PHP Developer Salaries


Dive into the Ultimate Annual Salary Guide for PHP Developers

In the United States, the average annual salary for a PHP Developer stands at $107,205. Most PHP Developers earn between $91,500 and $120,500, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles. However, those in the top 10% of the earning bracket make as much as $136,000 per year.

It is important to be aware of the current rates for the skill before you start to hire PHP developers for your project. Whether you are a seasoned PHP developer or just beginning your career in this field, this guide will provide you with a clear picture of what to expect in terms of annual compensation. Let’s explore the financial aspects of a career in PHP development.

The Latest Stats on PHP Developers’ Average Annual Salaries

When comparing annual salaries for PHP developers across ZipRecruiter, Glassdoor,, and Indeed, discrepancies are evident. ZipRecruiter consistently presents higher salaries for Junior and Mid-Level Developers than the other platforms but falls behind Glassdoor when it comes to Senior Developer compensation. 

php dev salary ziprecruiter

Glassdoor offers the highest salary for Senior Developers, surpassing all platforms.’s figures tend to lean towards the higher end of the spectrum, but it remains middle-ground for Mid-Level Developers. Indeed, on the other hand, consistently posts the lowest salaries across all experience levels.

Where Do PHP Developers Earn the Most and Least?

CountryAverage Annual Salary (USD)
United States$107,205
United Kingdom$80,000

The United States leads in average annual salaries for PHP developers, followed closely by Australia and Canada. European nations like the United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, and Poland offer competitive salaries, with the UK on the higher end, while others, such as Germany and Sweden, lean towards the mid-range. 

Asian countries present a varied spectrum, with Japan’s compensation rivaling European standards, China in the mid-tier, and India at the lower end. Latin American figures, as seen in Brazil and Mexico, are significantly lower, with Eastern European countries like Ukraine and Poland offering salaries that are higher than those in Asia but below Western European standards.

Statistics from suggest that even in the United States, the salary obtained by PHP developers varies according to the state. The highest salary is obtained by developers in Mississippi followed by developers in California, New York, Washington, Kansas, New Hampshire, Missouri, Nevada, Minnesota, and Tennessee coming in tenth place.

Further, details that in the United States, the average annual salary for a PHP developer is $100,000 per year. Entry-level positions start at $82,500  per year, while the most experienced workers can earn up to $133,938 per year.

php dev salary

How PHP Frameworks Influence Developer Salaries

PHP FrameworkAverage Annual Salary (USD)
Laravel$103,000 - $143,500
CodeIgniter$60,000 - $131,000
Symfony$106,000 - $157,000
CakePHP$79,500 - $127,000
Phalcon$105,000 - $138,000
Yii$91,500 - $120,500

Developers specializing in the Symfony framework generally command the highest salaries, closely followed by those proficient in Laravel and Phalcon. Yii framework specialists fall within the mid-range salary spectrum, slightly above those skilled in CakePHP. CodeIgniter, despite having a broad salary range, can sometimes offer compensation on the lower end, closer to CakePHP.

Comparing PHP Developer Salaries Across Other Programming Languages

Programming LanguageAverage Annual Salary (USD)
Python$97,500 - $139,000
JavaScript$94,000 - $140,000
Java$99,000 - $131,000
C#$76,500 - $122,500
Swift$105,500 - $143,000
Golang$104,000 - $147,000
HTML/CSS$122,500 - $127,500
TypeScript$110,000 - $133,700
Kotlin$105,000 - $142,000
SQL$76,000 - $116,000
Rust$79,500 - $127,000

When comparing PHP developers’ average annual salaries to other programming languages, Golang developers tend to be among the highest earners, closely trailed by Swift, Kotlin, and TypeScript experts. Python, JavaScript, and Java also have competitive salary ranges that position them in the upper tier. 

HTML/CSS specialists, while having a narrower salary range, fall in the middle range of the compensation spectrum. On the other hand, PHP, C#, SQL, and Rust developers typically command salaries on the lower end, with PHP, C# and SQL being closer to the bottom range among the programming languages. 

According to Glassdoor in the United States, a PHP Developer’s estimated total annual compensation stands at around $99,561. This total comprises a median salary of $93,535 per year. In addition, PHP Developers are likely to receive, on average, an additional $6,027 annually, which may include various forms of extra income such as cash bonuses, commissions, tips, and profit sharing.

php dev sal grassdoor


This blog post offers a detailed analysis of the annual compensation for developers working with PHP. It highlights how factors like experience, geographic location, and current market conditions influence PHP developer salaries. This guide is an essential tool for PHP developers to understand their financial prospects and for employers to ensure their salary offerings are competitive in the web development sector.

You can check out our PHP Developer Hourly Rate Guide to learn about the hourly rates you can earn in the US and across the world. We bring you a complete PHP Developer Hiring Guide along with the PHP Developer Job Description and PHP Interview Questions guide which will help you in the process of hiring a PHP developer in 2023.

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Full Stack Engineer with extensive experience in PHP development. Over 11 years of experience working with PHP, creating innovative solutions for various web applications and platforms.