Top Websites to Hire Developers


Top 15 sites to hire Go developers

As the app development industry surges amid the smartphone boom, projected to reach over 900 billion in 2023, creating an app has become essential for business survival. However, navigating the complexities of app development, from selecting the right coding language to finding a suitable development firm within your budget, can be challenging. This is where the popularity of Kotlin comes into play, and why you should try to hire Kotlin developers through a reliable platform. 



Top 15 Sites to Hire Kotlin Developers 


This blog aims to provide concise insights into the top 15 sites to hire Kotlin developers, comparing and bringing pricing details of each platform to dispel confusion. By the end, you will have a clear understanding of why hiring Kotlin developers in 2023 through these sites is a strategic move for effective app development. You will also learn what are the essential skills and qualifications required of Kotlin developers in this Job Description guide, and how to hire them on this Kotlin developer Hiring Guide.


1. CloudDevs – Top Pick – Hire Kotlin Developers from Your Timezone 



CloudDevs connects businesses worldwide with top-tier Kotlin developers from Latin America through a three-step vetting process. Offering quality talent within 24 hours, CloudDevs prioritizes client satisfaction, providing a one-week free trial. Their screening evaluates candidates for coding skills and English proficiency. With flexibility, CloudDevs offers both full-time and part-time hiring options tailored to client projects. For those looking to hire Kotlin developers, CloudDevs is a reliable platform offering skilled professionals and a seamless screening process to meet diverse project needs.

Pricing: Kotlin developers charge a flat hourly rate of $45 – $70, and developers can be hired within 24 hours.


2. Bairesdev – The Kotlin Engineers for Online



BairesDev serves as a trusted partner, collaborating closely with clients to create top-notch software solutions swiftly and accurately. Leveraging the top 1% of tech talent from the Americas and the Caribbean, the team implements scalable, high-performance technology solutions. With over 4,000 experienced engineers across 50 countries, they provide expertise aligned with different time zones. With over a decade of experience, BairesDev has played a significant role in shaping the tech landscape, working with disruptive startups, industry leaders, and Fortune Global 500 brands like Google, and Johnson & Johnson.

Pricing:  BairesDev developers are paid according to the Kotlin project scope, and you can request a quote for your project.


3. Fiverr – Top SIte to Hire Kotlin Developer Services 



On Fiverr, individuals can hire Kotlin developers starting at $5, accessing a diverse pool of professionals. Pricing varies among freelancers, offering flexibility for different budgets. However, Fiverr lacks a vetting process. Buyers bear the responsibility of assessing freelancers’ suitability, ranging from beginners to seasoned experts. 

Joining Fiverr incurs no charges, but the platform retains 20% of each transaction. If, for instance, a buyer pays $50 for a task, Fiverr retains $10, leaving the Kotlin developer with $40. For those looking to hire Kotlin developers, Fiverr provides accessible options with different skill levels.

Pricing: Developers charge for their freelance services according to their rates, and developers can be hired anytime according to availability. 


4. Guru – Kotlin Developing Freelancers for Hire stands as a prominent freelancing platform, linking employers to adept freelancers across diverse industries. The platform provides a secure, user-friendly space for businesses and individuals to effortlessly discover and hire proficient professionals. Offering a global talent pool, a simplified hiring process, a secure payment system, effective collaboration tools, and reliable customer support, has become a trusted choice for remote work and freelancing. Employers looking to expand their teams or undertake specific projects can easily hire Kotlin developers through this reliable platform.

Pricing: Pricing depends on developer skills, experience, and project needs, plus a 2.9% handling fee on invoices.


5. Arc. dev- Hire Top Kotlin Developers, established in 2017, is a widely used freelancing platform connecting businesses with skilled software developers and engineers. With a focus on quality, the platform’s experts assess developers applying to join, guaranteeing the availability of the best and most qualified professionals for hire. This vetting process includes technical assessments, reference checks, and a thorough review of work history. 

