ReactJS Certifications


Top ReactJS Certifications and Courses to Boost Your Skills in 2023

ReactJS has become one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces, and it’s widely used by companies of all sizes. With ReactJS, developers can create complex applications with ease, and the demand for ReactJS developers is only increasing. 

If you’re looking to enhance your skills or kickstart your career in ReactJS, taking a certification or course can help. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best ReactJS certifications and courses that you can take in 2023.

1. React Nanodegree Program by Udacity

The React Nanodegree program by Udacity is designed to teach you how to build scalable, high-quality web and mobile applications with React, React Native, and Redux. The program is broken down into five sections:

  1. React Fundamentals: In this section, you’ll learn the basics of React, including JSX, components, state, props, and React Router. You’ll also learn how to use tools like Webpack and Babel to build and compile your React code.
  2. React & Redux: In this section, you’ll dive deeper into React and Redux, learning how to manage application state with Redux, work with asynchronous Redux, and build mobile applications with React Native.
  3. React Native: In this section, you’ll learn how to use React Native and Expo to build native mobile applications for iOS and Android. You’ll also learn how to use React Navigation and Native APIs to create complex user interfaces.
  4. React & Redux Project: In this section, you’ll apply your React and Redux knowledge to build a Reddit clone. You’ll use React, Redux, and the Reddit API to create a fully functional web application.
  5. Capstone Project: In this final section, you’ll use all the skills you’ve learned in the program to build a React Native application using Redux. You’ll choose a project of your own and work with a mentor to complete it.

Throughout the program, you’ll have access to personalized support from experienced mentors, as well as project reviews, code reviews, and a community of other learners.

2. The Complete React Native and Redux Course

The Complete React Native and Redux Course is an online course offered by Udemy that teaches you how to build mobile applications for iOS and Android with React Native and Redux. The course is broken down into eight sections:

  1. Introduction to React Native: In this section, you’ll learn the basics of React Native and set up your development environment.
  2. Styling with Flexbox: In this section, you’ll learn how to use Flexbox to style your React Native components.
  3. Redux and React Redux: In this section, you’ll learn the fundamentals of Redux and how to use it with React Native.
  4. Redux Middleware, Async Actions, and Redux Thunk: In this section, you’ll learn how to handle asynchronous data with Redux Thunk middleware.
  5. React Navigation: In this section, you’ll learn how to use React Navigation to create navigation in your React Native application.
  6. Authentication with Firebase: In this section, you’ll learn how to use Firebase to add authentication to your React Native application.
  7. Building a Messaging App: In this section, you’ll build a real-time messaging app using React Native, Redux, and Firebase.
  8. Animations: In this final section, you’ll learn how to create animations in your React Native application.

Throughout the course, you’ll have access to lifetime access to the course content, as well as support from the course instructor and a community of other learners.

3. React Fundamentals by Pluralsight

React Fundamentals by Pluralsight is an online course that teaches you the fundamentals of React. The course is broken down into nine modules:

  1. Introduction to React: In this section, you’ll learn the basics of React and why it’s useful for building web applications.
  2. JSX, Components, and Props: In this section, you’ll learn how to create React components, use props to pass data between components, and use JSX to create HTML-like syntax in your React code.
  3. State and Lifecycle Methods: In this section, you’ll learn how to manage application state with React and use lifecycle methods to handle component events.
  1. Handling Events and Forms: In this section, you’ll learn how to handle user events like clicks and form submissions in your React code.
  2. Styling React Components: In this section, you’ll learn how to style your React components using CSS and inline styles.
  3. React Router: In this section, you’ll learn how to use React Router to create a multi-page web application with client-side routing.
  4. Redux: In this section, you’ll learn how to use Redux to manage application state in a scalable way.
  5. Advanced Redux: In this section, you’ll learn more advanced techniques for working with Redux, including middleware, asynchronous actions, and testing.
  6. Testing React Components: In this final section, you’ll learn how to test your React components using tools like Jest and Enzyme.

Throughout the course, you’ll have access to over 3 hours of video content, as well as exercises and quizzes to reinforce your learning. You’ll also have access to support from the course instructor and a community of other learners.

4. React Certification by Scrimba

The React Certification by Scrimba is a comprehensive certification program that covers the fundamentals of React and advanced topics like Redux and React Native. The program is broken down into seven modules:

  1. Introduction to React: In this section, you’ll learn the basics of React, including JSX, components, state, and props.
  2. React Components: In this section, you’ll learn how to create reusable React components and pass data between them.
  3. React Router: In this section, you’ll learn how to use React Router to create a multi-page web application with client-side routing.
  4. Redux: In this section, you’ll learn how to use Redux to manage application state in a scalable way.
  5. React Native: In this section, you’ll learn how to use React Native to build native mobile applications for iOS and Android.
  6. Testing React Components: In this section, you’ll learn how to test your React components using tools like Jest and Enzyme.
  7. Final Project: In this final section, you’ll apply all the skills you’ve learned in the program to build a React application of your own.

