencies.

2. Setting Up Go for Desktop Application Development

Before we start building desktop applications, make sure you have Go installed on your system. You can download and install the latest version of Go from the official website (https://golang.org). After installation, ensure that you’ve set up the necessary environment variables to access Go from the command line.

To verify that Go is correctly installed, open a terminal or command prompt and type:

go version

If you see the installed Go version, you’re ready to proceed.

3. Building a Simple Cross-Platform Desktop Application

Let’s create a basic cross-platform desktop application that displays a window with a “Hello, World!” message using Go and the popular GUI library, “fyne.io/fyne.”

3.1. Installing the Fyne Library

To get started, we need to install the Fyne library, which provides a simple and straightforward way to build cross-platform GUI applications. Open a terminal or command prompt and execute the following command:

go get fyne.io/fyne/v2

3.2. Creating the Desktop Application

Now that Fyne is installed, we can proceed to create our “Hello, World!” desktop application.

// hello.go
package main

import (

func main() {
    myApp := app.New()
    myWindow := myApp.NewWindow("Hello World")

    hello := widget.NewLabel("Hello, World!")


3.3. Running the Application

Save the above code in a file named “hello.go.” To build and run the application, use the following command:

go run hello.go

You should see a window displaying the message “Hello, World!” Congratulations! You have successfully built a cross-platform desktop application using Go and Fyne.

4. Exploring More Features with Fyne

Fyne provides an array of widgets and layouts to design visually appealing desktop applications. Let’s explore a few additional features:

4.1. Creating a Responsive Layout

Fyne allows you to create responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes. Let’s modify our previous example to include multiple widgets in a grid layout.

// responsive_layout.go
package main

import (

func main() {
    myApp := app.New()
    myWindow := myApp.NewWindow("Responsive Layout")

    label1 := widget.NewLabel("Label 1")
    label2 := widget.NewLabel("Label 2")
    label3 := widget.NewLabel("Label 3")
    label4 := widget.NewLabel("Label 4")

    grid := container.New(layout.NewGridLayout(2),
        label1, label2,
        label3, label4,


4.2. Handling Events

Adding interactivity to your desktop application is easy with Fyne. Let’s modify our application to handle button clicks.

// event_handling.go
package main

import (

func main() {
    myApp := app.New()
    myWindow := myApp.NewWindow("Event Handling")

    label := widget.NewLabel("Click the button!")
    button := widget.NewButton("Click Me", func() {
        label.SetText("Button Clicked!")

    content := container.New(layout.NewVBoxLayout(), label, button)


5. Packaging and Distributing Your Application

Once you have developed your cross-platform desktop application using Go and Fyne, you may want to package and distribute it to users.

5.1. Cross-Compiling Your Application

To create binary executables for different operating systems, you can use Go’s built-in cross-compilation support. For example, to build an executable for Windows from a macOS or Linux machine, use the following command:

GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o myapp.exe

5.2. Distributing Your Application

To distribute your application, create an installer for each platform using platform-specific packaging tools. For example, use Inno Setup for Windows, PackageMaker for macOS, and .deb/.rpm packages for Linux distributions.

Alternatively, you can consider using Go’s “gotham” tool, which simplifies the process of packaging and distributing Go applications on different platforms.


In this blog, we’ve explored how Go can be utilized to develop efficient and cross-platform desktop applications. With the Fyne library, creating visually appealing GUIs and handling user events becomes a breeze. Go’s powerful concurrency and cross-compilation support add more value to the development process. Whether you’re a seasoned Go developer or just getting started, building cross-platform desktop applications with Go is an exciting and rewarding journey. Happy coding!

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Over 5 years of experience in Golang. Led the design and implementation of a distributed system and platform for building conversational chatbots.