Offering diverse job opportunities, including full-time, part-time, and contract positions, provides a project management tool for tracking progress and communicating with hired developers. Businesses benefit from technical interviews, code reviews, and seamless collaboration through integrations with tools like Slack and Jira. The platform also allows employers to browse developer profiles and choose the right candidate for the job. If you are looking to hire Kotlin developers, offers a reliable solution for connecting with top-tier tech talent.

Pricing: The hourly rate ranges from $60 to $100 or over, and developers are assigned within 3 days.


6. X-Team – Hire Top Freelance Kotlin Developers on X-Team


X-Team offers businesses the opportunity to hire Kotlin developers after they undergo a rigorous 4-stage vetting process: initial screening, portfolio review, test project, and internal project. Once developers showcase a high level of programming expertise through internal projects, they become part of the X-Team group. 

This platform enables companies to hire developers and engineers on a full-time basis, providing an excellent option for those seeking to establish remote tech teams. If you are looking to hire Kotlin developers, X-Team simplifies the process, ensuring you get skilled professionals for your team. 

Pricing: X Team Kotlin developers charge between $40 to $50 per hour, and developers can be hired according to availability. 


7. Toptal – Find the Best Site to Hire Kotlin Developers 


Toptal provides a platform not only for discovering remote software developers but also professionals in design, finance, and project management. With a stringent screening process, only the top 3% of applicants join the Toptal talent pool, assuring businesses of top-tier expertise. 

Key features include a risk-free trial period at zero cost, a flexible hiring model offering hourly, part-time, or full-time engagements, and freelancers can personalize their pay. Toptal not only caters to remote talent but also aids in talent relocation if needed, employing a multi-stage vetting process in their commitment to good quality talent.

Pricing: The costs are calculated according to individual client’s requirements and the scope of the project. Developers can be hired accordingly.


8. Crewscale – Find the top Kotin Developers


Crewscale effortlessly connects startups, unicorns, and global corporations with a vast pool of pre-evaluated and domain-specific technical talent worldwide, featuring the top 1% of global remote developers. Those seeking to bolster their team with Kotlin expertise can easily hire Kotlin developers through the Crewscale platform. Their Kotlin developers are highly skilled, providing a valuable resource for businesses looking to strengthen their technical capabilities.

Pricing: You can request a direct quote from the company. 

This Kotlin developer interview questions guide will provide you with a comprehensive list of interview questions for Kotlin developers, and how to prepare and answer them effectively.


9. QIT Software – Hire Kotlin Developers for Android Mobile Apps


QIT Software, located in Plano, Texas, operates as an IT staff augmentation company with a specialization in creating tailored web and mobile solutions. Offering dedicated teams and R&D services for Web2/Web3, Blockchain, and AI, their team of skilled engineers and innovators is committed to staying at the forefront of technology. With a full suite of outstaffing services, they assist global businesses in hiring Kotlin developers through IT Staff Augmentation, Dedicated Team, and Time and Material cooperation models. Partnering with QIT Software ensures streamlined onboarding, cost-effectiveness, and dedicated developer commitment.

Pricing: For hiring charges, receive a direct quote from QIT Software via their website. 

This guide will show you the average hourly rates of Kotlin developers in various markets, and how they vary depending on the project scope, complexity, and duration.


10. Upwork – A Wide Variety of Developers For Hire 


Upwork stands out as a leading global freelancing platform connecting businesses and individuals with a diverse talent pool of skilled freelancers worldwide. With Upwork, businesses can easily find, hire, and collaborate with remote freelancers in various domains, including web development, design, writing, and marketing. The platform simplifies the hiring process by allowing businesses to post job listings and receive proposals from freelancers, providing tools for efficient project management, communication, and secure freelancer verification. Upwork offers flexible pricing options, including hourly and fixed-price contracts, making it ideal for businesses looking to hire Kotlin developers for their projects. 

Pricing: Kotlin developers on Upwork charge rates according to project scope, or hourly rates, and freelance developers are available for hire right away. 