Throughout the program, you’ll have access to over 24 hours of video content, as well as support from experienced mentors and a community of other learners. You’ll also receive a React Certification from Scrimba upon completion of the program.

5. Advanced React and Redux by Udemy

Advanced React and Redux by Udemy is an online course that teaches you advanced techniques for working with React and Redux. The course is broken down into six sections:

  1. React Router and Redux Form: In this section, you’ll learn how to use React Router and Redux Form to create a multi-page web application with form validation.
  2. Authentication with React: In this section, you’ll learn how to implement user authentication and authorization using React and Redux.
  3. Testing with Redux: In this section, you’ll learn how to test your Redux code using tools like Mocha and Chai.
  4. Higher-Order Components: In this section, you’ll learn how to use higher-order components to reuse code and enhance component functionality.
  5. Animations in React: In this section, you’ll learn how to add animations to your React components using CSS and React Transition Group.
  6. Webpack and Redux Dev Tools: In this final section, you’ll learn how to use Webpack and Redux Dev Tools to optimize your React and Redux code for production.

Throughout the course, you’ll have access to over 28 hours of video content, as well as exercises and quizzes to reinforce your learning. You’ll also have access to support from the course instructor and a community of other learners.

6. ReactJS Essentials by LinkedIn Learning

ReactJS Essentials by LinkedIn Learning is an online course that teaches you the fundamentals of React. The course is broken down into seven sections:

  1. Introduction to React: In this section, you’ll learn the basics of React, including JSX, components, state, and props.
  2. Building a Simple React Application: In this section, you’ll build a simple React application to reinforce the concepts you learned in the previous section.
  3. Working with Forms and Events: In this section, you’ll learn how to handle user events like clicks and form submissions in your React code.
  4. Using React Router: In this section, you’ll learn how to use React Router to create a multi-page web application with client-side routing.
  5. Building a Real-Time Search Component: In this section, you’ll build a real-time search component using React and an API.
  6. Creating a Drag-and-Drop Component: In this section, you’ll learn how to create a drag-and-drop component using React and the HTML5 drag-and-drop API.
  7. Conclusion and Next Steps: In this final section, you’ll review what you’ve learned in the course and learn about next steps for continuing your React education.

Throughout the course, you’ll have access to over 2 hours of video content, as well as exercises and quizzes to reinforce your learning. You’ll also have access to support from the course instructor and a community of other learners.

7. React Certification by BrainStation

The React Certification by BrainStation is a comprehensive certification program that covers the fundamentals of React and advanced topics like Redux and React Native. The program is broken down into five modules:

  1. Introduction to React: In this section, you’ll learn the basics of React, including JSX, components, state, and props.
  2. Advanced React: In this section, you’ll learn more advanced topics like server-side rendering, component lifecycle methods, and higher-order components.
  3. Redux: In this section, you’ll learn how to use Redux to manage application state in a scalable way.
  4. React Native: In this section, you’ll learn how to use React Native to build native mobile applications for iOS and Android.
  5. Final Project: In this final section, you’ll apply all the skills you’ve learned in the program to build a React application of your own.

Throughout the program, you’ll have access to over 50 hours of video content, as well as support from experienced mentors and a community of other learners. You’ll also receive a BrainStation React Certification upon completion of the program.

Here’s a comparison table for the ReactJS courses and certifications mentioned in the article:

React Nanodegree Program by Udacity$999Intermediate4 monthsOnline
The Complete React Native and Redux Course$199.99Beginner32 hoursOnline
React Fundamentals by Pluralsight$29 per month or $299 per yearBeginner4 hoursOnline
React Certification by Scrimba$99Intermediate/AdvancedVariesOnline
Advanced React and Redux by Udemy$129.99Advanced21 hoursOnline
React Certification by BrainStation$2,900 USDIntermediate to Advanced10 weeks, Part-timeOnline
ReactJS Essentials by LinkedIn Learning$29.99 USD per monthBeginner4 hoursOnline

As you can see, the costs, levels, durations, formats, and websites for each course or certification vary. Some are more expensive than others, and some are designed for beginners while others are more advanced. It’s important to consider your own skill level, budget, and goals when choosing a ReactJS course or certification program.

8. Conclusion

Taking a ReactJS certification or course can help you boost your skills and advance your career in 2023. With the right training, you can become a skilled ReactJS developer and work on exciting projects. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, there’s a course or certification program that can help you achieve your goals. Consider the options we’ve outlined here and choose the one that best fits your needs and skill level.

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Seasoned Software Engineer specializing in React.js development. Over 5 years of experience crafting dynamic web solutions and collaborating with cross-functional teams.