What is React Fiber?
React Fiber is the codename for a complete reimplementation of React’s core reconciliation algorithm, introduced in React 16. Its primary goal is to enhance the responsiveness and perceived performance of complex React applications by providing non-blocking rendering.
Traditionally, React’s reconciliation (the process of determining changes in the Virtual DOM and reflecting those in the real DOM) could be somewhat blocking. For apps with intricate user interfaces and frequent updates, this posed a challenge as it could lead to sluggish user interactions.
Fiber addresses this by introducing the concept of incremental rendering. Instead of processing the entire component tree in one go, Fiber breaks down the reconciliation process into smaller units of work and spreads them out over multiple frames. This ensures that the main thread remains unblocked, allowing for smoother animations and interactions, even in complex applications.
Another standout feature of Fiber is its ability to prioritize different types of updates. For instance, user interactions like button clicks or input can be given higher priority than less critical updates, ensuring that the application remains responsive to user input even when there are numerous tasks queued up.
Furthermore, React Fiber lays the groundwork for exciting features like concurrent mode and suspense, which offer advanced techniques for data fetching, code splitting, and rendering optimization.
React Fiber is not something developers interact with directly in their day-to-day coding. Instead, it’s an under-the-hood enhancement that revolutionizes React’s internal mechanics, ensuring that the library remains performant and adaptable to the challenges of modern web development. With Fiber, React further solidifies its commitment to delivering smooth, responsive user experiences in web applications of any scale.