Learn about the average annual salary of Kotlin developers in different countries, regions, and industries, and how it compares to other programming languages.


11. Excellentwebworld – Dedicated Kotlin Programmers for hire 



Excellent Webworld operates as an international Embedded, Web, and Mobile App Development Company originating from South Asia and extending its influence globally. Their mission revolves around elevating user experiences and delivering value through innovative products and solutions. Their human-centered design and development approach leaves a positive impact on users.

Excellent Webworld specializes in web and mobile application development, enterprise product consulting, and software development services across diverse industries, including retail, finance, entertainment, education, and healthcare. 

Pricing: Developers charge from $15 per hour to $160 per month, developers are assigned, and projects kick-off within 24 hours.


12. Voypost – Find Kotlin Developers For Hiring from Voypost


Voypost, a Berlin-based Software Development and Staff Augmentation company, specializes in guiding organizations through the creation of optimal digital solutions and products using skilled professionals. Since 2019, Voypost has been dedicated to designing, building, and scaling digital products for businesses of all sizes. They excel in augmenting teams with rigorously vetted software engineers and product designers, providing companies with tailored, multi-disciplinary dedicated teams for specific use cases.

Pricing: Developers can be hired within 2 – 14 days, and you can contact VoyPost for pricing information.


13. Ideamotive – Hire the best Kotlin Devs Worldwide 


Ideamotive, specializing in providing on-demand tech product teams, individual software development contractors, and IT consultants, and assists startups, scale-ups, and enterprises worldwide in building, growing, and scaling digital products. Their extensive network comprises on-site talent, off-site collaborators, and premier software houses, offering developers for diverse projects and technologies, UI/UX designers, digital illustrators, business consultants, back-office experts, AI and machine learning developers, and Big Data engineers. For those uncertain about their vision, Ideamotive assists in clarifying it. If you’re looking to hire Kotlin developers, Ideamotive is your go-to solution.

Pricing: You can receive a quote within a week, and Kotlin developers will be assigned within 48 hours.


14. Ellow – Find the Best Kotlin Developers Online


With an intuitive interface and a global network of proficient developers, Ellow facilitates seamless access to top-tier talent for crafting software solutions, mobile apps, and websites. Their commitment to delivering the top 3% of global talent within 48 hours streamlines the hiring process. 

In just two years, Ellow has collaborated with Fortune 500 companies across diverse sectors, including blockchain, FinTech, EdTech, banking, and logistics. Noteworthy features include a meticulous Human and AI vetting process, an advanced algorithm evaluating over 80 data points, and comprehensive solutions for remote talent hiring and management. The extensive database covers adept developers with various digital skills, including Kotlin.

Pricing:  You can request a direct quote, and the hiring process takes about 48 hours.


15. Peopleperhour – Freelance Kotlin Developers for Hire


PeoplePerHour, a UK-based freelance hiring platform, assists recruiters in connecting with skilled developers worldwide. Offering fixed-price options, it provides a cost-effective hiring solution. The platform ensures the proficiency of freelancers by carefully vetting them and guaranteeing quality results for project requirements. With a focus on talent and expertise, PeoplePerHour offers a risk-free environment, supported by dedicated customer service. For those looking to expand their team, it’s an ideal platform to hire Kotlin developers, providing a reliable and efficient solution for project needs.

Pricing: Kotlin developers set their rates, and developers can be hired immediately.



In conclusion, Kotlin is a top choice for app development, offering improved code quality and increased productivity compared to Java. Its compatibility with Java and cross-platform capabilities make it a preferred language in 2023. 

For businesses needing app development, CloudDevs is ready to guide you through the process step by step. Explore CloudDevs’s Kotlin developer hiring guide for a comprehensive approach to understanding the things to consider and know when you are hiring a Kotlin developer in 2023. Clouddevs is your trusted site for hiring Go Devs from Latin America. 

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Experienced Android Engineer specializing in Kotlin with over 5 years of hands-on expertise. Proven record of delivering impactful solutions and driving app innovation.